Document 7541766

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Transcript Document 7541766

Ship sinks in Russia
• A Chinese cargo(货船) ship was involved in an
accident at sea last Sunday near Russia’s
Vladivostok(海参崴). 3 Chinese crew members
were rescued and 7 others were missing, the
Foreign Ministry said Wednesday. The ministry
didn’t mention the cause of the incident, saying
rescue efforts and an investigation are ongoing.
According to Russian media, the ship was fired
on by the Russian navy before it sank. Rescuers
have found 5 bodies and there is little chance for
the missing sailors to be still alive, the latest
reports said Thursday.
3D crossings adopted
• Taizhou, a city in Zhejiang, recently stuck
stripes alternately in blue, white, and yellow
colors on the main city streets' zebra crossings
to create a 3-dimensional effect on the road
surface. The improved zebra crossings
provided a strong visual signal to drivers. This
is the 1st time a Chinese city has adopted such
zebra crossings.
Stadium's future outlined
• Citic Group(中信集团) said Friday it
will develop the National Stadium into an
entertainment and shopping complex(综
合体) in 3 to 5 years. The "Bird's Nest"
will also actively hold sports events and
entertainment performances, said the
company, adding that it seeks to further
promote the brand of the stadium.
【Language Tips】
'A dog in the manger'
• Don't be a dog in the manger;
lend your bicycle to him since
you will not go out this afternoon.
British pub culture
Pub culture is designed to promote
sociability in a society known for its
reserve.(保守) In most British pubs,
you have to go to the bar to buy
drinks. Standing at the bar for service
allows you to chat with others waiting
to be served. The bar counter is
probably the only site in Britain where
friendly conversation with strangers
is considered appropriate.
Besides, if you are in a big group, it is
best if only one or two people go to
buy the drinks. Nothing irritates
(make someone angry) the regular
customers and bar staff more than a
gang of strangers blocking all access
to the bar while chatting about what
to order.