The Ecosystem

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5.3 Approaches to pollution management
Assessment Statements
5.3.1 Outline approaches to pollution management
with respect to the process of pollution and
strategies for reducing impact.
5.3.2 Discuss the human factors that affect the
approaches to pollution management.
5.3.3 Evaluate the costs and benefits to society of
the World Health Organization’s ban on the use of
the pesticide DDT.
5.3.1 Outline approaches to pollution management with respect
to the process of pollution and strategies for reducing impact.
The process of pollution comes
down to three stages: Human
activity producing pollutant,
Release of pollutant into
environment, Long-term impact
of pollutant on ecosystem
Strategies for reducing impact:
Of human activities releasing
pollutants – Altering human
activity through education,
incentives, and penalties to
promote: development of
alternative technologies,
adoption of alternative
lifestyles, reducing, reusing and
5.3.1 Outline approaches to pollution management with respect
to the process of pollution and strategies for reducing impact.
Of releasing the pollutant into
the environment – Regulating
and reducing the pollutant at
the point of emission by:
setting and imposing
standards, introducing
measures for extracting the
pollutant from waste emissions.
Of the long-term impact of the
pollutant on the environment –
Cleaning up the pollutant and
restoring ecosystems by:
extracting and removing the
pollutant from the ecosystem,
replanting and restocking with
animal populations.
5.3.3 Evaluate the costs and benefits to society of the World
Health Organization’s ban on the use of the pesticide DDT.
e) is a synthetic pesticide made
up of DDE and DDD used to
control typhus and malaria.
It is a persistent pesticide that
is hydrophobic and strongly
absorbed by soils. It does
however dissolve in fats, which
means it builds up in fatty
Through bioaccumulation and
then biomagnification this can
become very toxic for top
predators which get much
higher concentrations than
starting trophic levels.
5.3.3 Evaluate the costs and benefits to society of the World
Health Organization’s ban on the use of the pesticide DDT.
Human health effects
may include asthma,
diabetes, higher risk for
cancer, early pregnancy
loss, and infertility
These factors lead to the
world health
organization restricting it
to fighting malaria,
which it has been
phasing out. However
countries that stop using
it are having increased
cases of malaria.