Angiography Arteriography Aortograms and Venography

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Angiography Arteriography Aortograms and Venography



Is the general term that describes the radiologic examination of vascular structures within the body after the introduction of an iodinated contrast medium or gas

Types of Angiographic Procedures 3


Angiography Team  Radiologist  CIT (Radiologic Technologist) – Sometimes more than one  Other specialists (if needed)  Nurse  Anesthesiologist (if needed) 5

Indications  Verify the presence of tumors – Blood supply to tumors  Occlusions – Clots – Thrombus – Embolus  Internal bleeding – Possible anemia  Stenosis  Aneurysms – Can be caused form atherosclerosis  Heart disease 6

Contraindications  Previous severe reaction to contrast  Impaired renal function  Impaired blood clotting factors  Inability to undergo surgical procedure 7

Contrast Media  Iodinated contrast media is used – Can produce nausea & an uncomfortable burning sensation – Allergic reactions   Severe: anaphylactic shock – Shock, rapid shallow breathing, high pulse rate & ALOC Mild: Hives or slight difficulty breathing 8

What is this?



Angiographic Trays and Sterile Supplies 11

Other Supplies for Angiography 12

Needles    Vascular access needles Size based on external diameter of needle Allows for appropriate Guidewires matching – So internal diameter must also be known 13

Guidewires    Used as a platform over which a catheter is to be advanced Once positioned guidewire is fixed and catheter is advanced until it meets the tip of the guidwire Mostly constructed on stainless steel & coated with Teflon 14

Introducer Sheaths  Short catheters used when multiple catheters will be used  Placed in lieu of a catheter 15

Catheters 16


DSA    A subtraction mask is taken before contrast injected Each of digitized image is from the mask Images acquired form – 1 image every 2-3 sec – Up to 30 images per sec 18

Three Dimensional (3-D) Intraarterial Angiography 19

What Method is this?


Catherization: Selinger Technique 21

Selinger Technique Catheters and Guidewires 22

Pre-Procedure  PT’s are usually limited to a liquid diet and routine medications  Adequate hydration  An IV line placed – Sedative may be given  History taken and vitals taken  Informed consent 23

Preparing the Patient Room  Must be extensively cleaned  Equipment checked  Room thoroughly stocked  Extra supplies as needed 24

Radiation Protection  PT is protected by no less than 2.5 mm of Aluminum  Beam restriction  Avoidance of repeat exposure  Cardinal rules – Time – Distance – Shielding 25

Post Procedure  PTs usually can resume normal activity after 24 hours  Most often can go home after 24 hours – Because internal bleeding can be life threatening  Vitals are monitored  Puncture site is monitored for bleeding 26

Stent Placement  enosis.gif&imgrefurl= ealth/dci/Diseases/stents/stents_all.html&usg=_ _xDlbsaX9JhuYbpVojLcz19apr I=&h=513&w=450&sz=59&hl=en&start=20&tb nid=vWwqaG-RNW7M M:&tbnh=131&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq %3Dabdominal%2Bstents%26gbv%3D2%26hl %3Den 27

Aortogram 28



Abdominal Aortoraphy 31

Abdominal Angiography 32

AAA Pre and Post Stent Placement 33


Abdominal Stent 35

AAA 36

Pulmonary Circulation 37

Pulmonary Arteriogram 38

Celiac Ateriogram 39

Hepatic Arteriogram 40

Splenic Arteriorgram 41

Renal Arteriogram 42

renal 43




Lower Limb Arteries 47


Leg Atherosclerosis 49

Atherosclerosis Left Leg 50

Upper Limb Arteries 51

Upper Extremity Anatomy 52

Brachial and Axillary Arteriogram 53

Axillary Arteriogram 54

Hand Arteriogram 55

Hand Arteriogram with Occlusion 56


Balloon Angioplasty 58


Balloon Angioplasty Procedure 60

Femoral Artery Angioplasty 61

Placing a Stent after Angioplasty with Balloon 62

Intravascular Stents 63

Let’s Review

C B 65

What is the name of this Procedure?

What is it done for?


What is the name of this pathology?


What part of the body is being imaged?

What is the pathology is this image?



What is this method callled?


A B C 71


Venous Circulation

What is Venography?

 Vein study using x-ray and contrast media – Fluoroscopy and still images  One of the most accurate tests for deep vein thrombosis (DVT)  Most commonly done in legs for DVT

Thrombosis and Embolism   Intravascular clot Commonly in veins more than arteries  Thrombus that becomes detached from the vessel wall  3 factors – Where blood is slow – Change in the wall of vessels – Change in the blood itself  Can easily flow to heart causing PE  Severity depends on location of embolism

Pulmonary Embolism  Occurs when a clot forms or becomes lodged in the pulmonary artery  Most commonly thrombus originates in the lower limbs and migrates  Can lead to resp distress, heart failure or cardiogenic shock  Symptoms are acute: – Sudden coughing – SOB – Chest pain

Pulmonary Emboli (PE)

Indications  Diagnose deep vein thrombosis – Prevent pulmonary embolism  Distinguish blood clots from obstructions in the veins  Evaluate congenital vein problems  Assess the functioning of deep leg vein valves  Identify a vein for arterial bypass grafting

Risk Factors and Complications  Previous thrombosis  Dilution of the contrast dye in the lower limb  Difficulty accessing the veins due to: – Obesity – Severe swelling (edema) – Inflammation in the cells ( cellulitis )

Contraindications  Bleeding disorders  Allergy to iodine  CHF  Severe pulmonary hypertension

Prior to Procedure  Fast or drink only clear fluids for four hours before the test  Thorough PT history obtained  Informed consent  If you are nervous about the test, your doctor may give you a sedative.

During Procedure  PT will lie on a tilting x-ray table  Area of interest will be shaved and cleaned  Local anesthetic  Catheter will be inserted.

– A small incision may be made in that area as well

Explanation of Procedure: Legs  The catheter is inserted into PT vein – (usually a vein in the foot)  Contrast is slowly injected.  A tight band may be tied around your ankle and upper thigh – or your lower body may be tilted – Fluoro and/or x-ray images taken  The procedure takes about 30 - 45 minutes

Post Procedure  Rest and avoid strenuous activity  Increase fluid intake  Stop bleeding with pressure – Call DR if it won’t stop bleeding  Observe for signs of infection  PT will be sore for a few days  Resume normal activity 24 hours after procedure

Possible Post Procedure Complications  Infection at the injection site  Congestive heart failure  Acute renal insufficiency  Tissue damage  Phlebitis (inflammation of a vein)  Venous thrombosis in a healthy leg  Allergic reactions to the contrast dye  Dislodging a clot, perhaps resulting in pulmonary embolus or other complications

Lower Limb Veins

Lower Limb Venograms  To rule out thrombosis of the deep veins of the leg – Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)  Contrast media injected in superficial veins of the foot with a needle

Lower Limb Venograms


Inferior Venacavagram  Primarily to rule out thrombus or occlusion  Catheter inserted into femoral vein and positioned inside the common iliac vein or inferior aspect of inferior vena cava  Contrast injected at 20 ml/sec for total of 40ml

Upper Limb Veins

Upper Limb Venograms  Most often for thrombosis or occlusion  Contrast injected in a superficial vein in the elbow or wrist – Using a catheter or needle – 40-80ml at a rate of 1-4ml/sec

Superior Venacavagram  Primarily done to rule out thrombus or occlusion  Needle or catheter is introduced into antecubital fossa – Catheter is positioned in the axillary or subclavian vein and contrast is injected – 30-50ml at 10-15ml/sec  X-rays should include: – Brachicephalic vein – Subclavian vein – Superior vena cava – RT Atrium

Superior Venacavagram

Stenosis on a Superior Venacavogram

Inferior Venacavagram

Inferior Venacavagram

Inferior Vena Cava Filters

Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement  Designed to trap thrombus before causing an embolization  When anticoagulants are contraindicated this can be used

Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement

Hepatic Venogram  Performed to rule out stenosis or thrombus of the hepatic veins  Obtain pressure measurements of the veins inside the liver  Usually catheter enters jugular vein or upper limb veins

Hepatic Venogram

Portal Venogram

Portal System

Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt  Intervention for creating an artificial low-pressure pathway – Between portal & hepatic veins  Hepatic venogram usually preformed b before placement  US also useful

Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt

Renal Venogram  Rule out thrombosis of renal vein  Renal vein catheterized to take blood – Measure the production of renin – Catheter insertion site: femoral vein  Contrast injected 8ml/sec for 16ml total – 2 images per second for 4 seconds

Renal Venogram