Department of Health and Human Services Health Hazards Control Unit Jeff Dellinger

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Transcript Department of Health and Human Services Health Hazards Control Unit Jeff Dellinger

Department of Health and Human Services
Health Hazards Control Unit
Jeff Dellinger
Industrial Hygiene Consultant
September 13, 2005
Asbestos Regulations
• Asbestos has been used in over 3000
building products
• Certain asbestos products can still be
purchased today
• Asbestos is a known carcinogen that can
cause cancer and death
Asbestos Regulations
• Only a NC Accredited Asbestos Inspector
can conduct asbestos sampling
• If a product contains GREATER then 1%
asbestos by laboratory analysis then it
comes under several asbestos regulations
Asbestos Regulations
• NC Asbestos Hazard Management Program
Rules (10A NCAC 41C .0600)
• National Emissions Standard for Hazardous
Air Pollutants (40 CFR, Part 61, Subpart M)
Asbestos Regulations
• Prior to any Renovation or Demolition
activity an asbestos survey is required
• If the asbestos will NOT be disturbed then
leave in place and properly manage the
Asbestos Regulations
• If the renovation or demolition activity will
disturb the asbestos use NC accredited
individuals to properly remove the asbestos
• Removal Permits, Notification Applications
and Applicable Fees are Required
Asbestos Regulations
Lead-Based Paint
• Residential Lead-Based Paint was banned in
• Industrial lead paint is still used today
• We must protect all children less than 6
years of age from lead exposure
Lead-Based Paint
• The authority of HHCU is limited to Target
Housing and Child Occupied Facilities
• Target Housing is housing built before 1978
• Child Occupied Facilities can be a Day
Care, Head Start, Smart Start and etc.
Lead-Based Paint
• Only a NC Certified Lead Inspector/Risk
Assessor can conduct sampling
• Lead-Based Paint is defined as containing
1.0 milligrams per square centimeter or
more than 0.5 percent by weight
• OSHA considers any detectable level of
lead applicable to the 1926.62 standard
Lead-Based Paint
• NC Lead-Based Paint Hazard Management
Program (10A NCAC 41C .0800)
• EPA’s Lead-Based Paint Subpart D and L
(40 CFR Part 745)
Lead-Based Paint
• If conducting a “Lead Abatement” activity
use only NC Certified Individuals
• Abatement Permits and Applicable Fees are
• If conducting a renovation that will disturb
lead paint use Lead-Safe trained individuals
Lead-Based Paint
Indoor Air Quality - Mold
• There are NO current rules or regulations to
address mold in buildings
• If you See or Smell mold you have mold
• Address the physical problem that started
the mold growth in the first place
Indoor Air Quality - Mold
• Be proactive by visually inspecting all of
your buildings for signs of mold at least
once a year - Maintenance is the Key
• Fix all water leaks immediately
• Fix deteriorated building components as
soon as possible
Indoor Air Quality - Mold
• Be quick to address problem areas for
individuals who have been diagnosed with
allergies, immune compromised due to
chemotherapy, radiation therapy,HIV/Aids
and etc.
Indoor Air Quality - Mold
In Conclusion
• For questions regarding Asbestos, LeadBased Paint or Indoor Air Quality - Mold
call me at (919) 707-5972
• Main Number (919) 707-5950
• Additional references for all three subjects
are in the handouts