141201 Factsheet IndexToppers AEX month 1411

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Transcript 141201 Factsheet IndexToppers AEX month 1411

Model Portfolio

BeursToppers Portfolio January 2015

Assets & Products

Index (Futures) AEX index (FTI).

Multi Strategies

Multi strategies Dynamic set of independent automated strategies. Multi Timeframes Intraday (5 minutes bars). Multi Trend Short Term


Multi Trading direction Long and Short. Multi Strategy type Momentum. Multi Regions Europe. Correlation Low degree of correlation between strategies.


Model Portfolio AUM € 50.000 Fixed volume / Trade 1 Future / Trade Max. Risk per Trade 1,5% of Future value

IndexToppers AEX

Fixed investment

140 120 100

Net Performance % (no reinvestment, excl. fee)

80 60 40 20 0

2009 2010 Outperformance benchmark (No reinvestment, start 1-1-2009)

IndexToppers AEX Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50

Monthly Performance % %

2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009


-0,6 -1,6 -2,5 -2,1 -7,9

14,9 Feb 0,8

-2,9 -3,8 -6,8

3,0 1,1 Mar 2,5 1,9 5,3 2,1 0,1 4,1 Apr


3,2 7,4

-3,5 -4,3 -4,6

2011 2009 40,3 21,0 May 8,1 0,6

-4,0 -1,0

11,2 3,2 2010 Jun 2,5 3,7 3,6 1,9 7,2




2012 Jul 5,5 6,8 8,5 8,7 15,6 2,9 2011 22,4


Aug 2,5 2,5



-2,4 -0,2

2012 2013 2,6 13,3 2013 9,8 19,0 Sep 0,2

-0,7 -4,4



3,2 Oct 3,1

-3,0 -0,3 -4,6 -4,6

4,9 Nov

-0,8 -10,2

7,6 8,3


1,8 2014 2014 30,4 1,5 YTD

119,4 28,0

Dec 9,7 9,3


5,3 10,1 9,9 YTD 30,4 9,8 2,6 22,4 13,7 40,5 Cum 119,4 89,0 79,2 76,6 54,2 40,5

20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15


% Winning Months % Losing Months Win/Loss Ratio Months

Profit Analysis

Risk Free Rate (10 Year) Excess Return Month Excess Return Year

Cost / Fee

Transaction, spread, slippage cost Management fee excl. VAT Performance fee excl. VAT (High Water Mark)

Monthly Performance %

60% 40% 2,2 2,0% 1,5% 17,9% Incl. Excl. Excl.


Max single month DD on Model Portfolio Max DD on Model Portfolio (Month by Month) Max DD on Model Portfolio (Intra month)

Risk Return Analysis

Sharp Ratio Calmar Ratio Recovery Max DD (in months)


Benchmark Alpha Correlation benchmark

Monthly Distributions of Return

-10,6% -22,5% -30,0% 0,9 0,9 13,6 DJ EuroStoxx 50 0,15 0,11 8 6 4 2 0 Start Live trading individual strategy Model Portfolio July 2011 according to transaction prices and costs InteractiveBrokers.


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