Transport Across Membranes Questions

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Transport Across Membranes

Practice Problems

What would happen to an

animal cell

if you put it in a solution with

more salt on the outside than on the inside

? Draw what it would look like.

Low [Salt] High [H 2 O] High [Salt] Low [H 2 O]

What would happen to a

plant cell

if you placed it in a solution with

more salt on the inside than the outside

? Draw what it would look like.

High [Salt] Low [H 2 O] Low [Salt] High [H 2 O]

What is happening here?

 Assume the particles in the animation are SALT.  In what direction are the salt particles moving?

 What is this process called?

In terms of


, why does a


shrivel up when you pour


on it?

What would happen to an

animal cell

if you put it in a solution with

more salt on the inside than on the outside?

Draw what it would look like.

High [Salt] Low [H 2 O] Low [Salt] High [H 2 O]

When you forget to water a plant what happens to it? What has happened to each of its cells?

Explain why


organisms cannot survive in Salem Lake (

fresh water

). DAM…

What is happening here?

   Assume the particles in the picture are

large sugars.

In what direction are the sugars moving?

What is this process called?

What would happen to a

plant cell

if you placed it in a solution with

more salt on the outside than the inside

? Draw what it would look like.

Low [Salt] High [H 2 O] High [Salt] Low [H 2 O]

Why does a high salt diet make people retain water in their bodies?

Why did people use salt to preserve meat before we had refrigeration?

A freshwater protozoan is placed in salt water. What will happen to the protozoan?

Low [Salt] High [H 2 O] High [Salt] Low [H 2 O]

Nerve cells transmit signals by moving sodium and potassium across their membranes from

low to high

concentrations. A nerve cell with no mitochondria would not be able to transmit signals. Why not?

Scientists believe that mitochondria evolved as prokaryotes that were engulfed by a eukaryotic cell. What is the name of the process where a cell “eats” an outside object without it passing through the membrane?

Prokaryotic Cell Eukaryotic Cell