Notes: Bacteria in Lake Houston

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Transcript Notes: Bacteria in Lake Houston

Welcome! Get ready to dive into
our next unit!
 Please get out your
permission slip and $5.
 Trip reminders:
 All day Wednesday Feb 25
 90 min boat ride on ship
channel to see the wildlife
and industry
 Check out Last Organic
 Tour of Allen’s Landing
 Where does it come
 Where does it go?
 Why does it matter?
Reading the article
Bacteria in Houston’s Waterways
Right side: New terms
 Pathogen – Organism which makes you sick (bacteria,
virus, worm, protist)
 Pollutant – something which doesn’t belong
 Source – place where a pollutant comes from
 Effect – harm caused by pollutant
Pollutant, source or effect?
 Litter
 Hypothermia
 Streets
 Horsehead pump
 Choking wildlife
 CO2
 Acid
 SOx
 Factory
 Ship channel
 Benzene
 Refinery
 Cancer
 Oil spill
Right side – two more terms
 Point Source: Easily identified location
 Non-point source: spread out, hard to tell exactly
where pollutant is coming from
Point or nonpoint?
Point or nonpoint?
Point or nonpoint?
Point or nonpoint?
Point or nonpoint?
Point or nonpoint?
Point or nonpoint?
Left Side: Cause and Effect
New Objective sheet
 Find the review concepts
 Check the calendar
Fossil Fuel Test Reteach
Switch Interactive
Carbon Cycle Jan 21
 Carbon isn’t created or destroyed – the atoms move
through the ecosystem.
 Organisms that decompose can’t become fossil fuels.
 Oil = petroleum
Oil Refinery Jan 16
 Petroleum in
 Gasoline out
Fracking Jan 20
 Only been widely used
since 2008