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Old Navy Tries to Get a New
By Natalie Zmuda
Greg Schwartz
Sara Gordon
Old Navy in the Past
• Sales in a steady decline since
• Retailer known for touting
fashions for the whole family.
• Commercials used catchy
songs and lyrics.
• Used dog and old woman to
promote brand in many
The “New” Old Navy
• Mr. Cape, exec-VP of marketing for Old Navy is
spending $225 million for their new advertising
• Targeting mainly women in their 20’s.
• “We are very connected to the 20-somethings.
We’re everywhere they are , and our ultimate
goal is to speak to them, in their language, where
they are.” – Mr. Cape
Fashionable, Young, and Sexy
• New web-site showing the modern and
fashionable side.
• “Episodes” running about a minute long,
targeting the women in their 20’s.
• Coming out with new “Episodes” once a month.
• February – “Urban Safari”
• March – “Palm Beach”
• April – “Surf Motif”
Relating to the Text
• Direct Marketing: Interactive, database driven
marketing communication process that uses a
range of media to motivate a response from
customers and prospects.
TV – new episodes
Direct Mail – coupons and print ad
Radio – new commercials
Internet – new “modern, and fashionable” website.
• http://adage.com/article.php?article_id=12492
• http://www.oldnavy.com/
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph9x0dDT
• http://images.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en