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이기적인 파이널
100분 특강
(어법 총정리-2)
Katie Kim 샘
능률 (찬) 1-7과 (Zoom In on Korea) 어법
공부할 내용
2. 각 유형별 실전 풀이
(인수 1,2 수능특강, 수능완성에서 변형 지문
1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
수능완성 유형 1강 3번
In one experiment, a set of children making paper flowers
① were told theirs would be judged. ② Another group was
simply left to create. Who made the more creative patterns ?
The children who did not expect they would be externally
evaluated. In another experiment, preschoolers who ③ were
promised a "good player award" if they played with a magic
marker to complete a task ④ shifting from playing with the
marker creatively to playing only as a means toward the reward.
Similarly, in several studies of employees, those given
task-based financial incentives (beyond their salary) made
less creative decisions than those ⑤ whose compensation
was not linked to achieving specific tasks. If employers are
trying to increase productivity, task-based incentives are
useful. If they are trying to encourage innovation, money
is not what speaks.
2. (A), (B), (C) 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것은?
수능특강 11강 3번
Scientific experiments should be designed to show that
your hypothesis is wrong, and should be conducted
completely objectively with no possible subjective influence
on the outcome. Unfortunately (A) [few / little], if any,
scientists are truly objective. They have often decided long
before the experiment is begun (B) [that / what] they
would like the result to be.
This means that very often bias is (unintentionally)
introduced into the experiment, the experimental
procedure or the interpretation of results. It is all too easy
to justify to yourself why an experiment which does not
fit with your expectations should be ignored, and why one
which provides the results you ‘hoped for' (C) [is / are]
the right one. This can be partly avoided by conducting
experiments 'blinded' and by asking others to check
your data or repeat experiments.
3. (A), (B), (C) 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것은?
인터넷 수능 13강 2번
Hamlet's claim that "there is nothing either good or bad
but thinking makes it so" is largely, but not entirely,
accurate. The fact that what we choose to focus on
- our perception - (A) [matter / matters] so much
does not mean that just anybody can find happiness
in any situation. For example, there are people who,
regardless of their focus, will not derive meaning and
pleasure from investment banking or from teaching.
Of course there are also certain circumstances people find
themselves in - stuck in an oppressive workplace,
an oppressive relationship, or an oppressive country for
that matter - that (B) [make / makes] the possibility of
finding happiness extremely (C) [difficult / difficultly].
Happiness is a product of the external as well as of the
internal, of what we choose to pursue as well as of what
we choose to perceive.
4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
수능완성 실전 2회 21번
Our traditions encourage us to think of justice as a matter
of equal opportunities for every individual ① to pursue
whatever he or she understands by happiness.
Equal opportunities are guaranteed by fair laws and
political procedures - laws and procedures applied
in the same way to everyone.
But this way of thinking about justice does not in itself
contain a vision of ② what the distribution of goods
in a society ③ would end up looking like if individuals
had an equal chance to pursue their interests.
Thus, there could be great disparities in the income given
to people in different occupations in a just society
so long as everyone had an equal chance of getting
a well-paid job.
But if, as is now becoming painfully apparent, there are
more qualified applicants than openings for the interesting
job, is equal opportunity enough to assure justice?
What of the socially disadvantaged ④ whom a fair race
is beyond reach since they ⑤ are left well short of
the starting line?
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