Cells Topic 2

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Topic 2

Cell Theory

Schleiden, Schawnn, and Virchow Three components: (1) All living things are made of cells.

(2) (3) Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living organisms.

Cells come from other cells.

Cells are microscopic

      Most cells can’t be seen without a microscope Smallest cells are bacteria with diameters as small as .2 um. The bulkiest cells are bird eggs Longest human cells are certain muscle and nerve cells.

Most plant and animal cells (10 to 100 um)are ten times larger than most bacteria Refer to figure 4.2A on p. 54

Surface area to volume ratio of cells

 The max. size of a cell is influenced by its requirement for enough surface area to obtain adequate nutrients and oxygen from the environment and dispose of wastes.

 Cells must be very tiny to ensure the surface area is much larger than the volume for efficiency in a cell.

Prokaryotic Cells

       Bacteria and Archaebacteria Very small cells, can only be seen with electron microscope Range from 1 to 10 um in length, about 1/10 the size of a eukaryotic cell Lack a nucleus and membrane bound organelles.

DNA is coiled in a nucleoid Have ribosomes, cell wall, capsule, pili, and flagella Reproduce asexually via binary fission

Prokaryotic cells

Cell Wall

Protects the cell and gives it shape


Surrounds the cell wall and further protects the cell surface


Short projections used to attach bacteria to each other


Longer projections used for movement


Synthesize proteins

Eukaryotic Cells

 Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals  Have nucleus and membrane-bound organelles  Much larger and more complex than prokaryotic cells.

 Reproduce sexually and asexually

Eukaryotic Organelles General Function: Manufacturing


 Control center of cell; contains most of the cell’s DNA 


 Location where ribosomes are synthesized 

Nuclear pore

 Allows RNA to move in and out of nucleus


 Protein synthesis 

Rough ER

 Comprised of a network of tubes and flattened sacs.

 Continuous with plasma membrane and nuclear membrane  Site of protein synthesis (consists of ribosomes)

Eukaryotic Organelles General Function: Manufacturing

Smooth ER

 Site of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism  No ribosomes 

Golgi Apparatus

 Connected with ER; flattened disc-shaped sacs, stacked one on top of the other  Modification, storage, and packaging of proteins.

 “tags” proteins so they go to the correct destination.


Eukaryotic Organelles General Function: Breakdown

 Digestion of nutrients, bacteria, and damaged organelles; destruction of certain cells during embryonic development 


 Diverse metabolic processes with breakdown of H 2 O 2 by-product 


 Digestion (like lysosomes); storage of chemicals, cell enlargement; water balance

Eukaryotic Organelles General Function: Energy Processing


 Conversion of light energy to chemical energy of sugars (site of photosynthesis) 


 Conversion of chemical energy of food to chemical energy of ATP  “Power House” of cell  Bound by double membrane

Eukaryotic Organelles General Function: Support, Movement, and Communication

Cytoskeleton (including cilia, flagella, and centrioles in animal cells)

 Maintenance of cell shape; anchorage for organelles; movement of organelles within cells; cell movement; mechanical transmission of signals from exterior of cell to interior. 

Cell walls (in plants, fungi, and protists)

 Maintenance of cell shape and skeletal support; surface protection; binding of cells in tissues

Eukaryotic Organelles General Function: Support, Movement, and Communication

Extracellular matrix

 Binding of cells in tissues; surface protections; regulation of cellular activities 

Cell junctions

 Communication between cells; binding of cells in tissues.

Cell Membranes

 Membranes provide the structural basis for metabolic order.

 In eukaryotes, most organelle’s are made from membranes  Many enzymes are built right into the membranes of these organelles

Selective permeability

 Cell membranes control what goes in and out of the cell  It allows some substances to cross more easily than others  Cell membrane is amazingly thin

Membrane phospholipids form a bilayer

 Lipids, mainly phopholipids, are the main structural components of membranes  Phospolipid has a phosphate group and only two fatty acids  Head, with a charged phosphate group, is hydrophillic  Fatty acid tails are nonpolar and hydrophobic  Thus, the tail end is pushed away by water, while the head is attracted to water

Phospholipid Bilayer

 Phospholipids form a two-layer sheet called a phospholipid bilayer.  Hydrophillic heads face outward, exposed to the water on both sides of a membrane  Hydrophobic tails point inward, mingling together and shielded from water.

Phospholipid Bilayer

Phospholipid bilayer

 Hydrophobic interior of the bilayer is one reason membranes are selectively permeable.

 Nonpolar, hydrophobic molecules are lipid soluble can easily pass through membranes  Polar molecules and ions are not lipid-soluble  Ability to pass through membrane depends on protein molecules in the phospholipid bilayer.

Fluid Mosaic Model

 Plasma membrane is described as a “Fluid Mosaic”  Mosaic denotes a surface made of small fragments, like pieces of colored tile  A membrane is considered “mosaic” because it has diverse protein molecules embedded in a farmework of phospholipids.

 A membrane mosaic is “fluid” in that most of the individual proteins and phospholipids can can drift literally in the membrane

 Tails of phospholipids are kinked.

 Kinks make the membrane more fluid by keeping adjacent phospholipids from packing tightly together.  In animal cells, the steroid cholesterol stabilize the phospholipids at body temperature and also keep the membrane fluid at lower temperatures.  In a cell, phospholipid bilayer remains about as fluid as salad oil at room temperature.

 Outside surface of plasma membrane has carbohydrates bonded to proteins and lipids in the membrane.

 A protein with attached sugars is called a glycoprotein, whereas a lipid with sugars is called a glycolipid.

 Function as cell identification tags that are recognized by other cells.

 Significant for cells in an embryo to sort themselves to tissues and organs.

 Also functions in the immune system to recognize and reject foreign cells.

Proteins make the membrane a mosaic of function

 Mosaic refers both to positioning of proteins in membrane but also the activities of these proteins.

 Proteins perform most of the functions of a membrane.

 Different cells contain different sets of membrane proteins, and membranes within cells have unique proteins

Functions of Membrane Proteins

Attaching the membrane to cytoskeleton and external fibers  Providing identification tags  Forming junctions between adjacent cells  Enzymes, functioning in catalytic teams for molecular assembly lines  Receptors for chemical messengers from other cells  Help move substances across the membrane, like water and glucose

Receptor proteins

 Has a shape that fits the shape of a specific messenger, such as a hormone, just as an enzyme fits its substrate  Binding of messenger to the receptor triggers a chain reaction involving other proteins, which relay the message to a molecule that performs a specific activity inside the cell (signal transduction)

Passive Transport

 Diffusion of a substance across a biological membrane  Diffusion is the movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration.

 Moves with a concentration gradient  No energy input required  Eventually reaches equilibrium  Molecules continue to move back and forth, but no net change in concentration will occur

Passive Transport

 Necessary in our cells; lungs transport oxygen in red blood cells and carbon dioxide out via diffusion.

 Small, nonpolar molecules that easily diffuse across plasma membranes

Passive Transport: Facilitated Diffusion

 Many substances can’t diffuse freely across membrane because of their size, polarity, or charge  Need the help of specific transport proteins in the membrane to move across the membrane  Does not require energy  Goes with the concentration gradient (high to low)  Some sugars, amino acids, ions, and even water use facilitated diffusion  Since water is polar, movement through hydrophobic interior is slow. Aquaporins allow for rapid transport into and out of cell.

Passive Transport: Facilitated Diffusion

 Transport proteins (figure 5.15)  Have to be specific to molecule moving across the membrane  One example: provides a pore, or tunnel, for the passage of a solute  Another example: protein binds molecule, changes shape, and releases molecule on the other side

Passive Transport: Osmosis

 Osmosis: Diffusion of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane  With concentration gradient  Requires no energy  Tonicity  Describes the tendency of a cell in a given solution to lose or gain water.  Isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic

Passive Transport: Osmosis

 Isotonic solution  Equal concentration of solvent inside and outside of cell; water goes in and out  Cell’s volume remains the same; equilibrium  Hypertonic solution  Solute concentration is lower inside cell (solvent concentration is higher inside cell) ;Water goes out  Cell shrivels  Causes plasmolysis in plant cells

Passive Transport: Osmosis

 Hypotonic solution  Solute concentration is greater inside the cell (solvent concentration is lower inside the cell); water goes in  Cell swells and may lyse  Causes cytolysis in animal cells  Refer to figure 5.17

Passive Transport: Osmosis

 Osmoregulation  Control of water balance  Method by which animals survive in hypertonic and hypotonic environments  Example; freshwater fish have kidneys and gills that work constantly to prevent excessive buildup of water in the body

Active Transport

 Requires that a cell expend energy to move molecules across a membrane  Moves against the concentration gradient.  ATP supplies the energy  Moving molecules from low to high concentration

Active transport

 Simple model, figure 5.18





Process begins when solute on cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane attaches to a specific binding site on the transport protein.

ATP phoshporylates the transport protein Causing it to change shape in such a way that the solute is released on the other side of the membrane Phosphate group detaches and the transport protein returns to its original shape

Active Transport

Active Transport: Exocytosis

 Exocytosis  Used to export bulky materials  Examples: insulin secretion into blood from pancreas; tear glands secrete salty sol’n containing proteins 1.


A membrane-enclosed vesicle filled with macromolecules moves to the plasma membrane Vesicle fuses with plasma membrane 3.

Vesicles contents spill out of the cell


 Endocytosis  A cell takes in macromolecules or other particles by forming vesicles or vacuoles from its plasma membrane  Three kinds: phagocytosis, pinocytosis, receptor mediated endocytosis

 Phagocytosis 


“cellular eating”  Molecules of food move into the cell  Example: amoeba  Pinocytosis  “cellular drinking”  Molecules of fluid move into the cell; not specific  Receptor-mediated endocytosis  Highly specific; materials come in through indented pit in plasma membrane. Pit is lined with receptor proteins, pinch close to form vesicle containing molecules to be brought into the cell  Example: cholesterol

Summary of Cell Transport

Cell Division

Cell Division  Virchow: Cells can only come from preexisting cells  In unicellular organisms, can reproduce an entire organism  Allows multicellular organisms to reproduce asexually  Basis of sexual reproduction  sperm and egg  Allows fertilized egg, or zygote, to develop into an adult organism  Replaces worn-out or damaged cells  Enables multicellular organism to grow to adult size

Prokaryotes reproduce by binary fission

 Binary fission  Process by prokaryotes reproduce by cell division.

 Steps:  Duplication of chromosomes and separation of copies.

 Cell elongates  Divides into two daughter cells


 Human cells carry about 20,000 genes to make 100,000 proteins.

 Almost all genes are located in the nucleus  Very small amount found in mitochondria  Genes are found on DNA  Chromatin  Diffuse mass of long, thin fibers, not seen under the microscope, less tightly coiled  Combination of DNA and protein


Chromosomes  Rod-shaped structure  Coiled up, compact forms of chromatin  Contains one long DNA molecule bearing hundreds or thousands of genes.  DNA is attached to protein molecules (histones)  Sister chromatids  Each duplicated chromosome contains two identical copies.

 Centromere  The point by which two chromatids are joined.

 What is the difference between

diploid haploid

and what are those numbers in and humans?

 Diploid 2 sets of chromosomes (2n); 46 in humans  Haploid 1 set of chromosomes (n); 23 in humans

 What is the process called in Eukaryotes, when cells divide to make cells exactly alike (diploid)?

 Mitosis!

 What is the process called in Eukaryotes, when cells divide to make haploid cells?

 Meiosis!

Cell Cycle

 In your own body, millions of cells must divide every second to maintain the total number of about 100 trillion cells.

 Some cells divide once a day, and some do not at all (mature muscle cells, liver cells, brain cells)


  Occurs when the cell is between cell division Interphase stages:    G1: Cells grow to mature size S: DNA is copied G2: Cell prepares for division Cells exit the cell cycle via… G0: Cells do not copy DNA or prepare for mitosis, but are still alive (e.g. nervous system)



 What does the cell look like?

 Centrioles and spindle fibers appear  Nuclear envelope disappears, and chromosomes are visible


 What happens to the DNA and nucleus?

 Chromosomes form when chromatin tightens and coils  Nuclear membrane breaks down and disappears  What two things appear near where the nucleus was?

 Centrioles and spindle fibers



 What does the cell look like?

 Chromosomes move to the middle  Where are the chromosomes during metaphase?

 Middle of the cell



 What does the cell look like?

 Chromosomes move to the end of cell  What happens to the chromosomes?

 Chromosome splits at centromere into 2 chromatids and moves to end of cell



 What does the cell look like?

 Cell starts to pinch in  Nucleus starts to reform  Chromosomes are at opposite ends  What happens to the chromosomes and nucleus?

 Nucleus forms back around single chromatids


After Telophase

 What is


?  Cytoplasm and contents (other organelles) divide  What’s special about cytokinesis in plants?  Cell wall also divides with new cell plate in middle

Growth Factors signal the cell cycle

 Growth factors are the main signals that stimulate cell division  Cells have a series of checkpoints that are regulated by proteins.

 These checkpoints determine whether or not cell division will occur.


Mutations in the genes of these checkpoint proteins may lead to cancer:

The uncontrolled growth of cells.

 Tumor: an abnormally growing mass of body cells  Benign tumor  If abnormal cells remain at original site  Can be problematic if disrupt certain organs, but usually easily removed by surgery  Malignant tumor  If abnormal cells spread into other tissues and body parts, interrupting organ function


Metastasis  Cancer that spreads via the circulatory system  Carcinomas  Cancer found in the external or internal coverings of the body; skin, lining of intestine  Sarcomas  Cancer found in tissues that support the body; bone and muscle  Leukemias and lymphomas  Cancer of blood forming tissues, bone marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes


 Usually caused by a loss of inhibitory factors (tumor suppressor genes), or an increase in growth factors (oncogenes).

 Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy are typical treatments

Cell Differentiation

 During repeated cell division that lead from a zygote to a multicellular adult, individual cells must undergo differentiation

Become specialized in structure and function

Results from selective gene expression, the turning on and off of genes

Each differentiated cell expresses genes that allow the cell to perform certain functions:

Beta cells expressed genes that allow it to produce the hormone insulin

Cell Differentiation

 About 50 cell division produce approximately 100 billion cells in an adult.

 During the development of an embryo, the cells specialize to take on the roles of 220 different cell types.  Some cells stop dividing at a certain point in the adult life, some continue to divide throughout lifespan  Genes, either turned on or off, control the destined role of the cell.

Stem Cells

 Adult Stem Cells (ACS)  Cells present in adult tissues that generate replacemetns for nondividing diffrentiated cells.

 multipotent  Embryonic Stem Cells (ES cells)  Harvested from the blastocyst  Give rise to all the different kinds of specialized cells of the body  pluripotent

Stem Cells

 Induced Pluripotent Stems Cells (iPS)  Stem cells created via de-differentiation of an adult cell (eg. Skin cell).

 Pluripotent


Nuclear transplantation is used:  Replacing nucleus of an egg cell or zygote with the nucleus of an adult somatic cell.

 After sever days, a blastocyst forms which may be used for many purposes  If stem cells in blastocyst are used for the birth of a new individual: reproductive cloning  Can be used to create genetically identical individuals for experimentation.

 If stem cells in blastcyst are induced to form specialized cells: therapeutic cloning:

Used to make essential cells: beta cells to make insulin, dopamine neurons for Parkinson’s patients.