Lecturer's Employee Organization Appointments and Posting

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Transcript Lecturer's Employee Organization Appointments and Posting

• LEO Contract Information can be found on the following sites:
• LEO Website
• http://www.leounion.org/about-leo/collective-bargaining-agreement
• Other valuable LEO Information can be found on the SEHS webpage:
• http://www.umflint.edu/sehs/forms-resources#tab-leo
• There are 9 different LEO Appointments:
• LEO Lecturer I
• LEO Lecturer II
• LEO Lecturer III
• LEO Lecturer IV
• Intermittent Lecturer
• Adjunct Series
• Adjunct Professor *
• Adjunct Associate Professor *
• Adjunct Assistant Professor *
• Adjunct Lecturer
* For terms and purposes of this presentation we will not discuss these titles, as they are not commonly used in the
School of Education and Human Services*
Article XI: Appointments, Major Review and Renewal, pg. 39 of 2013-2018 contract
• Appointment is primarily for the teaching of assigned courses
• No requirement of additional duties or responsibilities. Additional duties can be
mutually agreed upon and may or may not receive compensation or be included in
review process as agreed upon by BOTH parties.
• Does not carry with it the presumption of renewal, non-reappointment results in
• Can be terminated for not meeting unit’s expectations
• If a Lecturer I successfully passes their Major Review, they are promoted to a
Lecturer II with a three year contract with the unit
Article XI:B:1 pg. 41-44 of 2013-2018 contract
• Has presumption of renewal and is primarily for the teaching and its related duties
of assigned courses.
• Can not post for a Lecturer II position
• There are no additional duties or responsibilities with this appointment
• As with the Lecturer I, additional duties can be assigned under mutual agreement
with BOTH parties. May or may not be compensated and may or may not be
included in the review process
• A Lecturer II will undergo one more major review process with a five year contract
if successful in review process.
• Lecturer IIs cannot be promoted to Lecturer IIIs through the review process. These
positions must be posted by the department, or a result of reclassification
Article XI:B:2, pg. 44-48 of 2013-2018 contract
• Appointment is for a position that includes instruction and significant ongoing
administrative or service duties with the academic unit, and/or requires a range of
instructional expertise.
• What are considered duties/service?
• Appointment can be made on an annual basis or a multi-year basis for up to but no
more than 4 years of service
• Does not carry with it the presumption of renewal or the expectation of additional
appointments, non-reappointment will result in layoff
• Can be terminated for not meeting the unit’s academic standards
• Successful completion of the first major review will result in a lecturer IV
• Article XI:B:3, pg. 48-49
• Appointment has a presumption of renewal, as with the Lecturer III position has
expectation of service and/or additional duties.
• Can not post for a Lecturer IV position
• A Lecturer IV will undergo one more major review with a 5 year appointment upon
successful completion.
Article XI:B:4, pg. 50-51 of 2013-2018 contract
• Adjunct Lecturer
• A University employee (staff) who holds a regular appointment at 50% or
greater and is appointed to teach a course or courses that are
interdependent and not separate.
• Not eligible for presumption of renewal
• Intermittent Lecturer
• One who typically teaches one or more regularly occurring courses only
one (1) semester per academic year.
• The appointment cycle is considered the “regular pattern” and not the
result of layoff due to lack of instructional/programmatic need or
budgetary support
Article XI:B:5 & 6, pg. 53-54 of 2013-2018 contract
• Stop! Questions to ask before posting:
1) Did you ask qualified lecturers with current or ongoing appointments but who do not
have a 100% appointment?
2) Did you ask lecturers currently on layoff?
3) Please consult with the Dean’s office to make determinations in #1 and #2
1) Department chairs make an informal request to the Dean to post via email only.
2) After approval the department submits to the Dean’s Office the Faculty Posting
Packet located on the UM-Flint HR website:
3) The posting should include the following information:
• Clear description of position you are posting. Class name, section number and course description
• General description of the duties
• Duration of appointment
• Expected percentage of effort
• Minimum and desired qualifications
• Expected Salary for teaching the course(s)
4) After the Dean approves the Faculty Posting Packet, the packet is returned to the
department and the department is authorized to create the posting on eRecruit.
5) The posting must be advertised on the umjobs.org website for 10 days. See Article
XXVII of the 2013-2018 LEO contract
6) After the 10 day posting requirement the department can make a hiring decision.
7) Department then presents the following forms to the Dean’s office both physically
and electronically:
• Summary of Applicants
• Candidate’s Resume
1) Department then presents the following forms to the Dean’s office both physically
and electronically:
• Summary of Applicants
• Candidate’s Resume
2) The Dean’s Office will prepare the:
• Applicant Activity Record (AAR)
• Draft contingent offer letter
3) The following documents are submitted to HR for their approval:
• Applicant Activity Record (AAR)
• Draft contingent offer letter
• Summary of Applicants
• Resume/Vita
4) Once HR approves the candidate for hire, the department is notified by the Dean’s office
to extend a verbal offer to the candidate. Prior to this approval, the department should not
engage in verbal offers with the candidates.
5) Once the candidate accepts the verbal offer, the Dean’s office does the following:
• Notifies HR that the candidate has verbally accepted the offer
• Sends out the official contract and supplemental paperwork to the candidate for them to fill out and sign
both electronically and via snail mail.
6) The candidate’s verbal acceptance also initiates the background/credential check process
which can take as long as 5-10 business days.
7) The candidate must complete the following before their hire is complete:
• The Background/Credential Check
• Sign the offer letter
• Complete the accompanying paperwork
• Complete the I-9 process with HR
8) Once these items are completed, the Dean’s Office will notify the Department, so
that the Lecturer can be added to the course and gain access to any
online/Blackboard shells.
• Reasons for departments to ask for a posting waiver:
1) A faculty member falls ill or cannot continue or finish a course assignment
in a given semester; there are no current faculty available to take over the
2) Changes in scheduling occur within two weeks of the start of a semester
and the 10 day minimum posting would not be possible.
*NOTE: Even when a posting waiver is approved, department chairs still must submit a
post request to the Dean’s Office (Faculty Posting Packet). It will go through the normal
process, but the department is able to hire someone instead of waiting for the 10 day
waiting period. The candidate must still undergo the background/credential check, fill
out the necessary forms and complete the I-9 process.
This all takes time, so in the case of an emergency hire, the department needs to
develop a contingency plan until the candidate is hired.