Document 9654365

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Transcript Document 9654365

Mata kuliah : J0802 - Produk dan Merk
: 2010
Testing Produk dan Arsitektur Produk
Pertemuan 06
Tahap-tahap dalam Testing Produk
Arsitektur Produk
Implikasi dari Arsitektur Produk
Membangun Arsitektur Produk
Seven (7) steps method for Testing
Define the purpose of the concept test
Choose a survey population
Choose a survey format
Communicate the concept
Measure the Customer response
Interprete the result
Reflect on the result and the process
Step 1
The team prepare to write the questions that the team
wishes to answer with the test.
The primary questions:
• Which of several alternative concept should be pursued?
• How can the concept be improved?
• Approximately how many units are likely to be sold
• Should development be continued?
Step 2
• Choose a survey population that mirrors the target market in
as many ways as possible.
• In the actual survey, the first question are called “screeneer
questions” and the generally are used to verify that the
respondet fits the definition of the target market for the
Step 3
The following format are:
• Face to face interaction
• Telephone
• Postal mail
• Electronic Mail
• Internet
Step 4
Communicate the concept by:
• Verbal describtion
• Sketch
• Photos
• Storyboard
• Video
• Simulation
• Multimedia
Step 5
Concept test also generally attempt to mesre purchase
intent (it has five response catgegories):
Definitely would buy
Probably would buy
Might or might not buy
Probably would not buy
Definitely would not buy
Step 6: Interpret the result
Step 7: Reflect on the result and process
The team should reflect on this evidence as well as on the
numerical outcomes of its forecast
Product Architecture
The architecture of product is the secheme by which
the functional elements of the product are arranged
into physical chunk and by which the chuncks
The Physical elements of the products:
• The parts
• Components
• Subassemblies
A Modular architecture properties:
Consists of :
• Chunk implement one or a few functional elements in their
• The interaction between chunks are well defined and are
generally fundamental to the primary function of the product
Implication of the architecture:
Product change
Product variety
Component standardization
Product performance
Estabalishing the Architecture:
Create the schematic of the product
Cluster the elements of the schematics
Create arought geometric layout
Identify the fundamental and incidental interactions