Document 7934976

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Transcript Document 7934976

War of 1812
& Consequences
American Trade Expands
France & Britain Go to War
Impressment of American Sailors
Clashes with Native Americans
Britain captures American sailors &
forces them to join British navy in fight
against France
US passes an embargo to punish
Britain bypasses embargo by trading
with Latin America
Native American Troubles
Western expansion encroaches on
land promised to Native Americans
Tecumseh forms a confederacy with
fellow tribes and allies with Britain
The Prophet, brother of Tecumseh,
urges Native Americans to return to
ancient customs
Democratic-Republican War Hawks
urge war with Britain
Expand land into Canada
Defeat remaining N. Americans
Federalist push for war against France
Napoleon dupes Americans by reneging
on treaty to end shipping seizures
Mr. Madison’s War
British navy blockades the coast (1812)
Perry defeats British on Lake Eerie (1813)
Harrison defeats British and N. American forces at
Battle of Thames (1813)
British burn Washington DC, Americans recapture
the city & defeat British at Ft. McHenry (1814)
Americans win Battle of Lake Champlain (1814)
Jackson defeats British in New Orleans (1815)
USS Constitution
(Old Ironsides)
Treaty of Ghent (1814)
No existing borders changed
Battle of New Orleans (fought after
treaty) brings America foreign respect
Federalists fade away
Perceived victory spawns Nationalism
Battle of New Orleans