chapter three - peril at penrith

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Transcript chapter three - peril at penrith

Chapter Two - Review

On page 26, Geoffrey uses foreshadow. Explain the line that foreshadows future events.

Who comes looking for Peter and why?

Why is Peter’s hat so important to the plot?

Why did Peter’s father keep pushing the fact that Peter needed to leave home for a while? Do you think his father was treating the situation worse than it actually was?

What advice was Peter’s mother giving him? Would you have done what she suggested, or what Peter’s father suggested? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

“Peril at Penrith”

Chapter Three

• Tarn (p. 33): a small mountain lake or pool • Ramparts (p. 34): a wide bank of earth build around a fort to help defend it

• Turret (p. 34): a small tower at the corner of a building

• Trestle (p. 40): a frame used as a support

• Magistrate (p. 43) – a judge


• Peter wants to wait until night to travel to Penrith so he goes to the Stronghold to hide. The Stronghold was a place where Peter and his friends used to play war games.

• Peter arrives in Penrith on market day so the town is full of people. Peter tries to find a job but has no luck.

• Peter runs into a neighbor, Tam Burney. Tam tells Peter not to go to Scotland because Sir Philip is expecting him to go there.

• To take his mind off his troubles, Peter goes to see a play. While he is there, he sees Sir Philip. Sir Philip chases Peter. Peter escapes by hiding in a wooden chest.

Questions - Answer in complete 1.



What did you learn about Peter’s character in this chapter? What is a “peel”?

3. Why was Peter so concerned about staying at the stronghold until dark?

4. Who does Peter meet unexpectedly at the market? What purpose does this character serve in this chapter?

5. Why do you think Peter was hostile towards Tam Burney?

6. What happened when Peter asked the traveling merchants if they needed a boy to help them?

7. How did Peter decide to take his mind off his homesickness?

8. On page 37, the narrator describes the physical layout of the city. Why was the city constructed in this way?

9. How do you think Peter felt when he saw Sir Philip Morton enter into the inn yard? Would you have acted the same way Peter did when he spotted Sir Philip Morton? Why or why not?