Organizational Behavior - ODC2-SCC-NNU

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Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior
The Social Brain
• We are constantly impacting the brain states in other people. In
my EI model, “Managing Relationships” means, at this level,
that we’re responsible for how we shape the feelings of those
we interact with – for better or for worse. In this sense,
relationship skills have to do with managing brain states in
other people.
Organizational Behavior
• What is Behavior ?
• The responses issued by the individual as a
result of inadvertent contact with other
individuals or as a result of contact with the
external environment.
• Organizational Behavior :: a field of study that
seeks to understand, explain, predict and manage
human behavior, both individual and collective, in
the organizational context .
Organizational Behavior
• The Individual
Basis of Change
Organizational Behavior
Why Study Organizational Behavior ...?
1- understand organizational events
2- predict organizational events
3-influence organizational events
Elements of Organizational
Behavior ?
• That the Elements of Organizational Behavior
represented in each of ::
• [ A ] For the Individual ::
• 1 - Perception: the individual addresses to the people around him and
how to interpret and understand the situation and events around him
and how this perception affects the judgment and on others to make
• 2 - Learning: benefit managers and owners of power and workers
understand how to earn their behavior or how he can strengthen or
weaken certain patterns of behavior.
• 3 - Motivation: psychological forces that determine the direction of a
person's behavior in an organization.
• 4 - Personal: It is also useful to understand the personal characteristics
and their impact on the behavior of individuals within their businesses.
Elements of Organizational
Behavior ?
• [ B ] The Group :: The influential elements and components
of the collective behavior of individuals in groups :
• 1- Leadership: The art of motivating a group of people to acts
towards achieving a common goal and breaking down the barriers
between them.
• 2 - Contact: helps managers or employees in understanding how to
communicate within the work and how you can make it without
constraints and how they can raise communication skills in different
ways, such as listening personal interviews and social development.
• Note :: All these elements combine to build the model or
framework that the organization operates from*
Bases of Organizational Behavior ?
• Psychology: The science or study of individual
human behaviour
• Sociology: The study of group human behaviour
• Social Psychology: Studies influences of people on
one another
• Anthropology: Study of the human race, and culture
• Political Science :Behavior of individuals in political
Organizational Behaviour Project
on learning through Video as a tool
• This is a lovely example of team work, it
shows how we can achieve success. No matter
how small or weak we are as individuals.
• when we are combined in a team, we can
reach our goals successfully.
• Link::
Theories of the Behavior of
• [1] Theory X and Theory Y::
• Douglas McGregor :an American social psychologist,
proposed his famous X-Y theory in his 1960 book [ The
Human Side Of Enterprise]
• Theory X : Average employee is lazy, dislikes work, and
will try to do as little as possible ‫تفترض‬
• ‫اإلدارة بأن الموظف بطبيعته ال يحب العمل ويحاول تجنبه ويتهرب من المسؤوولية‬
• Theory Y : Employees will do what is good for the
organization when committed ‫ان االنسان بطبعه يحب العمل‬
‫واالنجاز ويرغب في تحمل المسؤولية ولتحفيز هذا النوع الموظفين اعطائهم‬
‫مكافئة او اعطائه االعمال التي بها مخاطر وابداع‬
Theories of the Behavior of
Theories of the Behavior of
[2] Maslow Hierarchy of Needs:
Abraham Maslow (1954) presents a
Hierarchy of needs model which can be
divided into basic (or deficiency) needs
e.g. ( physiological, safety, love, and
esteem) and growth needs (cognitive,
aesthetics and self-actualization).
[2] Maslow Hierarchy of Needs:
[2] Maslow Hierarchy of Needs:
• One must satisfy Lower Level basic Needs
before progressing on to meet Higher Level
growth needs. Once these needs have been
reasonably satisfied, one may be able to reach
the Highest Level called Self-Actualization
• Every person is Capable and has the Desire to
move up the Hierarchy toward a level of SelfActualization.
Emotional Intelligence [EI]
• is your ability to recognize and understand
emotions in yourself and others, and your
ability to use this awareness ‫ الوعي‬to manage
your behavior and relationships.
How Will Knowing OB Make a
• For Managers
• Knowing organizational Behaviour can help
you manage well and makes for Better
• Managing people well leads to Greater
organizational commitment.
• Finally, managing well may improve
organizational citizenship.
How Will Knowing OB Make a
• For Individuals
– What if I’m not going to work in a large organization?
• The theories generally apply to organizations of any size.
– What if I don’t want to be a manager?
• To some extent, the roles of managers and employees are
becoming blurred ‫واضحة‬in many organizations.
• While self-employed individuals often do not act as
managers, they certainly interact with other individuals
and organizations as part of their work.
• NOTE : OB applies equally well to all situations in which you
interact with others: on the basketball court, at the grocery store,
in school, or in church.
Summary and Implications
1. What is Organizational Behaviour?
– OB is a field of study that investigates the impact that
individuals, groups, and structure have on behaviour
within an organization.
2. Isn’t Organizational behaviour common sense? Or just
like psychology?
OB is built on contributions from a number of behavioural
disciplines, including psychology, sociology, social
psychology, anthropology, and political science. It goes
beyond “common sense.”
Summary and Implications
3. How does knowing about Organizational Behaviour
make work and life more understandable?
– OB helps people manage well, and managing well can
lead to greater organizational commitment by
4. What challenges do managers and employees face in
today’s workplace?
– Each level of analysis—the individual, the group, and
the organization—presents challenges
Organizational Behavior or
Organizational Theory
• encompasses the systematic
study and careful application of
knowledge about how people act
within organizations.
Organizational Behavior or
Organizational Theory