Simulation and Design of a Process Control System for a Pilot Plant-Scale

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Simulation and Design of a
Process Control System for
a Pilot Plant-Scale
Distillation Unit
Washington University
Department of Chemical Engineering
Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering
Bia Henriques
Jonathan Lowe
Rachel Vazzi
Kwaku Opoku-Mensah
December 2004
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Problem Segmentation
Steady State Vs. Dynamic
Assumed Process
DeltaV Control Blocks
Testing Procedures
Team Work
Control Diagrams and Graphics
Wrong and Right
Interface Demo
Future Work
Lessons Learned
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville Federal
Corn to Ethanol Pilot Plant needs simulation of its
ethanol distillation unit
Washington University partnered with SIUE to
provide this service to achieve a better way of
predicting the system’s behavior
No solids in inlet stream
Degasser treated as 2-tray column instead of separator
Did not include all control loops
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Design and setup of control system for distillation unit
Distillation unit simulation performed in Hysys to
predict steady state and dynamic behavior of process
Process control instrumentation simulated in Hysys for
dynamic state
Process control system configured in DeltaV in both
control studio and explorer
Both simulations interfaced so the behavior of the
control system can be studied when a load change is
made in Hysys
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Problem Segmentation
P&IDs used to build graphics for DeltaV
Hysys used to simulate process
DeltaV used to control process
Programs interfaced to provide optimum process
control design
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Steady State Vs. Dynamic
Hysys model must be configured to run both in
steady-state and dynamic mode
Temperature and pressure profiles for streams and
equipment connected need to match in dynamic mode
Tank sizes, valve sizing, and inlet conditions must
remain constant throughout
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Assumed Process
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Hysys would not run dynamics if solids existed in
Cascade mode would not work without external
references in DeltaV
Hysys would not switch to dynamics if all 3 columns
were present
Simplified the process to get it to work
Created own dynamos in DeltaV because the ones
found in the library did not match the P&IDs
Required more overall time and effort than was
originally predicted
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
DeltaV Control Blocks
External References
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Testing Procedure
Testing reasonability of HYSYS simulation
Testing reactions of the DeltaV control system prior to
link to HYSYS
Test the linked systems
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Bia Henriques (Captain)
Hysys simulation and implementation
Jonathan Lowe
DeltaV simulation, module design and implementation
Kwaku Opoku-Mensah and Rachel Vazzi
DeltaV graphic design and implementation
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
PID with Cascade
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Heat Exchanger
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Beer Well P&ID
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Beer Well DeltaV Graphic
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Hysys Simulation
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
What Went Wrong/Right
• Hysys dynamic mode did not behave correctly
• Mass balance around column did not sum
Creation of DeltaV graphics went smoothly
DeltaV configuration works sufficiently
Steady-state Hysys converged properly
Hysys and DeltaV talked correctly
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Each of us learned new skills in DeltaV or Hysys
A real-world process was modeled and controlled in
the lab
This model, once perfected, could be used to estimate
costs and feasibility of process control
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Future Work
Tune model to achieve process optimization of pilot
plant thus increasing ethanol production
Create full interactive model of pilot plant in HYSYS
and DeltaV
Design process control system for other unit
operations in the pilot plant
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Lessons Learned
Jonathan & Bia: Hysys dynamic mode, linking
DeltaV and Hysys
Kwaku & Rachel: DeltaV graphics, configuration,
reading PnID’s, linking DeltaV graphics and
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Thanks to Dr. Terry Tolliver for assisting with the
simulation of the SIUE pilot plant.
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
The End
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory