Chapter 10 Information Systems Management

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Transcript Chapter 10 Information Systems Management

Chapter 10
Information Systems Management
Information Systems Department
Plan the Use of IT
Manage Computing Infrastructure
Manage Enterprise Applications
Data Administration
Users Rights and Responsibilities
Discussion and Case Study
Information Systems Department
• Plan the use of IT to accomplish
organizational goals and strategy
• Develop, operate, and maintain the
organization’s computing infrastructure
• Develop, operate, and maintain enterprise
• Protect information assets
• Manage outsourcing relationships
Information Systems Department
Chief information officer (CIO)
Data administration
– Protect data and information assets
– Establishing data standards and data management practices and polices
Technology (CTO)
– Investigate new information systems technologies
– Determines how the organization can benefit from new IT
– Manage the computing infrastructure (individual computers, computer centers,
networks, and communications media)
– Monitor the user experience and respond to user problems
– Create new information systems
– Maintaining existing information systems
Outsourcing relations
– negotiate agreements with other companies to provide equipment, applications,
or other services
Organization Chart
Plan the Use of IT
• Align information systems strategy with organizational
– Accomplish organizational goals and objectives
• CIO: communicate IS issues to the executive group
– Provide the IS perspective of problems solutions, proposals, and
new initiatives
• Develop Priorities and enforce within the IS department
– Prioritize IS project given the constraints of time and budget
• Sponsor Steering Committee: meeting schedule and
– Managers from the major business functions
– A forum for users to express their needs, frustrations, and other
– Set the IS priorities and decide among major IS projects and
Manage Computing Infrastructure
• Mirror IS infrastructure with the organizational structure
– Centralized and controlled information systems for centralized
– Decentralized information systems for decentralized organization
to facilitate autonomous activity
• Tasks
– Create and maintain infrastructure for end-user computing
– Create, operate, and maintain networks
– Create, operate, and maintain data centers, data warehouses,
and data marts
– Establish technology and product standards for easy
management and avoiding incompatibility
– Track problems, prioritize services, and monitor resolutions for
– Manage computing infrastructure staff (hiring, training, etc.)
IS Operation Group
Manage Enterprise Applications
• Software programs span more than one
– ERP, EAI, SCM, and other inter department
• Tasks
– New applications development (approved by steering
– System maintenance (fixing problems, maintaining
legacy system implementing new requirements,
monitoring resolutions)
– Enterprise application integration
– Staff management (sustaining developers and new
application developers, product quality assurance
(PQA) engineers, technical writers )
IS Development Group
Data Administration
• Database administration: a particular database
• Data administration: entire data assets of an
– Define organizational data standard or metadata:
name, official definition, usage, relationship to other
data items, processing restrictions, version, security
code, format, owner, and other features
– Maintain data dictionary
– Define dynamic data policies (data administrator,
senior executives, the legal department, functional
department managers, and others)
– Plan disaster-recovery
• The process of hiring another organization to perform a
• Benefits
– Management
• Obtain expertise
• Avoid management problems
• Free up management time
– Cost Reduction
• Obtain part time services
• Gain economies of scale
– Risk reduction
• Cap financial risk
• Improve quality
• Reduce implementation risk
• International outsourcing issues
Outsourcing Alternatives
• Acquisition and operation of computer
• Acquiring licensed software
• Outsource entire system
• Web storefront
• Entire business function
Outsourcing Problems
• Lost of control
Intellectual capital
Wrong priority
Vendor internal change
CIO superfluous
• Benefits outweighted by long term costs
High unit cost
De-facto sole source
Not get what you are pay for
• No easy exit
– No critical knowledge employee
– Expensive and risky to change vendor
User Rights
Computer resources to proficiently perform work
Reliable network and Internet connections
A secure computing environment
Protection from virus
Define requirements for new system
Reliable systems development and maintenance
Prompt attention to problems, concerns and complaints
Properly prioritized problem fixes and resolutions
Effective Training
User Responsibilities
• Learn basic computer skills
• Learn standard techniques and procedures for using
• Follow security and backup procedures
• Protect password
• Use computer resource according organization policies
• No unauthorized hardware modifications
• Install authorized software
• Apply software patches and fixes
• Actively participate in defining the requirements for new
• Avoid reporting trivial problems
• Ethics (309a-b)
– State your response to each of the questions in page
– State the best corporate policy for the personal
computer usage at work place.
• Opposing Forces (321a-b)
– State the best corporate policy for outsourcing the IT.
• Reflections (325a-b)
– State benefits and risks on the international
outsourcing for the U.S business.
Case Study
• Case 10-1 Marriott International, Inc. (330331): 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Points to Remember
Information Systems Department
Plan the Use of IT
Manage Computing Infrastructure
Manage Enterprise Applications
Data Administration
Users Rights and Responsibilities
Discussion and Case Study