The Uncanny (Das Unheimliche): a pun on: Heim (home)/heimisch (homely or familiar)/ Geheimnis (secret) heimlich-heimisch (secretly familiar) The Double The Haunted House The Conflation of Imagination.

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Transcript The Uncanny (Das Unheimliche): a pun on: Heim (home)/heimisch (homely or familiar)/ Geheimnis (secret) heimlich-heimisch (secretly familiar) The Double The Haunted House The Conflation of Imagination.

The Uncanny (Das Un heim liche): a pun on: Heim (home)/ heim isch (homely or familiar)/ Ge heim nis (secret)


(secretly familiar) The Double The Haunted House The Conflation of Imagination and Reality The Reanimated Dead The Return of the Repressed What defeats it? …laughter

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Café Hawelka (and Buchteln!)

Pestsäule, Graben Platz

Arnold Böcklin “ Plague ” (1898)

Caravaggio “ Narcissus ” (1597-99)

Caravaggio “ Medusa ” 1597

“ Böcklin “ Medusa ” (1886)

Franz von Stück “ Lucifer ” (1890)