Jana Hensel After The Wall

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Jana Hensel
After The Wall
Title: After The Wall
Author: Jana Hensel
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 192
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 1586482661
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6.2 MB
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Jana Hensel was thirteen on November 9, 1989, the night the Berlin Wall fell. In all the euphoria
over German reunification, no one stopped to think what it would mean for Jana and her
generation of East Germans. These were the kids of the seventies, who had grown up in the
shadow of Communism with all its hokey comforts: the Young Pioneer youth groups, the
cheerful Communist propaganda, and the comforting knowledge that they lived in a Germany
unblemished by an ugly Nazi past and a callous capitalist future. Suddenly everything was
gone. East Germany disappeared, swallowed up by the West, and in its place was everything
Jana and her friends had coveted for so long: designer clothes, pop CDs, Hollywood movies,
supermarkets, magazines. They snapped up every possible Western product and mannerism.
They changed the way they talked, the way they walked, what they read, where they went. They
cut off from their parents. They took English lessons, and opened bank accounts. Fifteen years
later, they all have the right haircuts and drive the right cars, but who are they? Where are they
In After the Wall, Jana Hensel tells the story of her confused generation of East Germans, who
were forced to abandon their past and feel their way through a foreign landscape to an
uncertain future. Now as they look back, they wonder whether the oppressive, yet comforting life
of their childhood wasn't so bad after all.
Insightful reviews
Kendra: Reading this book enlightened me to the mindset of the East Germans at the time of
the Berlin wall and in the years after the wall came down. I learned a lot about East Germany
and the GDR that I did not know before as most of my history classes have focused primarily on
West Germany, the Nazis, and the Holocaust, rarely if ever mentioning East Germany and the
GDR. With that said, I did think that Jana Hensel could be a little bit repetitive and whiny during
the telling of her story. I am sorry that you feel as if your childhood and country are gone, but
suck it up and drive on already. Everyone's childhood is gone and most people's hometowns
are probably not exactly as they remember them growing up either, things change and you have
to change with them. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone unless they were majoring in or
studying Germany for some reason. It isn't a book I would just pick up and read of my own
Anne: Ik denk dat ik het woord 'verschwinden' en vervoegingen daarvan nog nooit zo vaak ben
tegengekomen in een zo klein aantal bladzijden. Jana is een zeurpiet. Het hele boek lang doet
ze zielig over hoe haar jeugd is verdwenen en er niks van de DDR is overgebleven, maar
nergens geeft ze blijk van waardering, nooit zegt ze dat het er zo leuk was. Tuurlijk, ik heb soms
ook best heimwee naar dingen die eigenlijk niet zo geweldig waren, maar om er dan een heel
boek over te schrijven... En dan vooral een boek dat heel prikkelend begint met een
beschrijving van de Montagsdemonstrationen, om vervolgens over te gaan in een
onbegrijpelijke verzameling hersenspinsels ('Ik wil niet anders zijn dan de Wessis, maar als
mensen me aanzien voor Wessi dan ben ik beledigd want diep van binnen ben ik Ossi maar dat
wil ik eigenlijk niet zijn...' GET A GRIP, JANA!) en zeer oppervlakkige beschrijvingen van de
DDR-Alltag. Ik heb het boek vijf minuten geleden uitgelezen en ik ben nu al vergeten waar de
eerste zes (van de acht) hoofdstukken over gingen. Dat zegt, neem ik aan, genoeg. Jana, als je
wilt dat 'de anderen' begrijpen 'hoe jouw generatie zich voelt', dan is het handig als je ons een
concreter beeld geeft van de DDR-samenleving. Zoals het boek nu is, leest het als een
wispelturige beschrijving van je puberteit. De plaatjes waren wel leuk.
Bruce Bowman: Ms. Hensel does an excellent job of portraying the sense of loss many East
Germans must have felt after reunification. This is a truly bittersweet look at the GDR.
Pam Rasmussen: I had an au pair who grew up in East Germany, then moved to the West, and
that i take into accout her telling me that she ignored how the East took care of its residents.
The West, she said, appeared quite chilly and uncaring in contrast. that will be a shock to many
of us who imagine Communism used to be all bad. Jana Hensel's publication is certainly
distinctive in targeting the transition required of that generation. yet what i discovered very
unhappy used to be the experience of loss, confusion and abandonment felt via her parents'
generation. and the way distanced she felt from them.
Katniss: This ebook used to be a discomfort in my neck. If it wasn't for my class, i wouldn't have
complete it. Jana Hensel absolutely frustrated me! might be it really is my missing skill to spot
with the Eastern-Germany-I-lost-my-home-Theme ... yet I doubt that. i am frequently relatively
drawn to heritage and the development itself is fascinating, additionally the time and people. yet
Hensel is only one demanding Ossi. I was hoping to profit anything in regards to the German
Democratic Republic and how of lifestyles perceived by way of a trifling baby and the results
those took at the up-growing... yet that publication absolutely lacks of information, because of
consistent whining. should you wanna be aware of anything concerning the German Democratic
Republic and it is manner of life: do not learn that book. do not learn that book, irrespective of
what. it is not definitely worth the trouble.
blackteiwaz: i discovered it to be really easy to read, even though I anticipated whatever extra
structured. It wasn't written as a chronological account of facts, that's what i assumed i might
find. It felt a piece complicated to me at times, yet then again, it displays the complicated
occasions the writer lived.I spent from 1988 to 1996 in a highschool that was once subsidized
through Germany. I take into account 1989 and the importance of the autumn of the wall, i used
to be 10 years old. We celebrated the reunification of Germany, yet now I see that we as
students, by no means understood what it relatively intended and the way difficult it quite was
once when you lived there. I by no means had a instructor from East Germany and that i don't
believe I had any fellow scholars from East Germany either. To me Germans have consistently
been Germans, it doesn't matter what part of the wall they arrive from, yet now i assume it's not
an analogous for Germans themselves.This ebook additionally made me take into consideration
all of the alterations i've got skilled in my very own state due to the fact that my youth and, i
locate that i will be able to additionally inform a few stories, just like what Hensel narrates,
approximately swap in a Latin American Country.This is the wonderful thing about this book, it
makes us take into consideration our personal lives and our personal stories.
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