Assessment for Learning: the real value of

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Seminari Nazionali
Assessment for Learning: the real value of
language testing
Data 25.10.2016
Orario 8.30-16.00
Scadenza iscrizioni 23.10.2016
A chi è rivolto Docente di lingua inglese
Seminario di formazione gratuita rivolto a docenti di lingua inglese di scuole pubbliche e private
di ogni ordine e grado.
Sede Istituto Tecnico Statale per il Turismo " A. Gentileschi"
Via Giulio Natta, 11 - 20151 Milano MI
Come raggiungere la sede
Metropolitana: M1 (linea rossa) fermata Lampugnano.
Condizioni per la partecipazione
La partecipazione è gratuita.
Il seminario è a numero chiuso e l'iscrizione online obbligatoria.
E’ possibile usufruire dell’esonero dall’insegnamento (art. 66 del vigente C.C.N.L. e artt. 2 e 3
della direttiva N. 90/2003) in quanto Trinity è un Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione –
Decreto 27.01.2001 confermato con Decreto 05.07.2005 Protocollo 1228.
08:30 - 09:30 Registration
09:30 - 09:45 Opening Announcements
09:45 - 10:45 Plenary
10:45 - 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:30 Morning Workshop I - II – III - IV
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch Break
14:30 - 16:00 Afternoon Workshop VI - VII - VIII
I. GESE Grades 1,2,3 (2-skill examination Speaking & Listening) at
CEFR level pre-A1, A1, A2.1
Trinity exams provide teachers with a motivational tool which encourages learners to develop
and progress by acknowledging small steps. All learners make progress at different paces, and
this workshop will focus on how teachers of young learners can approach and plan for a variety
of practical activities based on Trinity’s graded system, thereby ensuring that at every stage of
their students’ learning development there is an opportunity for them to mark that progress.
Throughout the session participants will be invited to experiment with tasks that will help
students prepare for successful performance in the Trinity GESE grades 1, 2 and 3 exams.
II. GESE Grades 4,5,6 (2-skill examination Speaking & Listening) at
CEFR level A2, B1
With Trinity exams learners are able to take an active role in their own learning and achieve a
sense of continuous progress which in turn motivates them towards further skill development.
The exam’s unique structure engages students in areas related to their personal interests and
experiences, which helps them to feel confident that they will perform at their best. In this
workshop, teachers will participate in a variety of engaging activities and tasks that will
encourage more natural and spontaneous communication while preparing candidates for both
the conversation and topic tasks in the GESE grades 4,5,6 exams.
III. ISE I (4-skill examination Speaking & Listening and Reading &
Writing) at CEFR level B1
Trinity’s ISE exams reflect current trends in language teaching and also support strategies such
as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). The exam tasks all reflect the kind of
activities that the learner is expected to perform in the classroom. For students to develop
communicative competence in Speaking & Listening and in Reading & Writing, classroom
activities must reflect real-life tasks that involve meaningful communication. Trinity’s ISE I at
B1 level supports the learning of the key skills required in real life communication needed for
study at school or university and later for employment. In this workshop, we will be inviting
participants to try out a number of take-away activities that can be used in the classroom to
help students develop these skills.
IV. ISE II (4-skill examination Speaking & Listening and Reading &
Writing) at CEFR level B2
Trinity’s ISE exams reflect current trends in language teaching and also support strategies such
as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). The exam tasks all reflect the kind of
activities that the learner is expected to perform in the classroom. Equally, practising the tasks
for the exam supports and advances the learning of key skills which are needed for the next
stages of study or the world beyond school. Throughout the workshop, participants will engage
in classroom activities that add a different dimension to learners’ ability to engage with written
and oral texts, while practising the full repertoire of Speaking & Listening and Reading & Writing
skills required for the Trinity’s ISE II exam at B2 level.
VI. GESE Grades 4,5,6 (2-skill examination Speaking & Listening) at
CEFR level A2, B1
Repeat of morning workshop II.
VII. ISE Foundation (4-skill examination Speaking & Listening and
Reading & Writing) at CEFR level A2
Trinity’s ISE exams reflect current trends in language teaching and also support strategies such
as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). The exam tasks all reflect the kind of
activities that the learner is expected to perform in the classroom. In this teacher training
workshop we will focus on a set of learning strategies which will help students gain confidence
in their ability to communicate in all 4 skills in English and improve their performance in the
exam tasks. Throughout the workshop, participants will also be invited to experiment with a
variety of activities that will help develop the skills that form the foundation of fluent Speaking
& Listening and Reading & Writing at A2 level.
VIII. GESE Grades 7-8-9 (2-skill examination Speaking & Listening)
at CEFR level B2
The unique tasks in Trinity’s B2 level exams impose different demands on the learner’s
speaking and listening abilities and are designed to elicit sociolinguistic and strategic skills as
well as linguistic skills. In this teacher training workshop participants will be led in a variety of
practical listening and speaking tasks that will focus on ways of developing the skills that enable
learners to use language spontaneously by not only responding appropriately but also by
initiating ‘turns’ in a conversation and controlling the direction of the interaction.