Chuck Palahniuk Choke

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Transcript Chuck Palahniuk Choke

Chuck Palahniuk
Title: Choke
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Format: Audio CD
Pages: 0
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 1415901295
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5.7 MB
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From the master of the dark and the depraved, whose FIGHT CLUB earned him a cult following,
comes a novel about Victor Mancini - a medical school dropout who believes himself to be a
direct descendant of Jesus Christ (never mind the fact that he happens to be an incorrigible sex
addict who pays for his ailing mother's medical bills by pretending to choke in restaurants and
so reaping sympathy checks from the people who "save" him). Mordantly funny, taunting, and,
at times, as thought-provoking as it is weird, CHOKE is a satiric - and unsettling - romp through
our 'norm'-driven world.
Insightful reviews
Noce: "E se invece Gesù avesse passato la giovinezza a commettere errori?Prima di azzeccare
il suo primo miracolo?"
Divertente, brillante, delirante, vorticoso.
A partire dall'incipit:«Se stai per metterti a leggere, evita.
tra un paio di pagine vorrai essere da un'altra parte. Perciò lascia perdere. Vattene. Sparisci,
finchè sei intero.
Salvati. Ci sarà pure qualcosa di meglio alla tv. Oppure, se proprio hai del tempo da buttare,
che so, potresti iscriverti a un corso serale. Diventare un dottore. Così magari riesci a tirare su
due soldi. Ti regali una cena fuori. Ti tingi i capelli.
Tanto, ringiovanire non ringiovanisci.»
Palahniuk è un maestro nel capovolgere gli eventi; le sensazioni stesse che il lettore prova per i
suoi personaggi vengono ribaltate senza sforzo, seguendo il corso naturale e bizzarro degli
Il protagonista, Victor Mancini, sessodipendente che vive di espedienti cercando di mantenere
la madre in fin di vita, vuole trovare una ragion d'essere, snocciolando critiche sulle miserabili
vite degli altri, comprese le nostre:« È pazzesco quanto una donna può fraintenderti se per
sbaglio, mentre le affondi il muso tra le chiappe morbide, dici: ti amo. Dieci volte su dieci, l'uomo
che pronuncia quelle parole intende dire: amo quello che stiamo facendo.»
Il suo amico di sventure, Denny, vive nel suo strampalato mondo dove tutto ha una logica, alla
disperata ricerca di un progetto da realizzare..In un film verrebbe definito come la "spalla" del
protagonista, in realtà alla fine della storia, anche il suo ruolo si inverte. E nel frattempo ci regala
le riflessioni su cui inciampa durante i voli pindarici della sua mente: «A volte è come se fossi io
a voler essere picchiato e punito. Va benissimo anche se Dio non esiste, però qualcosa da
rispettare lo voglio lo stesso. Non mi va di essere il centro del mio universo.»
La madre di Victor, una donna che vive da anni in un nichilismo cosmico, e che ha cresciuto il
figlio impartendogli regole di sopravvivenza dalla validità assoluta:«-L'unica frontiera che ci
rimane è il mondo dell'intangibile. Tutto il resto è cucito troppo stretto.-Per intangibile la Mamma
intendeva Internet, i film, la musica, le storie, l'arte, le voci che corrono, i programmi per
computer, tutto ciò che non è reale. Le realtà virtuali. Le simulazioni. La cultura. Perché la realtà
non arriva mai al grado di perfezione cui può spingersi l'immaginazione. Perché soltanto ciò che
è intangibile, le idee, i concetti, le convinzioni, le fantasie, durano. Le pietre si sgretolano, il
legno marcisce. La gente, bé la gente muore.»
E poi vi rimane il resto del libro, un carosello di personaggi sbandati, disillusi o troppo creduloni,
ma pur sempre umani.
Se vi aspettate un linguaggio formale e pulito, avete sbagliato libro. Ma anche in questo
Palahniuk è costante. Le espressioni sboccate, il sesso ovunque, la degradazione al massimo
livello, son tutti elementi che se all'inizio fan storcere il naso a chi non è abituato, di pagina in
pagina diventano elementi indispensabili della storia. E la rendono completa: l'ennesimo
ribaltamento del libro.
La stellina mancante, è dovuta al fatto, che ho finito di leggere il libro ieri, e come ogni lettura
intensa va digerita prima di poterla sigillare con un giudizio definitivo. Però una mezza in più
gliel'avrei data volentieri, anche a caldo.
Un consiglio, non seguite l'avvertimento dato nell'incipit. Continuate a leggere: ne vale la pena.
Caris: If I ever teach a philosophy course, it’ll go like this:
Week 1: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
Week 2: Augustine
Week 3: Nietzsche
Week 4: Palahniuk
Week 5: Palahniuk
Week 6: Palahniuk
Week 7: Palahniuk
Week 8: Palahniuk
Week 9: Palahniuk
Week 10: Palahniuk
Week 11: Palahniuk
Week 12: Palahniuk
I doubt I’ll get tenure, but who wants that anyway?
Today, class, we will discuss the finer points of choking as a means of receiving and
maintaining love and support. Tomorrow, we’ll learn the implications of learning that one is the
ultimate physical manifestation of good. Thursday, we’ll have a look at the idea of building
something, anything, without a tangible goal other than the process itself. I’m going to miss
class on Friday, but, in my absence, I’d like you all to attend at least one meeting of a support
group for those afflicted with sexual addiction. Try to make friends.
Class dismissed.
Sofía De la Cuesta: Me gusta el estilo irreverente y disperso de Palahniuk. La historia me hizo
apreciar mi vida y lo afortunada que soy... jajajaja
Muy recomendable amigos!
Shovelmonkey1: This used to be my first advent to Chuck Palahnuik. hi Chuck. i am certainly
one of your fans on goodreads.I'm now not as bizarre as any of your characters yet possibly at
some point you are going to no longer write approximately self-help teams and in its place will
write approximately on-line e-book groups. finally bookishness is more or less an dependancy
too right?Or possibly it is a compulsion?Or a little bit both?Just have a look round fb for the literate.And immoderate.And insane. i believe there is scope.Let
me understand what you think.A bizarre position to begin provided that I most likely must have
long gone for struggle Club, his most sensible loved, so much vaunted and funds spinning
paintings to date. Anyway, it used to be a very good advent none the less. Odd, off kilter
perspectives of an international which most folk by no means relatively take into consideration
generated out of the random state of affairs series generator:sex addicts + pioneer city historical
re-enactment + god complicated mum + choking = manageable source of revenue for major
personality plus story.Umm i believe I simply summarised the plot there. nonetheless now not
totally confident how choking in public areas generates an honest every year source of revenue
though... and is it tax exempt as a donation instead of genuine earnings? All i will say is that it
doesn't matter what the internet choke source of revenue is consistent with annum, it really is
most likely nonetheless greater than I earn as an archaeologist!
Kristen: should you decide this publication up, do not even hassle taking a look at the again
cover, what's written there can't even start to inform you what you're approximately to read. I
picked this ebook up established off of some assorted people's suggestions and listening to the
author's identify dropped by means of numerous of my favourite authors. I were advised many
times how totally hysterical this booklet is, so after all I needed to learn it.First enable me
provide you with a warning this publication isn't really for everyone... in reality it isn't for many
people, yet there's a choose team in the market that this publication is ideal for. during this
booklet you can find addictions, depravity, intercourse acts of all kinds, death, pain, obsession,
profanity, blasphemy, and adequate repetition to force an English significant insane. yet do not
permit that cease you from reading... this is often really a really unusual but disturbingly
profound book.Short Summary: Our identify personality is a intercourse addict who fakes
choking in eating places to make humans believe like heroes... he is had a negative
adolescence with a totally insane mom who abducted him on a number of occasions. She's now
in a house and is speedy imminent her end, whereas her son, Victor, makes an attempt to
accommodate his past, his problems, and his future.If you're looking for a e-book approximately
redemption, this is not it. Victor is a failed med scholar who's riddled with mental difficulties
raging from sexual habit to critical adolescence trauma. He wanders via existence looking
desperately for meaning, goal and hope... all whereas combating to maintain from being a
"good guy." the one actually multidimensional personality within the tale is Victor, and the
booklet is informed circulate of wakeful from Victor's aspect of view. Victor behaves badly and
fights to mentally safeguard his habit to either the reader and himself. We switch among the
present day and his childhood, or really his thoughts of his youth that are informed with a
bitterness now not towards his mentally risky mother, yet towards himself.Victor is stuffed with a
deep rooted self loathing that comes throughout truly to the reader, in spite of the fact that he
continuously defends his activities and emotions yet his security is hollow. it truly is transparent
that he is aware that his existence is pathetic and his destiny goes to be without precise
happiness should still he proceed on his present path. As a reader you keep on with his
psychological wanderings, excuses, and end up hoping that he latches directly to whatever
healthy.I don't need to provide an excessive amount of of the plot away, even if there
particularly is not a lot of a plot. this is often extra of a personality research of an addict, and
addict who understands that issues could be assorted yet rejects and rebels opposed to society
to the purpose that he can't even understand a fit existence. As I stated this booklet aren't for
everyone, it's harsh, gross, packed with physically fluids, wicked sexual acts, profanity and
undesirable selection after undesirable choice. so much of aiding forged is stuffed with
stereotypes and one dimensional jokes, additionally the best way that this is often written is
particularly repetitive and the fashion may be jarring to many readers. it isn't a simple learn to
whip during a result of means that it really is written. i'm completely satisfied that I learn this
book, yet i do not rather recognize who i do know that i'd suggest it to.Oh, and yes, components
of this booklet are very funny... yet frequently i used to be left feeling particularly unhappy for
the folk in it. maybe i am simply feeling delicate today, however the hopelessness of the events
that those humans positioned themselves into is a slightly sobering idea. the idea that retains
reiterating itself during the booklet is the belief of fact and who we are, can we create ourselves
or will we allow society come to a decision who we are... if we strive to struggle opposed to
society are we simply dooming ourselves to disappointment and supreme misery?
Patrizia O: Senza alcun filtro, Palahniuk ci sbatte in faccia le incongruenze e le brutture della
vita che quotidianamente ciascuno di noi conduce. Il protagonista (così come tutti gli altri
personaggi che gli ruotano intorno) non riesce a much finta che vada tutto bene, a rimuovere il
disagio della civiltà (passatemi l. a. citazione freudiana). Ma c’è molto di più: una Madre che ha
cercato di plasmarlo secondo l. a. sua distorta visione del mondo e che non ha esitato a usarlo
in line with raggiungere i suoi obiettivi. los angeles trama da sola non giustifica le quattro
stellette né sarebbe un buon motivo in step with leggere il libro. Io ho trovato interessante il
linguaggio, crudo ma (secondo me) non volgare, nel senso che le parole forti utilizzate non
sono mai gratuite ma in perfetta sintonia con lo stato emotivo dei personaggi e con lo stile,
totalmente lontano dal “politically correct”.Un consiglio: evitate di farvi influenzare della quarta
di copertina perché non è assolutamente rappresentativa della storia narrata.
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