Transcript adaptations

Title and date your notebook.
What do you think?
Imagine surviving a temperature of -50°C and a blinding
snowstorm. Imagine surviving a temperature of 50°C in an
extremely dry landscape.
•How are plants and animals that live daily in these environments
adapted for survival?
Discuss this “What do you think?” question with your small group
and record your answers in your notebook. Then continue with the
slide show and answer the questions in numerical order in your
notebook. Be sure to fully explain your answers with complete
sentences! Be prepared to share with the whole class the last 20
minutes of class.
#1 Look at these photos of living animals and answer a-d in your notebook.
a. Which of these organisms are exhibiting camouflage?
b. How could this adaptation help an organism in capturing prey?
c. How could this adaptation help protect the organism from predators?
d. What other animals can you think of that use this type of adaptation for protection?
Praying Mantis
Snowshoe Hare
Some animals are not adapted to disappear into the background, but
rather stand out. Look at the pictures below and answer a-c in
your notebook.
At first glance, of what animal does each remind you?
Why would birds avoid an animal with large eyes at the front?
What advantage does this adaptation present for the moth and
Hawk Moth
Hawk Moth Caterpillar
A monarch butterfly stores bad tasting chemicals in its body that birds hate.
The viceroy butterfly also has a bitter taste. Answer a-d in your notebook.
The monarch butterfly is brightly colored. Why do you think this would be an
Would bright colors and bitter taste protect all monarch butterflies? Explain.
Compare the appearance of monarch and viceroy butterflies. Can you distinguish
between them?
How would the viceroy butterfly’s coloration be an advantage for its survival?
Monarch Butterfly
Viceroy Butterfly
Adaptations are not limited to
animals. Look closely at the
plants or plant parts shown on
this page for their adaptations
to the environment. Answer a
(below) in your notebook.
a. For each plant explain the
adaptations that you can see.
Consider the environment in which
the plants live, how they
reproduce, and how they get their
nutrients when identifying
Venus Fly Trap
Not all adaptations are structural.
Some are behavioral. Answer a-c
in your notebook.
How are the geese and the bear in
the pictures above adapted to a
change in the environmental
conditions from summer to winter?
How do other animals adapt to
environmental changes? Give at
least 2 examples.
What type of behavioral
adaptations are the sunflowers at
the right exhibiting? Hint…look
closely, what are they all doing?