The Phoenicians and the Lydians

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The Phoenicians and the
Their contributions to history
The Phoenicians and Trade
Not much farming land and few natural
Traded cedar wood for food and supplies
Skilled ship builders and Masters of
Navigation (used the North Star as a
Sailed across Mediterranean Sea to trade
Built colonies around Mediterranean Sea
Carthage – 814 BCE
Phoenicians and the Alphabet
Borrowed from the Egyptians
Cut it to 22 letters
Each letter stood for single consonant
Made it easier to learn to write
No longer limited to scribes
Greeks then borrowed this alphabet,
which in turn became our alphabet
Alphabet Family Tree
Lydians and Coined Money
Northwest of Phoenicia
(Current Day Turkey)
First people to use coined
money put out by the
All coins were same
weight, so they had the
same value
Allowed traders to set
Set up a money economy
instead of bartering and
weighing silver