Sándor Márai Gloed

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Sándor Márai Gloed

Title: Gloed Author: Sándor Márai Format: Paperback Language: Dutch Pages: 156 Publisher: , 0 ISBN: 9028418725 Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub Size: 8.5 MB Download: allowed


Een oude generaal krijgt op een dag een brief waarin een vriend van lang geleden, Konrád, zijn komst aankondigt. Dat is voor Henrik, de generaal, een schok. Van jongsaf waren zij onafscheidelijk, ondanks hun verschillende achtergrond en afkomst. Tot Konrád plotseling verdween, niet lang na Henriks huwelijk met de mooie Krisztina. Het bezoek van Konrád - na 41 jaar - brengt een stroom van prachtige en pijnlijke herinneringen bij de generaal op gang.

Henrik en Konrád delen een geheim met een bijzondere kracht, 'een kracht die het weefsel van het leven verschroeit als een kwaadaardige straling, maar aan het leven tegelijk een spanning, een verhoogde temperatuur geeft'.

Eén avond, één nacht duurt de ontmoeting van de twee oude mannen. Hun laatste gesprek is een duel zonder wapens, en veel wreder. Met mededogenloze openhartigheid praten zij over passie en vriendschap, over waarheid en leugen. Wat is er 41 jaar geleden gebeurd? En was het verhaal van Konrád onvermijdelijk?

Insightful reviews

Samadrita: Embers is a tale of heart-breaking beauty. The kind of beauty which is not apparent right at the onset but which makes its omnipresence felt as you keep turning the pages and reach that state of involvement with the narrative, where you cannot wait to feast your eyes and senses on another delicately structured sentence.

It lies in the pall of gloom cast by the shadow of some tragedy unspoken of, lurking in the dark, cobwebbed nooks and corners of a secluded castle, the relentless flow of time the sense of which the book tries to capture quite successfully and in the hollowness of life itself.

There is no worthwhile story to be found at its core since a reflection on love, betrayal and the consequences of human folly is nothing new. But it is the handling of these themes which is.

Sándor Márai has a way of creating a mood consistent with the dreariness of the story within and it is this mood which metamorphoses into an important character itself. Like an invisible, guiding force, this mood becomes the reader's constant companion as he/she slowly navigates his/her way around the imperfect lives of Márai's characters.

He ends up imparting a restrained elegance even to the meanest of human tendencies like the insane urge to kill another and to the chilling finality in a man's feelings of disillusionment with life and the people he held dear to his heart.

It is as if Márai's aim from the beginning had been not to bestow significance on numerous life events of a handful of people but instead on an acute analysis of human actions and how individual acts of indiscretion feature in the greater scheme of things. How eventually everything dies out and ceases to matter, after creating a few evanescent ripples on the surface of the placid lake of human existence.

A few irritants have kept me from placing this book on my personal, metaphysical pedestal of absolute literary perfection - the objectification of women, a subtle nod of approval to medieval

values like the appreciation of gender specific character traits, the seemingly endless and tedious monologue in the latter half of the book and a sense of perverse vanity the central characters seem to derive out of their European ancestry caused me to take away that 1 star.

Barring these minor causes of botheration, Embers is near perfect. It glows powerfully with the spirit of all actions and emotions so distinctly characteristic of life itself, before burning out and surrendering itself to the inevitability of an ending.

Kelly Deriemaeker: Eind vorig jaar vroeg ik Thomas Vanderveken tijdens een eindejaarsinterview naar het beste boek dat hij in 2014 had gelezen, en dat was Gloed. Een week later kocht ik het als verjaardagscadeau voor mijn vriendin op de Boekenbeurs, vanuit de egoïstische gedachte dat ik het dan eens kon lenen. Dat deed ik dus nu.

Wat een boek, jongens. Geschreven in de jaren veertig, pas de laatste jaren is de mens zijn oeuvre herontdekt, jammergenoeg maar na zijn zelfmoord in 1989.

Gloed vertelt het verhaal van twee mannen die elkaar 41 jaar niet hebben gezien, maar nog een vorm van unfinished business met elkaar hebben. Absoluut geen walk in the park, maar een boek om op je gemak te lezen, in je op te nemen, en een beetje verbijsterd achter te blijven.

lisa_emily: I loved this little book. It is short, and I could have finished within a few days, but I wanted to linger over it. What I loved most of about this book is its deliberation. The author wanted to work out one very small but potent aspect of a life- friendship and its death-and he took his time unfolding the details and complexities of feeling. In a way, one could say that nothing really happens in this book, except memories and thoughts. And it is true, the first half of the book consists of the main character's (the General) memories of his childhood. The second half is built on the dinner & conversation between the General and his exiled childhood friend, Konrad. The whole plot of the story can be summed up as thus: A man who is betrayed by both his wife and best friend becomes a philosopher.

This book is exceptional is its carefully crafted ambiance and the internal musing of the main character. So much in today we are in a hurry to have things happen that we rarely reflect about our reactions or the reasons why others make the choices that they make. In this book, the General spends a lifetime reflecting upon what makes up a character and how that character unfolds in a person. When you look at someone you are closest to, can you understand what motivates that person and can you ever be objective enough to be reconciled with that person's choice, even if it opposes you?

And then there is the language- here is an excerpt: "The castle was a closed world, like a great granite mausoleum full of the moldering bones of generations of men and women from earlier times, in their shrouds of slowly disintegrating gray silk or black cloth. It enclosed silence itself as if it were a prisoner persecuted for his beliefs, wasting away numbly, unshaven and in rags on a pile of musty rotting straw in a dungeon. It also enclosed memories as if they were the dead, memories that lurked in damp corners the way mushrooms, bats, rats, and beetles lurk in the mildewed cellars of old houses. Door-latches

gave off the traces of a once-trembling hand, the excitement of a moment long gone, so that even now another hand hesitated to press down on them. Every house in which passion had loosened itself on people in all its fury exudes such intangible presences." Tea Jovanovi?: Fenomenalan roman ma?arskog modernog klasika... needs to READ!

Luana: Non credi anche tu che il significato della vita sia semplicemente l. a. passione che un giorno invade il nostro cuore, los angeles nostra anima e il nostro corpo e che, qualunque cosa accada, continua a bruciare in eterno, fino alla morte? C’è un aspetto dell’inverno a casa mia molto affascinante. Noi quattro, i miei genitori, io e mia sorella, ci raccogliamo intorno al camino mentre, nella luce accesa del fuoco, attendiamo che il giorno vada a spegnersi del tutto in keeping with consegnarci alla benevolenza della notte che concede il sonno. Quando ormai gli altri tre membri si ritirano a letto, io, che soffro spesso e volentieri d’insonnia, rimango a vedere il fuoco che si spegne e rimango a rovistare tra le braci con il mantice, e rovisto un po’ anche tra i miei pensieri affascinata dal mistero dello spegnimento lento tra mozziconi ancora arancioni risucchiati sempre più lentamente dal legno che si fa cenere.Ed in questo silenzio interrotto da scoppiettio mi ritrovo spesso a confabulare con los angeles mia mente di ventenne pensierosa che parla tutto il giorno e pensa tutta los angeles notte, una volta sola. Ora, è un quadretto abbastanza solito, molti come me subiscono los angeles fascinazione del fuoco nel camino che d’inverno rappresenta un rifugio, ma non mi sarei mai aspettata che settant’anni fa qualcuno avesse scritto un libro sul tema.Ma Sándor Márai non period prevedibile, period un uomo inquieto, irrequieto, politicamente spossato, padre deluso, vedovo, e quando ha parlato delle braci di cui così infantilmente ho parlato io ha deciso di ambiare il racconto in estate. Pensateci, un libro che si intitola Le braci è ambientato in estate. Perché le braci, come le passioni umane, covano in gran segreto sempre tutto l’anno e nascondono sotto un fuoco ormai spento segreti inestimabili di freddi venuti, passati e pronti a tornare, magari addirittura forty-one anni e forty three giorni dopo, come Konrad, amico di sempre di Henrik che un giorno si è dissolto in aria in line with andare a vivere nei Tropici trascinando con sé risposte che hanno maledetto Henrik che in line with tutta l. a. vita le ha rincorse senza riuscire advert acchiapparle. E dunque, quando nel bel mezzo dell’estate, torna l’uomo che cela il tuo segreto, tutto si fa freddo e allora si riaccende il camino, il fuoco, addirittura scoppia un incendio che dissotterra le parole ancora non dette e i segreti ancora da svelare.Un fuoco che come le passioni umane si innalza e giganteggia prima di spegnersi consistent with sempre e diventare cenere.Il nostro autore ungherese non si è però lasciato scappare quel momento di mezzo, quel momento in cui il fuoco non è più fuoco, ma non è nemmeno non fuoco, perché rimangono ancora le braci come a voler ricordare che c’è ancora qualcosa di acceso, qualcosa che dev’essere spento, ma non subito, non troppo presto.Ed è di fronte a questo fuoco non fuoco che i due personaggi intessono un discorso fatto di valanghe di parole da parte di uno e di pochi cenni di assenso da parte dell’altro, decidono di riesumare dalle ceneri ciò che ormai è morto according to svelare le parti di un segreto che in line with quarant’anni ha nuociuto come un cancro invasivo lentamente padrone di pensieri, atti, desideri di vendetta. Sapere l. a. verità, una vendetta inaudibile, una vendetta quasi innocua di fronte alle vendette solite di spade, fucili, tradimenti, spargimenti di sangue, ma se ben ci si riflette forse più infida, perché è una vendetta che pretende dall’altro di parlare, di riesumare, di riaprire ferite mai cucite, ma forse ormai nemmeno più tanto aperte. Ed è intorno a questo desco che si sviluppa l. a. storia del segreto

che smette di essere segreto in line with farsi accusa durante il processo che Henrik impone a Konradin. Un processo informale, fatto di accuse ormai non presentabili di fronte advert un giudice vero, ma mirate a colpire il giudice più spietato che esista, los angeles coscienza; un processo in cui esiste solo l’accusa, perché los angeles difesa si è ormai mostrata colpevole, consumata dalle passioni ha già portato a termine il delitto dal quale non può e non vuole difendersi in nome dell’ego dell’animo umano.Sto scrivendo come se avessi settant’anni anche io, ma non è colpa mia, è colpa di Márai che con questo stile angoscioso, enigmatico ed elegante ti entra dentro e ti instilla un segreto e ti pone domande che lascia senza risposte in un finale aperto a domande che, in fondo, di risposte, come altre cose della vita, non ne meritano.Ho una sola altra cosa da dire riguardo Le braci: questo libro mi ha incantata.

Orsolya: allow me commence by way of being frank: I’m full-blooded Hungarian and the daughter of a deceased, recognized Hungarian non-fiction writer so I’m somewhat biased towards Hungarian literature. no longer too point out that Sandor Marai, the writer of Embers, stocks awesome resemblances to my father (escaping from communism holds, fleeing first to Italy sooner than ever touching the US, and loss of life in 1989). regardless of those blatant favoritism, Embers is a natural masterpiece and in realm with the classics.The reader is quickly transported on web page one into an emotion-packed and hugely delicate land. even though effortless to learn within the realm of note choice; the descriptive language in Embers is little short of attractive and poetic with heavy depth. Oftentimes, one won’t even care what Marai is writing approximately (although belief me, that you simply DO care); you simply wish him to maintain writing. Marai’s sort is similar to Tolstoy within the philosophical point and to Thomas Hardy in his intensity of knowing human emotion. Embers starts with parts of darkish and sinister essences looming over the plot, yet this is often what makes it so pleasing and tragic: a natural classic. other than the gorgeous literary language, Embers additionally encompasses words with a view to bring about the reader uttering a, “Wow” out loud and being shocked (in an outstanding way). For example, “One day we lose the individual we love. a person who's not able to maintain that loss fails as a person and doesn't deserve our sympathy”. i can't get into my interpretation of this word yet this can be an instance of the resonating price of Embers so one can definitely reason you to reassess a few of your personal values, thoughts, actions, and experiences. i discovered myself re-reading yes passages to ensure I accrued the lesson truly in my mind. Simply, Embers is a vintage e-book that allows you to impact you yet otherwise at a variety of issues of your life, thus, making it excellent for a number of reads. Underlying the tale are philosophical and mental theories and beliefs on friendship, love, relationships, war, and life.

those are offered in a non-boring means as discussion among the final (Henrik) and Konrad.

just like Kafka within the expressionalism, yet better; as Marai’s excessive use of allusions drives the story. the accumulation to the climax is heavy yet as transparent as a sunny day, by no means letting you unfastened from Marai’s grasp. A soft and straightforward plot and yet, so deep. Embers is a type of novels which says much with few words. It doesn’t take a lot to think such as you understand the overall and Konrad intimately, with a uniquely well-developed personality arc. simple and simply: it is a novel, women and gentlemen. If Embers was once a play, the viewers will be silenced after which may erupt in a status ovation. you simply need to learn it for your self to understand.

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