Transcript 倒装

倒 装 结 构
英语句子的自然语序是“主语 + 谓语”。
一、 全 部 倒 装
1.there be句型, 其中be动词有时可exist, live, stand, lie,
seem, appear,remain, happen 等词代替(全部倒装)
1) There is an experienced teacher and many lovely
students in the classroom.
2) There lay a winding brook in front of an old house.
2.方位词in, out, there, here, inside, outside, up, down,
away, off, downstairs, upstairs等以及now, then放在
句首时,谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run等,
to sweep
the floor.
1) Now
flew the
I bought
Away they went. (=They went away.)
“What’s up, Tom?” asked Mother.
“The car is mine,” said Tom.
“The car is mine,” he said.
1)They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of
which sat a small boy.
2)Nearby were the canoes in which they had
come to the island.
需要,将表语提前。 (全部倒装)
1. Inside the pyramid are the burial rooms
for the kings and queens.
2. Gone are the days when we are enslaved.
3. Present at the meeting are ten famous writers.
4. Among the children was an old man.
1. Such was not his intention.
2. Such are the facts.
二、 部 分 倒 装
Shall everything be ready before you arrive?
What can I do for you?
Who can work it out?
How many students have read this book?
2.用于省略if的虚拟条件从句中,should / were /
had 被放在句首。(部分倒装)
1)Had I not adopted my class teacher’s advice, I
would have made such a serious mistake.
2)Were she you, she would tell her parents the truth.
3) Should I earn money, I should live better.
3、so, as, neither, nor, no more 位于句首,表示前面的
Tom can speak French. So can Jack.
If you won't go, neither will I.
-- Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother?
-- I don't know, _____.
A. nor don't I care
B. nor do I care
C. I don't care neither
D. I don't care also
Tom asked me to go to play football
and so I did.
“It's raining hard.” “So it is.”
4. 含有否定意义的副词或连词置于句首,如hardly,
rarely, seldom, scarcely, barely, never, not, few, little,
neither, nor, not only, hardly…when, in no case,
by no means, no sooner…than, many a time, often 等。
1)Not until the 19th century was the written
examination probably known.
2)Not only was everything he had taken away from,
but also his German citizenship.
3)Not a single mistake did he made.
4)Hardly had I reached the bus stop when
the bus started.
1. Hardly anyone believe that today.
2. Not only you but also she has been to Beijing.
3. Neither the girls nor John is to blame.
I have never seen such a performance.
注意2: 如否定词不在句首不倒装,例如:
1. Not only is she a good singer, but also
she is a good dancer.
2. Neither did he watch TV nor did he go to
the cinema.
3. Not until it is dark will we come home.
5.only + 状语(副词、介词短语、状语从句)放在
句首时。 (部分倒装)
1)Only then did I realize the value of reading aloud
every morning.
2)Only by means of talking can we avoid
misunderstanding each other.
3)Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to
get happily back to work.
6.“so /such +表语/状语 + that从句”结构中的
so 或such引导的表语/状语放在句首时。
1)So frightened was she in the darkness that she
didn’t dare to move at all.
2)Such a lovely child is he that all of us love him.
3)So hurriedly did she leave that she forgot
to switch off the lights.
7.用于形容词(名词/动词)+ as/though
1)Proud as they are, they are afraid to see us.
2)Child as he is, he knows a lot.
( A small child as he is, he knows a lot.)
3) Try hard as they would, they could not lift the box.
4) Youngest as he is in our class, his pronunciation
is the best.
8. 用于表示祝愿和祝福之类的句子中。
1)May you succeed / be happy!
2) Long live the People’s Republic of China!
1.Not until all the fish died in the river_____ how
serious the pollution was.
A.did the villagers realize B.the villagers realize
C.the villagers did realize
D.didn’t the villagers realize
2.It was not until 1920____ regular radio broadcasts
3.I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in
all my life_____ so happy.
A.did I feel
B.I felt
C.I had felt
D.had I felt
4. — Why can't I smoke here?
— At no time _______ in the meeting-room.
A. is smoking permitted
B. smoking is permitted
C. smoking is it permitted
D. does smoking permit
5.No sooner _______ than it began to rain heavily.
A. the game began
B. has the game begun
C. did the game begin D. had the game begun
6. — Do you know Tom bought a new car?
— I don't know, _______.
A. nor don't I care
C. I don't care neither
B. nor do I care
D. I don't care also
7._____ can you expect to get a pay rise.
A.With hard work
B.Although work hard
C.Only with hard work D.Now that he works hard
8.Now____ Sally’s turn to keep guard.
A.there is going C.has come D.comes
9.Not only_____ polluted but_____ crowded.
A.was the city; were the streets
B.the city was; were the streets
C.was the city; the streets were
D.the city was; the streets were
10.So___ that no fish can live in it.
A.the lake is shallow B.shallow the lake is
C.shallow is the lake the lake shallow
11.Little_____ about his own safety, though he
was in great danger himself.
A.does he care
B.did he care
C.he cares
D.he cared
12.Was it in 1969_____ the American astronaut
succeeded ____ landing on the moon.
A.when; on B.that; on C.when; in D.that; in
13.______ for the free tickets, I would not have
gone to the films so often.
A.If it is not
B.Were it not
C.Had it not been
D.If they were not
14.---David has made great progress recently.
---_____, and______ .
A.So he has; so you have
C.So has he; so have you
B.So he has; so have you
D.So has he; so you have
15.Here ____the good news for every man and
every woman who ____in the town.
A. is ; live
B. is; lives
C. are; live
D. are; lives
1. Review Version
2. Finish English weekly