Kristen Lagerstedt Justin Lau Gretchen Neureuter Anthony Perna

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Transcript Kristen Lagerstedt Justin Lau Gretchen Neureuter Anthony Perna

Kristen Lagerstedt
Justin Lau
Gretchen Neureuter
Anthony Perna
Vishal Prabhu
 Database
for the University at
Buffalo Sailing Team.
 Difficulty organizing the
 Emergency Contact Information etc.
currently on paper
 The
current problem...
everything is written on paper.
 No way to retrieve this data quickly.
 Collecting information could be
 Emergency
No binder, no information
 Easy
to access information
 Easy to update.
 Storage will be more compact/ready
to use.
 Smooth transitions
 Emergency situations
 Provide contact information
 tables:
coaches, MAISA teams,
 Primary key is the team name from
the MAISA team table
 Coaches is Coach ID
 Sailors is Sailor ID
 Lookup wizard for team name(drop
down menu)
 Switchboard
is the first thing you
will see when you open this up.
 Users can open forms and reports
Forms: Coaches, MAISA teams, Sailors,
 Reports: All Sailing teams from the
United States, Female Sailors from
New York State, Male Crew Sailors,
Male crews graduating in 2011 or
2012,skippers graduating in 2013
 This
is where we will show you how
our project works...
 This
database will assist the UB
sailing team in managing its
contacts at other schools.
 It will contain records of all the
UB sailing team members.
 Having a database like the one we
have designed will help the team
stay organized and grow in the