Developing Evaluation Standards for the Arizona Tobacco Education and Prevention Program (AZ TEPP)

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Transcript Developing Evaluation Standards for the Arizona Tobacco Education and Prevention Program (AZ TEPP)

Developing Evaluation Standards
for the Arizona Tobacco Education
and Prevention Program (AZ TEPP)
Presentation Overview
What Was Done
Why Develop Evaluation Standards?
Who Participated
How it Was Done
Draft Evaluation Standards
Next Steps
What Was Done
Standard: ”Something established by authority ,
custom, or general consent as a model or example”
Webster’s, 1980
Developing guidelines to bring the big,
“very complex,” tobacco control picture
into focus.
Why Develop Evaluation Standards?
Planning Process
Best Results
Validated Results
Planning Process
CDC Evaluation Framework
MacDonald G, et. al., 2001
Who Participated
Stakeholder “Buy In” and Approval
Assignment to Working Group
Group Participants
community program administrators
State-wide programs administrators
Evaluation staff (includes Az Auditor General)
How it Was Done
Written Procedure (Guide)
 Workgroup Meetings
 Open Review
Draft Evaluation Standards
Overarching Evaluation Standards
Draft Evaluation Standards-Cont.
Program Specific Standards
Cost Analysis
Next Steps
Finalize Draft Standards (AZ TEPP Evaluation Unit)
Detailed Policies and Procedures
Annual Updates
MacDonald G, Starr G., et. al., Introduction to Program Evaluation for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs.
Atlanta (GA): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2001.
Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, G&C Merriam Company, Springfield, Mass., 1980
This presentation was produced by
Jesse Nodora, Dr.P.H.
Evaluation Administrator
Arizona Department of Health Services
Tobacco Education and Prevention Program
1740 West Adams
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
(602) 364-0837 Fax (602) 364-0844
[email protected]