Chuck Palahniuk Choke - Impressions By Maria

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Transcript Chuck Palahniuk Choke - Impressions By Maria

Chuck Palahniuk
Title: Choke
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Format: Paperback
Language: French
Pages: 384
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 207030552X
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5.4 MB
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Victor Mancini est figurant dans un " musée vivant " où le moindre anachronisme est puni par la
mise au pilori avec suspension de salaire. Il est sexoolique, drogué du sexe en thérapie
verbale, incapable d'aimer. Son meilleur ami se promène avec des cailloux enroulés dans des
couvertures et sa mère, folle à lier, le ruine sans jamais reconnaître en lui le fils dont elle a
ravagé l'enfance... Pour quelles raisons ? Où se niche véritablement la folie ? Pourquoi Victor
continue-t-il de se faire vomir publiquement dans des restaurants chics et qui saura lui révéler
l'incroyable secret de sa naissance ? Un livre de Palahniuk ne se résume pas, c'est déjanté,
subversif et incroyablement lucide.
Insightful reviews
Shovelmonkey1: This was my first introduction to Chuck Palahnuik.
Hello Chuck.
I'm one of your followers on goodreads.
I'm not as weird as any of your characters but maybe one day you'll not write about self-help
groups and instead will write about online book groups.
After all bookishness is kind of an addiction too right?
Or maybe it's a compulsion?
Or a bit of both?
Just take a look around
Like facebook for the literate.
And immoderate.
And insane.
I think there's scope.
Let me know what you think.
A weird place to start given that I probably should have gone for Fight Club, his best loved, most
vaunted and money spinning work to date. Anyway, it was a good introduction none the less.
Odd, off kilter views of a world which most people never really think about generated out of the
random scenario sequence generator:
sex addicts + pioneer town historic re-enactment + god complex mum + choking = viable
income for main character plus story.
Umm I think I just summarised the plot there. Still not entirely convinced how choking in public
places generates a decent yearly income though... and is it tax exempt as a donation rather
than actual earnings? All I can say is that no matter what the net choke income is per annum,
it's probably still more than I earn as an archaeologist!
Will M.: My first and last Palahniuk book. I might make an exception for Fight Club because I
loved the movie, but my hatred toward this novel is really making me avoid any other novel of
his. I'm not even going to write a full review anymore. I honestly just wasted my time finishing
this piece of...
Amy: Excerpt:
"Here, I'm supposed to tell her the truth. I admire addicts. In a world where everybody is waiting
for some blind, random disaster or some sudden disease, the addict has the comfort of knowing
what will most likely wait for him down the road. He's taken some control over his ultimate fate,
and his addiction keeps the cause of his death from being a total surprise.
In a way, being an addict is very proactive.
A good addiction takes the guesswork out of death. There is such a thing as planning your
And for serious, it's such a chick thing to think that any human life should just go on and on.
See also: Dr. Paige Marshall.
See also: Ida Mancini.
The truth is, sex isn't sex unless you have a new partner every time. The first time is the only
session when your head and body are both there. Even the second hour of that first time, your
head can start to wander. You don't get the full anesthetic quality of good first-time anonymous
What would Jesus NOT do?
But instead of all that, I just lied to Miss Lacey and said, "How can I reach you?"
I tell the fourth-graders that they call it cancer because when the cancer starts growing inside
you, when it breaks through your skin, it looks like a big red crab. Then the crab breaks open
and it's all bloody and white inside.
"Whatever the doctors tried," I tell the silent little kids, "every little boy would end up dirty and
diseased and screaming in terrible pain. And who can tell me what happened next?"
No hands go up.
"For sure," I say, "he died, of course."
And I put the poker back into the fire.
"So," I say, "any questions?"
No hands go up, so I tell them about the fairly bogus studies where scientists shaved mice and
smeared them with smegma from horses. This was supposed to prove foreskins caused cancer.
A dozen hands go up, and I tell them, "Ask your teacher."
What a frigging job that must've been, shaving those poor mice. Then finding a bunch of
uncircumcised horses.
The clock on the mantel shows our half hour is almost over. Out through the window, Denny's
still bent over in the stocks. He's only got until one o'clock. A stray village dog stops next to him
and lifts its leg, and the stream of steaming yellow goes straight into Denny's wooden shoe.
"And what else," I say, "is George Washington kept slaves and didn't ever chop down a cherry
tree, and he was really a woman."
As they push toward the door I tell them, "And don't mess with the dude in the stocks anymore."
I shout, "And lay off shaking the damn chicken eggs."
Just to stir the turd, I tell them to ask the cheesemaker why his eyes are all red and dilated. Ask
the blacksmith about the icky lines going up and down the insides of his arms. I call after the
infectious little monsters, any moles or freckles they have, that's just cancer waiting to happen. I
call after them, "Sunshine is your enemy. Stay off the sunny side of the street."
Choke is my favorite book. It's about sexual addiction, Jesus complexes, and doing something
GOOD with your life instead of just not doing bad things. It helped shape my current worldattitude and psyche, for better or worse.
Darwin8u: “It is typically a suitable reaction to truth to move insane.” ? Philip K. Dick, VALISI
quite cherished this book. In loads of methods it can be my favourite Palahniuk novel (so far).
you could inform CP is leaving loads of his personal emotion and blood within the narrative. Do i
feel it really is autobiographical? definitely not, yet i feel it can be outfitted out of stones that
Palahniuk has lifted. he's capable of weave a number of the topics he'll stopover at many times
into this novel. The fight of addiction, the fight to be human in a dehumanized world, the
explosive have to no longer comply with what's being offered is all here.There is a interval in
glossy lifestyles for those who get up and detect that you're the beakless poultry destined to
spend the remainder of your existence in a battery cage so small you can't even stretch your
wings. Society will proceed to feed and water you so long as you retain pumping these eggs
out. so much people get up to this lifestyles and both pray or beg for it to finish quickly. we'd
search to muffle our lifestyles with drugs, or religion, or sex, or exercise, or another type of
psychological escape. all of us seize for a few opiate of the egg farm. Palahniuk is a type of
infrequent writers, a kind of infrequent birds who will not take a seat nonetheless within the
cage. he's a bird that turns out absolutely ready to burn the farm DOWN.
Noce: "E se invece Gesù avesse passato l. a. giovinezza a commettere errori?Prima di
azzeccare il suo primo miracolo?"Divertente, brillante, delirante, vorticoso. A partire
dall'incipit:«Se stai in line with metterti a leggere, evita. tra un paio di pagine vorrai essere da
un'altra parte. Perciò lascia perdere. Vattene. Sparisci, finchè sei intero. Salvati. Ci sarà natural
qualcosa di meglio alla tv. Oppure, se proprio hai del pace da buttare, che so, potresti iscriverti
a un corso serale. Diventare un dottore. Così magari riesci a tirare su due soldi. Ti regali una
cena fuori. Ti tingi i capelli. Tanto, ringiovanire non ringiovanisci.»Palahniuk è un maestro nel
capovolgere gli eventi; le sensazioni stesse che il lettore prova according to i suoi personaggi
vengono ribaltate senza sforzo, seguendo il corso naturale e bizzarro degli eventi. Il
protagonista, Victor Mancini, sessodipendente che vive di espedienti cercando di mantenere los
angeles madre in fin di vita, vuole trovare una ragion d'essere, snocciolando critiche sulle
miserabili vite degli altri, comprese le nostre:« È pazzesco quanto una donna può fraintenderti
se in step with sbaglio, mentre le affondi il muso tra le chiappe morbide, dici: ti amo. Dieci volte
su dieci, l'uomo che pronuncia quelle parole intende dire: amo quello che stiamo facendo.»Il suo
amico di sventure, Denny, vive nel suo strampalato mondo dove tutto ha una logica, alla
disperata ricerca di un progetto da realizzare..In un movie verrebbe definito come l. a. "spalla"
del protagonista, in realtà alla advantageous della storia, anche il suo ruolo si inverte. E nel
frattempo ci regala le riflessioni su cui inciampa durante i voli pindarici della sua mente: «A volte
è come se fossi io a voler essere picchiato e punito. Va benissimo anche se Dio non esiste,
però qualcosa da rispettare lo voglio lo stesso. Non mi va di essere il centro del mio
universo.»La madre di Victor, una donna che vive da anni in un nichilismo cosmico, e che ha
cresciuto il figlio impartendogli regole di sopravvivenza dalla validità assoluta:«-L'unica frontiera
che ci rimane è il mondo dell'intangibile. Tutto il resto è cucito troppo stretto.-Per intangibile l. a.
Mamma intendeva Internet, i film, los angeles musica, le storie, l'arte, le voci che corrono, i
programmi in keeping with computer, tutto ciò che non è reale. Le realtà virtuali. Le simulazioni.
los angeles cultura. Perché los angeles realtà non arriva mai al grado di perfezione cui può
spingersi l'immaginazione. Perché soltanto ciò che è intangibile, le idee, i concetti, le
convinzioni, le fantasie, durano. Le pietre si sgretolano, il legno marcisce. los angeles gente, bé
l. a. gente muore.» E poi vi rimane il resto del libro, un carosello di personaggi sbandati, disillusi
o troppo creduloni, ma pur sempre umani. Se vi aspettate un linguaggio formale e pulito, avete
sbagliato libro. Ma anche in questo Palahniuk è costante. Le espressioni sboccate, il sesso
ovunque, l. a. degradazione al massimo livello, son tutti elementi che se all'inizio fan storcere il
naso a chi non è abituato, di pagina in pagina diventano elementi indispensabili della storia. E l.
a. rendono completa: l'ennesimo ribaltamento del libro. los angeles stellina mancante, è dovuta
al fatto, che ho finito di leggere il libro ieri, e come ogni lettura intensa va digerita prima di
poterla sigillare con un giudizio definitivo. Però una mezza in più gliel'avrei info volentieri, anche
a caldo. Un consiglio, non seguite l'avvertimento dato nell'incipit. Continuate a leggere: ne vale
los angeles pena.
Peter: quite commonplace transgressional fiction, packed with paranoid social deviants,
conspiracy theories abound, femmes fatales, a twist ending…you get the idea. Choke isn't
tremendously diverse from Palahniuk’s prior (and better) novel, struggle Club. In fact, it’s a
long way too similar. In struggle membership the first metaphoric gadget was once underground
highway fighting. In Choke, it truly is sexual addictions. writer works not easy to surprise the
reader with photograph descriptions and occasionally humorous slang, however the
(intentionally) constrained vocabulary of the narrator has a tendency grates at the nerves as a
result of incessant utilization of a similar infantile slang terms, many times again.Author has an
frustrating penchant for beginning his chapters in medias res. the matter is, the combo of his
fragmented writing sort and the bizarreness of his scenes bring about a multitude that's extra
complex to the reader than intriguing.Author additionally likes to create metaphors and revisit
them during the story. very similar to the “I am Jack’s raging bile duct” from struggle Club, right
here it's the hourly poultry calls from an alarm clock in his “mother’s” prolonged care bedroom,
or scientific college mnemonics, or a number of different rhetorical devices. however the writer
isn't really above the extra drained metaphors, similar to a personality twiddling with a jigsaw
puzzle whereas attempting to discover the “puzzle” of the narrator’s life. Yawn.Occasional
flashes of perception aren’t adequate to hold this novel. It’s no longer spectacular that
Palahniuk has moved on from this constrained genre.
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