Transcript 로드킬

 RoadKill?
 로드킬 실태
 해외(호주)
 국내
 로드킬 대처방안
 해외(미국, the Wildlife Foundation )
 국내
야생동물이 차량에 치여
죽는 것을 뜻하는 말
해외 로드킬 실태 (cont.)
 호주
• 인구 분포가 높은 NSW(New South
Wales)주에서는 하루에 약 7000여 마
리의 야생 동물들이 로드킬로 죽어감
• 로드 킬이 주로 발생하는 시간대는
야간(약 54%)과 새벽(10%)
• 동물들이 밤과 새벽 사이에 자동차
불빛을 보면 도로 위로 넘어오는 경우
가 많음
해외 로드킬 실태
 호주
• 배달 시간에 쫓기는 화물 트
럭 운전자들의 빡빡한 스케줄
은 화물 차량의 과속을 유발시
켜 로드킬을 더욱 조장
• 호주는 요즘 인구 장려 정책
으로 외부 인구 유입이 크게
늘어나고 인간의 거주지 역시
점점 자연 속으로 크게 확대가
되자 로드킬 발생률 역시 급격
하게 증가
국내 로드킬 실태
 대구, 경북 지역
 지난해 42종 544마리의 야생동물이 로드킬로 희생
(07.01.04. 대구환경청 발표)
 포유류가 전체의 47%인 259마리로 가장 많았고 조류
45.9%(250마리), 양서류 4.5%(25마리), 파충류 1.8%(10마
리) 등의 순으로 집계됨
대처 방안
• 경남도 의회는 올해 초 의원
발의로 ‘경상남도 지방도상 야
생동물 등의 충돌방지 및 사체
처리 등에 관한조례’ 일명 로드
킬 조례를 제정 및 시행
• 지방국도상에서 자동차와 충
돌해 사망한 야생동물이나 가
축사체 등을 최초로 신고할 경
우 5000원, 처리까지 할 경우 1
만원의 포상금이 지급
• 경남도내에서의 야생동물 관
련 교통사고는 98년 105건에서
99년 158건, 2000년 254건,
2001년 429건, 2002년 577
건,2003년 940건, 2004년
2436건으로 매년 급증하고 있
는 추세
 In 1994, the Wildlife Foundation launched a multifaceted roadkill reduction campaign, designed to
reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions and promote safe
wildlife movement.
 The program began by compiling all available
wildlife-vehicle collision data for Teton County.
What is the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation?
 We are a local conservation group working to promote ways
for our community to live compatibly with wildlife in Jackson
 Most work is tackled on a project basis and we work closely
with agencies and volunteers in the community to identify a
problem and devise concrete ways to make a difference that
is beneficial to wildlife.
The majority of the state is dominated by the
mountain ranges and rangelands of the Rocky
Mountain West.
 Though not every collision is preventable, by being
aware of wildlife crossing areas and driving
cautiously with wildlife in mind- each of us can
help reduce the loss of wildlife.
 Beyond individual action, what can we as a
community do to protect our wintering wildlife?
 Since 1994 the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation
has conducted a road kill reduction campaign, part
of which has been mobilizing volunteers to help
keep track of and identify high roadkill crossing
 The report identifies hotspots for wildlife-vehicle
collisions, critical wildlife habitat and migration
corridors, key characteristics of crossing areas,
and recommended mitigation options.
 Roads create significant obstacles to wildlife
movement and fragment important wildlife habitat.
Wider roads with more and faster traffic become
even greater barriers.
 As our population grows there is ever more traffic,
requiring more lanes on major highways and
additional roads in the valley. Unless effective
mitigation measures are included in highway
design and road location, the rate of wildlifevehicle collisions will steadily increase as animals
are faced with wider, busier roads.
 The next step in addressing this problem is
implementing the recommendations of the roadway
study report by incorporating highway design
modifications that will reduce the chances for
collisions with wildlife and allow for safe wildlife
 In order to do so, we are working with local
government, the Wyoming Department of
Transportation, and other agencies to develop a
demonstration project proposed for two roadkill
"hotspots" in Teton County. The selected locations
are: West Broadway in Jackson, and the "Vogels
Hill" section of Highway 22 west of Jackson.
 We are currently researching the best possible
options for mitigating wildlife collisions in these
areas, including wildlife-warning systems, the use
of electronic messaging signs to warn motorists
and longer term planning for crossing structures
such as underpasses. Public support will be
essential to bring these projects to fruition.
Driving tips to avoid collisions with wildlife:
 The eyes of deer, elk and other wildlife actually
shine (or reflect back) in vehicle headlights,
allowing drivers to see their eyes in the darkness.
Keep on the lookout for animals along the road at
 You are more likely to encounter wildlife on
highways prior to a storm and on days where there
is fresh snow on the roads. Be sure to drive slowly
during these road conditions.
 If you see one elk or deer along the roadway, you
are likely to see more since they tend to travel in
groups, not individually. They also follow the same
migration and feeding travel routes each year, so
when you see one dead animal expect to see more.
The Skyline Hill on highway 89, just northwest of
town is a frequent crossing place for elk and deer.
 If you hit an animal, call the Sheriff's office or the
Wyoming Game and Fish Department and help
prevent needless suffering.
 To avoid hitting wildlife with your vehicle, you must
always watch the sides of the road and be on the
alert for animals trying to cross. Be aware of the
"hot spots" in the valley and be particularly alert in
those areas.
 Wildlife are most active and most often seen on
the road at dawn and dusk, in their search for food
and water. These poor lighting conditions affect
your ability to see animals attempting to cross the
road, so it’s very important to slow down at these
times of day. The greatest numbers of deer are
killed by automobiles at dusk and dawn. The
majority of elk and moose are killed at night.
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