Statement EAI kidnapping

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The European Alliance for Israel condemns kidnapping and calls for support
June 19 2014
The European Alliance for Israel (EAI) condemns the kidnapping of Naftali Frenkel (16), Gil-Ad
Sha’ar (16) and Eyal Yifrach (19) in the strongest possible way. Our thoughts are with the three
students and their families. We hope they will soon be back home again.
The EAI calls on all European states, NGOs and other bodies in contact with Palestinian
Authorities or civil society, to condemn the kidnapping and to help foster the release of the boys as
soon as possible.
Österreichisch-Israelische Gesellschaft (ÖIG)
Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft (DIG)
Gesellschaft Schweiz Israel
Ceská Společnost Přátel Izraele
Dansk-Israelsk Selskab
Anglo-Israel Association
ICEJ Suomen osasto
Magyar-Izraeli Baráti Társaságok és Körök Országos Szövetsége
Ireland Israel Friendship League
Irish 4 Israel
Federazione delle Associazioni Italia-Israele
Genootschap Nederland Israel
Med Israel for fred (Norway)
Cultural Friendship Association Romania-Israel
Društvo srpsko-jevrejskog prijateljstva
Samfundet Sverige-Israel