Document 7210463

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Transcript Document 7210463

Your Service Partner in Europe

January 2006

Main features

     

European Economic Interest Grouping Network of independent private owned companies Covers 11 western European countries Answers the needs of large European customers Provides cleaning and other facility services Best-in-class through skills sharing : technical know how, processes, training, controls, …

All member companies are ISO certified

Members coverage


( millions euros )

and People

2005 France G.B. Spain 1 130 388 Belgium 66 WISAG Germany Austria Luxembourg Italy 480 47 19 000 Netherland 83 4 200 ENZLER GROSVENOR Switzerland Ireland 30 36 1 800 4 200

15 7

The ECS network

Centralized communication

      

GSF : France, GB, Spain : Marc Destrumelle WISAG : Germany, Austria, Lux. : Günter Bouffier IRIS : Belgium : Alexandre Millasson GAMBA : Italy : Andrea Dondi HELDER : Netherland : Hans Sanders ENZLER : Switzerland : Brice-Laurent Poulin GROSVENOR : Ireland : Bernard McCauley

 According to the location of the Customer’s leading site in Europe, one of these managers will become the sole correspondent for all his cleaning services requirements and follow-up

ECS Coordination : a single system for all

Similar organisation among members


Services delivery on client site Cleaners Posting to workplaces, tasks overview, immédiate correction Site manager in charge Supervisor Local branch manager Secretary Coordinator Means implementation, site organization, relations with Client Staff administration – Invoicing and payements Client needs identification, commercial contract, client follow-up Anticipation of risks for client’s unsatisfaction Implementation of ckient policy and processes Local company management

Typical organization of any ECS regional branch

Members commitments

Partnerships with key accounts at European level

Centralized communication : customer has one single point of contact for all its European operations

Consistency in :

Best professionnal practices

ISO Quality systems and procedures

Prices structure and calculation method

France, U K , Spain

 

Fourth French Group for B to B - over 4 000 customers National coverage in France 90 branches , large covering of Great Britain and Spain

    

Also in Midwest USA and Quebec 21 000 employees ( 18 400 Europe ) 420 millions Euros Turnover ( 388 Europe ) Industrial cleaning in all fields of activity Quality ISO 9001 certified


Fifth Belgian Group for B to B

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National coverage : 7 branches 1 900 employees 66 millions Euros Turnover Industrial cleaning, coating, maintenance Quality ISO 9002 certified, CQL Safety VCA and BeSaCC certified,

Germany, Austria, Luxembourg

Second largest German Group B to B -7,500 customers

National coverage in Germany : 120 branch offices

As well as Luxembourg and Austria. Presence in Poland

19 000 employees

480 millions Euros Turnover

Multiservices and Facility Management : Cleaning, Security, Technical Maintenance, Catering, FM, ...

Quality ISO 9001 certified


National coverage in Italy : 13 branch offices

Fourth Italian cleaning company

2 500 employees

47 millions Euros Turnover

Cleaning and maintenance services

Quality ISO 9001 certified and SA 8000


Seventh Dutch cleaning group

National coverage of Netherlands

4 200 employees

83 millions Euros Turnover

Quality certified ISO 9001, security VSA, and OSB


Fifth Swiss cleaning group

10 branches over German speaking northern Switzerland and Geneva

1 800 employees

30 millions Euros Turnover

Quality certified ISO 9001 and 14001, SZFF


Third largest Irish Group for B to B, over 800 customers

National coverage in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

5 branches

4 200 employees

 

36 millions € Turnover Commercial cleaning in all industry sectors

Quality - ISO 9001 certified

Social aspects

France 8,07 42 % yes yes Grande Bretagne 7,08 4 % no yes Espagne 5,05 Belgique Pays Bas Allemagne Autriche Luxem bourg Cleaning hourly minimum wages, in euros 9,66 8,33 7,68 6,40 8,23 Minimum of social charges to consider Italie 7,69 40 % yes 84% 79 % 21% 22 % 15% Specific cleaning reglementation apply yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Mandatory re-hiring of cleaners on site when taken over yes yes yes yes Yes if more than 15 66 % yes Suisse 11,45 12 % yes Yes some times Irlande 7,93 17% yes Yes Some times

Your Service Partner in Europe