Chuck Palahniuk Choke

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Transcript Chuck Palahniuk Choke

Chuck Palahniuk
Title: Choke
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Format: Paperback
Language: French
Pages: 384
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 207030552X
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8.8 MB
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Victor Mancini est figurant dans un " musée vivant " où le moindre anachronisme est puni par la
mise au pilori avec suspension de salaire. Il est sexoolique, drogué du sexe en thérapie
verbale, incapable d'aimer. Son meilleur ami se promène avec des cailloux enroulés dans des
couvertures et sa mère, folle à lier, le ruine sans jamais reconnaître en lui le fils dont elle a
ravagé l'enfance... Pour quelles raisons ? Où se niche véritablement la folie ? Pourquoi Victor
continue-t-il de se faire vomir publiquement dans des restaurants chics et qui saura lui révéler
l'incroyable secret de sa naissance ? Un livre de Palahniuk ne se résume pas, c'est déjanté,
subversif et incroyablement lucide.
Insightful reviews
Kelly (and the Book Boar): Victor spends his days working as an indentured servant in Colonial
America. He spends his nights rotating between attending sex addicts anonymous and faking
his own untimely demise by choking in high-end restaurants. Once saved, Victor then maintains
contact with said rescuers in the hopes that they will send him enough money to cover his
mother’s monthly nursing home bill.
Chuck Palahniuk is a very polarizing figure in modern day literature – you either love him or hate
him. I fall into the absolutely adore him category, but I still find it nearly impossible to write a
review for his books. His brain works in such mysterious ways that a synopsis is the only safe
bet to prevent spoilage of his masterpiece. Let’s just say that, once again, his words read like
poetry of the most demented order.
Peter: Fairly standard transgressional fiction, full of paranoid social deviants, conspiracy
theories abound, femmes fatales, a twist ending…you get the idea. Choke is not drastically
different from Palahniuk’s earlier (and better) novel, Fight Club. In fact, it’s far too similar.
In Fight Club the primary metaphoric device was underground street fighting. In Choke, it is
sexual addictions. Author works hard to shock the reader with graphic descriptions and
sometimes funny slang, but the (intentionally) limited vocabulary of the narrator tends grates on
the nerves due to incessant usage of the same childish slang terms, over and over again.
Author has an irritating penchant for starting his chapters in medias res. The problem is, the
combination of his fragmented writing style and the bizarreness of his scenes result in a mess
that is more frustrating to the reader than intriguing.
Author also loves to create metaphors and revisit them throughout the story. Much like the “I
am Jack’s raging bile duct” from Fight Club, here it is the hourly bird calls from an alarm clock in
his “mother’s” extended care bedroom, or medical school mnemonics, or various other
rhetorical devices. But the author is not above the more tired metaphors, such as a character
fiddling with a jigsaw puzzle while trying to uncover the “puzzle” of the narrator’s life. Yawn.
Occasional flashes of insight aren’t enough to carry this novel. It’s not surprising that Palahniuk
has moved on from this limited genre.
Noce: "E se invece Gesù avesse passato la giovinezza a commettere errori?Prima di azzeccare
il suo primo miracolo?"
Divertente, brillante, delirante, vorticoso.
A partire dall'incipit:«Se stai per metterti a leggere, evita.
tra un paio di pagine vorrai essere da un'altra parte. Perciò lascia perdere. Vattene. Sparisci,
finchè sei intero.
Salvati. Ci sarà pure qualcosa di meglio alla tv. Oppure, se proprio hai del tempo da buttare,
che so, potresti iscriverti a un corso serale. Diventare un dottore. Così magari riesci a tirare su
due soldi. Ti regali una cena fuori. Ti tingi i capelli.
Tanto, ringiovanire non ringiovanisci.»
Palahniuk è un maestro nel capovolgere gli eventi; le sensazioni stesse che il lettore prova per i
suoi personaggi vengono ribaltate senza sforzo, seguendo il corso naturale e bizzarro degli
Il protagonista, Victor Mancini, sessodipendente che vive di espedienti cercando di mantenere
la madre in fin di vita, vuole trovare una ragion d'essere, snocciolando critiche sulle miserabili
vite degli altri, comprese le nostre:« È pazzesco quanto una donna può fraintenderti se per
sbaglio, mentre le affondi il muso tra le chiappe morbide, dici: ti amo. Dieci volte su dieci, l'uomo
che pronuncia quelle parole intende dire: amo quello che stiamo facendo.»
Il suo amico di sventure, Denny, vive nel suo strampalato mondo dove tutto ha una logica, alla
disperata ricerca di un progetto da realizzare..In un film verrebbe definito come la "spalla" del
protagonista, in realtà alla fine della storia, anche il suo ruolo si inverte. E nel frattempo ci regala
le riflessioni su cui inciampa durante i voli pindarici della sua mente: «A volte è come se fossi io
a voler essere picchiato e punito. Va benissimo anche se Dio non esiste, però qualcosa da
rispettare lo voglio lo stesso. Non mi va di essere il centro del mio universo.»
La madre di Victor, una donna che vive da anni in un nichilismo cosmico, e che ha cresciuto il
figlio impartendogli regole di sopravvivenza dalla validità assoluta:«-L'unica frontiera che ci
rimane è il mondo dell'intangibile. Tutto il resto è cucito troppo stretto.-Per intangibile la Mamma
intendeva Internet, i film, la musica, le storie, l'arte, le voci che corrono, i programmi per
computer, tutto ciò che non è reale. Le realtà virtuali. Le simulazioni. La cultura. Perché la realtà
non arriva mai al grado di perfezione cui può spingersi l'immaginazione. Perché soltanto ciò che
è intangibile, le idee, i concetti, le convinzioni, le fantasie, durano. Le pietre si sgretolano, il
legno marcisce. La gente, bé la gente muore.»
E poi vi rimane il resto del libro, un carosello di personaggi sbandati, disillusi o troppo creduloni,
ma pur sempre umani.
Se vi aspettate un linguaggio formale e pulito, avete sbagliato libro. Ma anche in questo
Palahniuk è costante. Le espressioni sboccate, il sesso ovunque, la degradazione al massimo
livello, son tutti elementi che se all'inizio fan storcere il naso a chi non è abituato, di pagina in
pagina diventano elementi indispensabili della storia. E la rendono completa: l'ennesimo
ribaltamento del libro.
La stellina mancante, è dovuta al fatto, che ho finito di leggere il libro ieri, e come ogni lettura
intensa va digerita prima di poterla sigillare con un giudizio definitivo. Però una mezza in più
gliel'avrei data volentieri, anche a caldo.
Un consiglio, non seguite l'avvertimento dato nell'incipit. Continuate a leggere: ne vale la pena.
Anthony Chavez: Bravo Palahniuk, Bra-ha-vo! guy am I overdue to the Palahniuk party, geez.
This ebook was once amazing, his writing impeccable. the guy can weave sentences in
methods only a few can. I agree this man's writing will be taught in philosophy courses. to check
a e-book that is starts off with this:"If you are going to learn this, do not bother. After a pair
pages, you will not are looking to be here. So overlook it. pass away. Get out while you are
nonetheless in a single piece. keep yourself. ... What occurs this is first going to piss you off.
After that it simply will get worse and worse."I suggest how do you do that? the 1st bankruptcy
simply grabbed me, it fairly beats at the "little cooz" boy and makes you actually suppose for
him, Victor Mancini, the famous person of the story, if you happen to may perhaps even name
him that. Victor, the "stupid silly little boy" AKA the hero maker. I suggest have you heard of
somebody going to eating places and purposely choking on nutrition so a person may shop
them after which play off in their for my part impressive event through hitting them up for cash to
aid aid himself and pay for his mother's clinical bills? Crazy!As many of us have acknowledged
this ebook isn't really for everyone. It simply isn't, and that i can inform that by means of the
various undesirable studies it has gotten. To them I shake my head, I enjoyed IT! it truly is
certainly an got style although and there's a choose staff available in the market that this e-book
is spot on for. This booklet you will discover addictions galore, sex, death, religion, pain,
profanity, blasphemy, and masses literary repetition which could force the avid reader or English
significant wonky. certainly a very good advent to Palahniuk."Masterpiece" is not the correct
word, yet it is the first note that involves mind. See also: ProfoundSee also: precise
Amy: Excerpt:"Here, i am purported to inform her the truth. i like addicts. In a global the place
every person is expecting a few blind, random catastrophe or a few surprising disease, the
addict has the relief of realizing what's going to probably look forward to him down the road. he
is taken a few regulate over his final fate, and his habit retains the reason for his loss of life from
being a complete surprise. In a way, being an addict is especially proactive. a very good
dependancy takes the guesswork out of death. there's this kind of factor as making plans your
getaway. And for serious, it is this sort of chick factor to imagine that any human lifestyles
should still simply move on and on. See also: Dr. Paige Marshall. See also: Ida Mancini. the
reality is, intercourse isn't really intercourse until you've a brand new associate each time. the
1st time is the single consultation while your head and physique are either there. Even the
second one hour of that first time, your head can begin to wander. you do not get the complete
anesthetic caliber of fine first-time nameless sex. What could Jesus no longer do? yet rather
than all that, I simply lied to overlook Lacey and said, "How am i able to achieve you?" I inform
the fourth-graders that they name it melanoma simply because while the melanoma starts off
transforming into inside of you, whilst it breaks via your skin, it appears like a huge pink crab.
Then the crab breaks open and it is all bloody and white inside. "Whatever the medical
professionals tried," I inform the silent little kids, "every little boy could turn out soiled and
diseased and screaming in poor pain. And who can inform me what occurred next?" No arms
pass up. "For sure," I say, "he died, of course." and that i placed the poker again into the fire.
"So," I say, "any questions?" No fingers pass up, so I inform them concerning the quite bogus
reports the place scientists shaved mice and smeared them with smegma from horses. This
was once imagined to turn out foreskins triggered cancer. A dozen fingers cross up, and that i
inform them, "Ask your teacher." What a frigging activity that must've been, shaving these bad
mice. Then discovering a host of uncircumcised horses. The clock at the mantel indicates our
part hour is nearly over. Out throughout the window, Denny's nonetheless bent over within the
stocks. he is in simple terms obtained until eventually one o'clock. A stray village puppy stops
subsequent to him and lifts its leg, and the move of steaming yellow is going directly into
Denny's wood shoe. "And what else," I say, "is George Washington stored slaves and did not
ever chop down a cherry tree, and he used to be fairly a woman." As they push towards the
door I inform them, "And do not mess with the dude within the shares anymore." I shout, "And
lay off shaking the rattling chook eggs." simply to stir the turd, I inform them to invite the
cheesemaker why his eyes are all crimson and dilated. Ask the blacksmith in regards to the icky
traces going up and down the insides of his arms. I name after the infectious little monsters, any
moles or freckles they have, that is simply melanoma ready to happen. I name after them,
"Sunshine is your enemy. remain off the sunny facet of the street." -endChoke is my favourite
book. it really is approximately sexual addiction, Jesus complexes, and doing whatever solid
together with your existence rather than simply now not doing undesirable things. It assisted in
shaping my present world-attitude and psyche, for larger or worse.
Patrick Gibson: a lot much less terrifying than “Lullaby,” i ultimately settled right into a
Palahniuk novel the place i may snort with no feeling like i will hell. even supposing a lot of the
humor is subversive and from time to time disgusting, it’s that psycho facet that's so
compelling. there have been occasions while I placed this booklet down and idea i might supply
it a rest. yet quickly, i discovered my self studying back simply to discover the place the writer
used to be going and through what weird and wonderful capacity he may take me there. Having
positioned my mom in a nursing domestic and visited her nearly daily, there have been scenes
in Choke that introduced tears of recognition. But, the intercourse addict factor rather struck just
about home. simply kidding. Now, I ask you—who of their mistaken brain might coalesce
intercourse dependancy and dealing in a Colonial the USA topic Park? i'm yes there's a
philosophical dating yet all I observed used to be kick-ass humor. like any of Palahniuks books
the darkish part is ever present. the most characters dating together with his institutionalized
mom is tragic; his abuses as a baby due to his mother’s psychological instability center
breaking, and his acquaintances obsession with rocks simply downright weird. As i've got
acknowledged in a few of my different Palahniuk comments: he enjoyed in a dismal unparallel
universe. great spot to go to . . . wouldn’t are looking to . . . well, you know.
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