ppl3o u3l1 mental health and stress management

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Transcript ppl3o u3l1 mental health and stress management

Health Unit: 3 - Mental Health and Stress
Lesson 1
October 29th, 2010
Mental Health
 Mental health was once thought to be the
absence of mental illness
 Now it refers to how you use the various aspects of
health to achieve positive feelings about yourself and
improve your ability to deal with problems.
Mental Health
 The National Association for Mental Health describes
someone with good mental health as having the
following characteristics;
1. Feels comfortable with himself or herself
2. Has good relationships with others
3. Meets the demands of life.
Assessing Your Mental Health
 Get a blank piece of paper
 Write yes , sometimes, or no to answer each
 You do not need to show anyone your
Assessing Your Mental Health
 1. Are you willing to assume responsibilities
appropriate for someone your age?
 2. Do you participate in activities appropriate to your
stage in life?
 3. Do you accept your responsibilities?
 4. Do you solve problems rather than avoid them?
 5. Do you make decisions with a minimum of worry?
 6. Do you stick with a choice you made until new
factors surface?
 7. Are you satisfied with your accomplishments?
Assessing Your Mental Health
 8. Do you recognise that thinking about a problem is
the first step in toward taking action?
 9. Do you learn from failures or defeats?
 10. Do you keep success in perspective?
 11. Do you enjoy working and enjoy playing?
 12. Do you say no to negative situations even though
they may provide temporary pleasure?
 13. Do you say yes to positive situations even though
there may be some momentary displeasure?
 14. Can you tell others when you are angry?
Assessing Your Mental Health
 15. Can you show affection?
 16. Can you endure frustration when the source cannot
be changed or eliminated?
 17. Can you make compromises in dealing with
 18. Can you concentrate and work at a single goal?
 19. Do you recognize the challenges of life?
 20. Can you develop and maintain family and intemate
Assessing Your Mental Health
 Count the number of Yeses and the number of Nos
 If you have more Yeses, you may have more
characteristics of good mental health
Emotions Are Normal
 Emotions are feelings in response to an
activity or an experience.
 They can be positive or negative
Example: Feeling angry is natural but
expressing that anger with violence is not.
 Hormones and Drugs can also alter ones
mood or emotions.
Expressing Emotions
 Expressing emotions is learned from past
 Your personal interactions and Modeling of others
You see how someone else reacts and the next time the
same situation happens to you, you react in the same
Expressing Emotions
 Expressing emotions in a positive way is an
essential skill that must be practiced and
 Example: When feeling angry, instead of hitting
something or someone. Do some strenuous exercise or
talk to someone about it.
 The feeling of strong affection or caring for
another person.
 Everyone has the need to love, and the need to be loved
by others.
 There are different types of Love.
 Romantic Love is often confused with attraction in the
adolescence years.
 The feeling of joy and well-being or
 Happiness can also be a goal that drives people – self
help books
Tips on how to be happy.
 - Recognize that you have some control in
your life
 -You are the only one who can control your
attitude and how you react.
 -Adopt a healthy lifestyle
 Have a positive attitude
 -Think about what makes you happy and
make time for those activities
Tips on how to be happy.
 Work hard at tasks you find meaningful
 Be organized, but flexible, so you can adapt
to changes as they occur in your life.
 -Establish close relationships with others
 Feeling that life experiences will be
positive (having a positive attitude)
 Optimism is a healthy emotion that affects your
physical wellbeing
 A characteristic (habitual or relatively
temporary) state of feeling that provokes
 Humour provides a way of expressing negative emotions
in a positive way.
 Laughter can boost your immune system
Fear  The feeling of danger
 Fear response – Increase heart rate, muscles tense, and
your senses become more alert.
 Staying in this state can harm your body.
 Fears are useful as they protect you from harm
 If the feeling of danger is not realistic it should be
Managing Fear
 How to deal with fear
 Self talk - Saying things to yourself in order to view a
fear more realistically
 Environmental planning - Rearrange the environment
to reduce your fear
 A strong feeling of irritation
 Anger also increases heart rate, raises blood pressure,
causes headaches and nausea
Managing Anger
 Recognize what the source of anger is.
 Others can make you angry but they do
not make you express your anger
 It is important to talk to someone
about the problem as bottling is bad for
your health.
Guilt  The feeling that you have done something
wrong or are responsible for something bad
 Guilt can be a cue to resolve a problem
Managing Guilt
 Think about what the source of guilt is.
 If you have made a mistake, correct it and the
move on.
 If the guilt seems overwhelming seek a professions
 A feeling of anxiety, loneliness, and
It can interfere with the ability to carry
out daily tasks
 affects 33% of teens
Depression - Symptoms
 Sleeping too much or too little
 - Loss of appetite
 -Feeling tired throughout the day
 - Loss of energy
 -Lack of interest or lack of ability to
 -Withdrawal from a group
Factors linked to depression
 Family History – the tendency for depression
appears to be hereditary (genes or environment?)
 Major life stresses – personal traumas – neglect,
 Physical Illness – Illness can causes depression for
multiple reasons
 Substance abuse – The dependency and guilt can
cause depression
 Gender – more likely in women
Managing Depression
 Identify what has made you depressed
 Focus on positive things in life
 Talk to a friend or professional
 Exercise – releases endorphins
Are you at risk for depression
 Write your answers on a blank piece of paper
 Do not show others your answers.
 You can also fill this out to see if you think a friend is
 Answer Yes or No
Are you at risk for depression
 1. Do you have problems concentrating or making
 2. Are you almost always tired, or do you have
problems sitting still because you are so upset
 3. Do you sleep well? Are you sleeping much more or
much less than usual?
Are you at risk for depression
 4. Have you gained or lost a significant amount of
 5. Do you find that you are no longer enjoy things that
used to make you happy?
 6. Do you feel worthless most of the time?
 7. Do you have thoughts of death?
Are you at risk for depression
 If you answered Yes to 5 or more of these questions,
please speak to a school councillor, parent, guardian,
teacher, etc.
 The feeling of wanting something that someone
else has or the fear of losing something you have.
Managing Jealousy
 Discuss your feeling with the person involved
 Jealousy that is not dealt with can lead to anger
 - The feeling of isolation or alienation
 Managing Loneliness
 Take charge - Engage in activities that will make
you part of a group.
 Make the effort to call old friends or volunteer
 The feeling of being timid or bashful
 Often people who are shy, lack self-esteem
Managing Self-esteem /
Improving Self Esteem
 Make a list of your strengths and positive traits
 Do not put yourself down. It makes you feel inferior
 Put yourself in situations with supportive people
 Do not spend time with people who make you feel bad
about yourself.
 If this cannot be avoided remember your
strengths and positive traits
 Do not be afraid to try new things and fail.
 Failures teach lessons that help you grow as a
How would you know if you are mentally healthy? I
2. List four SMART goals you can set to achieve
happiness I (2)
3. Describe some positive strategies for managing anger
I (1)
4. List four things you can do to keep from feeling
lonely I (1)