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Transcript 必修二第四单元知识点

Unit 1
Cutural relics
Warming up&Reading
Language points
1. decrease vt./vi./n. 减少, 使变小或变少
The membership decreased to 150.
He decreased the speed of his car.
短语:a sharp decrease
decrease to
decrease by
decreasing adj. 减少中的, 在递减的
2. die out:
1) Elephants would die out soon if men
were allowed to shoot as many as they
wish. 灭绝, 绝种
2) Many old customs are dying out.
3)The fire died out in the end.
die away: (声音、风、光线等)逐渐减弱/模糊
He hid behind the door until the footsteps
had died away.
die off:
一一死去; 先后死去
The members of the family had all died off
for no reason.
die down:(声音,光等)消失, 熄灭, 平静下来
Although the wind has died down, the rain
remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.
die from
而造成的死亡, 指死于外因。
die of
死亡, 指死于内因。
be dying for 很想要, 渴望
be dying to do 很想做某事
1) Whales will die ____,
out if we don’t
protect them.
2) Nowadays every woman is dying for
fair skin.
3) The trees are dying ___
off because of
the drought.
die away in the
4) The sound of the car ________
of cancer
5) About 10 million people die ___
every year.
died from drinking dirty
6) The old man _________
died down a bit.
7) His anger has _________
3. endanger vt. 使…遭受危害 ,危及
Smoking endangers health.
in danger (of ) 处于危险之中
The patient is in danger (of losing his legs).
out of danger 脱离危险
endangered adj. 濒危的
dangerous adj. 危险的
拓展:in+ n.
in turn
in return
in trouble
in vain(徒然的) in time
in need
A of losing his
I hear Tim once was ___
life, but now he is ___.
in danger, out of danger
in the danger, out of danger
C. in danger , out of dangerous
D. in danger, out of the danger
4. loss n. 损失, 遗失, 丧失
1) Have you reported the loss of the
technical papers about the new
product to the police? 丢失, 遗失
2) His unfortunate death was a great
loss to the company. 损失
3) That company suffered heavy loss
in business last year. 亏损
be at a loss 困惑, 不知所措
I was at a complete loss as to find the money
in time.
She was at a loss for an answer.
that’s your/their loss
Well, if he doesn’t want to come it’s his loss.
lose vt.失去;错过;遗失
be lost in thought 想得出神,陷入沉思
get lost 迷路
5. reserve
1) n: nature reserve
We have large reserve of oil. 储备/存
2) vt:
You’d better reserve some money
for future need. 保留
I’d like to reserve a table for two.
6. hunt
1) He likes hunting very much. v. 打猎
2) We’ve been hunting for the lost
boy all over. v. 搜索
3) It was an exciting hunt, but the
fox escaped.
n. 打猎
4) He is on the hunt for a better job.
n. 搜寻
hunter 猎人 huntress 女猎人
a hunting dog 猎狗
a hunting ground 狩猎场
hunt for 寻找,猎寻
go hunting 去打猎
hunt for: search for 寻找; 搜寻
The tiger is hunting for a rabbit in the forest.
7. in peace 平静的; 安静的
at peace 休战, 和睦相处
in peace in the country.
I live ________
at peace
The two nations are now ________.
All Iraq people look forward to living
in peace
B now, but
The two countries are ____
they used to be at war.
A. in peace
B. at peace
make peace (with) 讲和; 重新和好
8. long adj. 长的, 长期的
vi. 热望, 渴望
long for + n. 渴望; 羡慕
We’re all longing for peace.
Children are always longing for holidays.
long to do 渴望做某事
We’re longing to go home.
I’m longing to see you again.
So long. 再见!(See you!)
9. respond vi. 回答, 响应, 做出反应
(与介词to 连用)
He didn’t respond to my question.
His illness didn’t respond to treatment by drugs.
response n. 回答, 响应, 反应
in response to 作为对...的反应/回应
He smiled in response to my suggestion.
=He responded to my suggestion with a smile.
reply to
10. in relief 如释重负; 松了口气
She says she is all right,which makes me
happy in relief.
relief n. (焦虑、恐惧、痛苦等的)减轻;
缓解; 宽慰; 减轻痛苦的事物; 救济(品)
It was a great relief to find they’re safe.
The government sent relief to people who
lost their homes in the earthquake.
(much) to one’s relief=to one’s (great) relief
To my relief ,they arrived safely and soundly.
11. mercy n. 仁慈; 慈悲; 宽恕; 怜悯
对某人怜悯、仁慈 show mercy to sb
have mercy on sb
They showed mercy to their enemies.
at the mercy of 任…处置; 无能为力
The ship was at the mercy of the storm.
without mercy 毫不留情地, 残忍地
12. certain adj. 确定的,有把握的 (sure);
某一, 某种, 某些 (some)
For certain reasons /a certain reason, he won't come.
He’s certain to pass the exam.
=It’s certain that he’ll pass the exam.
be certain of / that 确信, 深信
be certain to do
必然; 一定 (主语可以是人或物)
for certain 肯定地, 确凿地
make certain of .../ that +句子 确信,保证,把...弄清楚
It is certain that ....
(此句型中的表语certain 不能被同义词sure 替换)
We must make certain of facts.
Make certain that you will attend my birthday party.
He is certain of his success in the election.
I am certain that you'll succeed.
It is certain that two and two makes four.
Nobody know for certain what kind of man he is.
Spring is sure/certain to follow winter.
13. contain (强调内容或内含物/成分)
vt. 包含, 容纳, 容忍, 克制(强烈的感情)
The book contains lots of colorful pictures. 包含; 含有
The hall can contain 3000 people. 容纳
He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself.
控制; 容忍
include vt. 包括 (强调范围上的包括在内)
Tsinghua University includes many colleges.
例句:The album contains forty pictures,
including ten of my brother’s.
或 ten of My brother’s included.
1.The album ______
twelve songs in all,
______ many classics.
A includes; including
B. contains; included
C. includes; included
D. contains; including
2.Six people were invited to his party,
included .
me _________
14. appreciate vt.
1) 感激; 感谢
I appreciate your help.
2) 鉴赏; 欣赏; 赏识
Can you appreciate good wine?
3) 察觉; 意识到
We appreciate the danger ahead.
appreciate (one's) doing sth 感激/欣赏某人做某事
I would appreciate it if... 如果......我将不胜感激
I’ll appreciate it if you help me with my English.
D in our daily life.
None of us appreciate ____
A. making fun of
B. to make fun of
C. to be made fun of D. being made fun of
15. succeed 1) vi. 成功
The plan has succeeded.
Have you succeeded in (passing) the exam?
=Have you managed to pass the exam?
succeed in doing sth =manage to do sth
2) vt. 继承(某人)
He’ll succeed his father as manager of the shop.
succeed sb as/to be 接替某人成为…
短 语:
an endangered species
burst into laughter / out laughing突然大笑起来
a thick rainforest 茂密的雨林
protect...from... 保护...不受...(伤害)
pay attention to (to为介词) 注意,关注
catch/draw/attract one's attention to
focus/fix/concentrate one's attention on/upon
do harm to=be harmful to 对...有害
on the earth 在地球上
long before
before long
come into being 形成,产生
live on
according to 根据...
have an effect/impact/influence on 对...有影响
side effect