Religions of India Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism

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Religions of India
Hinduism, Buddhism, and
Origins in the Vedas brought by the
Aryans had no written language.
Passed epics down word of mouth.
Vedas = “Books of Knowledge”
Oldest is the Riga-Veda – it is one of the
oldest religious text still used.
Vedas brought a complex social order to
India known as the varnas.
Aryans brought a complex social
system with them.
Kshatriyas – warriors
Brahmins – priests
Vaisyas – merchants, artisans, and
Sudras – unskilled laborers and
Only warriors and priests were allowed to
recite the vedas.
Our a period of time, the rituals
associated with the vedas became
more complex and secret.
By 500 BCE, the varnas became
more rigid. The varnas were
subdivided into jati.
Jati were formed according to
These formed the caste system.
Concept of Duty
The vedas outlined the dharma or
duties of the male members of each
Mahabharata and Bhagavad-Gita
outlines the concept.
Dharma means doing what is proper for
one’s age.
This forms the foundation of Hinduism.
Not founded on the teachings of one
Religion of many deities.
800-400 BCE, a collection of writings and
philosophies were reflected in a text known
as the Upanishads.
The Upanishads tell of a universal spirit present
within all life. All living things have souls. All
souls are part of one eternal spirit – The
Brahman Nerguna.
To achieve unity with the Brahman
Neguna, a person must separate
themselves from material things.
Self-denial – fasting and the practice
of yoga helps a person achieve a
state of tranquility.
Hinduism – Cycle of Rebirth
Reincarnation – soul passes through
many lifetimes to achieve oneness
with the universe.
Cycle of rebirth is controlled by the
karma. The way you live your life will
determine what you will be in the next
life. By doing good, you become
good, by doing evil, you become evil.
Cycle of Rebirth
Out of that arose the attitude of nonviolence against all living things. This
is known as ahimsa – protection of all
humans, animals, insects, and plants.
The cycle of rebirth continues until the
person achieves moksha – a release
from the pain and suffering of rebirth.
Hindu Deities
Brahma – The Creator
Vishnu – The Preserver
Siva – The Destroyer
Ganesha – God of good fortune
The Creator
The Preserver
The Destroyer
God of Good
A religious sect based upon Hinduism.
Around 500 BCE, a Hindu teacher named
Mahavira rejected the strict caste system
and sacrifice.
Jains believe in the sacredness of all life.
They use brooms to sweep their paths to
avoid stepping on insects.
Jains also refuse to farm for fear of killing
insects with plows.
Siddharta Gautama founded
Buddhism in the 5th century BCE.
He was born and raised a kshatriya
He lived a sheltered life until one day
when he toured his estate.
Siddharta was shocked at the pain
and suffering he observed.
At age 29, he left his wife and new born
son to find out why people suffered and
how suffering could be ended.
For 7 years, he lived as a hermit seeking
the answer through fasting and self-denial.
One day as he was meditating under a
tree, he gained an awareness that gave
him the answer he was looking for.
His followers began calling him “Buddha”
or “enlightened one.”
The Enlightened One
The Four Noble Truths
All people suffer and know sorrow.
People suffer because their desires bind
them to a cycle of rebirth.
People could end their suffering by
eliminating their desires.
One could eliminate their desires by
following the Eightfold Path.
Eightfold Path
Know the truth.
Resist evil.
Say nothing to hurt others.
Respect life.
Work for the good of others.
Free your mind of evil.
Control your thoughts.
Practice meditation.
By avoiding extremes and following the
Eightfold Path, a person could attain
nirvana or a state of freedom from rebirth.
Nirvana is a place of extinction.
In nirvana, a person becomes one with the
Buddha also rejected the caste system.
He believed that a person’s place in life
depended on the person, not his birth
Spread of Buddhism
Monks carried the religion to other
parts of Asia.
As the religion spread, disagreements
broke out among the followers.
Theravada – S and SE Asia. Closely
follows the original teachings of the
Mahayana – China, Korea, and Japan.
Followers view Buddha as a savior and
a divine person.
Spread of Buddhism
Hinduism and Buddhism
Many deities
Caste system
Religious writings –
Mainly in India
No deities
Rejection of caste
4 Noble Truths
Eightfold Path
Reincarnation not
necessary to
achieve nirvana.
Buddhism spread
to other regions.