New Horizons for Charter School Support in Idaho WELCOME We are so glad you are here!

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Transcript New Horizons for Charter School Support in Idaho WELCOME We are so glad you are here!

New Horizons for Charter School
Support in Idaho
We are so glad you are here!
Expected Outcomes
 Understand JKAF’s new support strategy & how to participate
 Celebrate the wins, strengths, bright spots of the charter sector in
 Be motivated and inspired for the future of charter schools in
 The value and benefit of Idaho Charter School Network: past,
present & future
 The value and benefit of Building Hope Idaho: FACILITIES
 Importance of quality authorizing to the charter sector
What’s the one thing you want
everyone in the world to know
about your school?
Creating a Robust Charter Ecosystem
We support the ecosystem for high quality learning
Support/Advocacy: Idaho Charter School Network
Facilities: Building Hope Idaho
Quality: Improved charter authorizing (NACSA report)
Funding: investments by philanthropy & the state
Talent Pipeline: Teach For America launching in fall 2014
J.A & Kathryn Albertson Foundation
Investment Principles:
 We value outstanding student outcomes above all else
 We respect and empower great entrepreneurs
 We take calculated risk
 We hold ourselves and our partners accountable
The Goal: “20 in 10”
20,000 new, high-performing charter seats in 10 years
8-10k Seats
New CMOs
4-6k Seats
~1k seats
New Standalone Schools
~6k Seats
How Do We Get There?
5 Pathways to “20 in 10”
Leverage the best local charter schools to launch 45 homegrown CMOs
Incubate outstanding new entrepreneurs to design
and launch 2-3 new CMOs
Recruit national CMOs to expand to Idaho
Fund enrollment expansion at existing schools
Fund new charter schools
Pathway 1: Homegrown CMOs
What? Idaho has some excellent charter
schools that should become Charter
Management Organizations.
Why? More Idaho students need what
they have to offer.
Pathway 2: New Entrepreneurs
What? Innovative learning models being
developed by social entrepreneurs who
want to create student centered,
mastery-based learning environments.
Why? We believe students deserve
models that connect them to their natural
love of learning!
Pathway 3: National CMOs
What? CMO’s like KIPP, Rocketship,
Carpe Diem and others have a model
that works for under-represented
students -the poor, ELL’s, SPED.
Why? Idaho students should have these
Pathway 4: School Expansion
What? An opportunity for highperforming Idaho charter schools to
expand enrollment at a single school.
Why? Many schools have significant
waitlists and compelling school models
that should be available to more
Pathway 5: New charter schools
What? An opportunity to launch new,
outstanding charter schools across the
Why? Students and their parents,
especially in underserved communities,
deserve options that help them be
college and career ready.
The Goal: “20 in 10”
20,000 new, high-performing charter seats in 10 years
8-10k Seats
New CMOs
4-6k Seats
~1k seats
New Standalone Schools
~6k Seats
MISSION: The Idaho Charter School Network’s
mission is to improve student achievement
and expand choice among high quality public
schools by advancing and supporting Idaho’s
charter schools. We support efforts to
improve the overall charter school movement
both in Idaho and across the nation.
The Charter Story in Idaho is a Good One, but
Not Widely Known
First, Idaho has a strong crop of high-performing
schools. On the 2012-13 state report cards, 69 percent of
charter schools received a four- or five-star rating. As a
group, charter students outperform their district peers
in both reading and math on NAEP.
The Charter Story in Idaho is a Good One, but
Not Widely Known
Second, Idaho families want more charter school seats.
According to numbers from the Idaho Department of
Education, there are around 13,400 students on waiting
lists who would like to attend one of the state’s 40+
charter schools.
The Charter Story in Idaho is a Good One, but
Not Widely Known
Third, Idaho has made significant improvements to
charter school accountability. Recent changes to state
law have improved accountability for charter schools by
mandating “performance certificates” that require
charter schools and their authorizers to have
agreements that contain measurable academic and
financial targets.
The Charter Story in Idaho is a Good One, but
Not Widely Known
Fourth, Idaho’s charter school program is wellpositioned to grow. There is strong demand for highquality charter schools, and there are charter schools in
Idaho well-positioned to expand their capacity to
educate more students. Key partners that support
growth: Lawmakers, JKAF, Building Hope, Charter
School Commission, school models inside and outside of
Idaho, and talent pipelines (TFA).
The Charter Story in Idaho is a Good One, but
Not Widely Known
The Network will tell the Idaho charter story over and
over in Boise, across the state and across the country via
personal meetings, through the media (old and new),
and through public testimony.
This story is your story and the Network wants to help
you tell it.
The Network Wants to Help You Network
Since September we have visited half of the state’s
charter schools and are committed to visiting every
charter school in the state by the summer of 2014. We
are learning a lot – diverse school models, diverse
stages of school development and growth, diverse
student needs, diverse geography, etc.
The Network Wants to Help You Network
Running schools can be a lonely experience. The Network wants to
help you feel connected to what’s happening at the statehouse,
what’s happening with state agencies (e.g. Idaho Department of
Education, Idaho Charter School Commission, etc.), what’s
happening nationally in education and in the charter world, and
what’s happening among you and other schools that should be
shared more widely.
In this we need your help. We need you to share information and
questions with us.
The Network Wants to Help You Network
The Network wants to understand, support and
cooperate with existing regional charter networks (e.g.
Northern Alliance around Coeur d’ Alene, Pocatello
partnerships, and Ada County partners). Money and
time are too scarce for duplication of efforts.
Identifying and Providing High-Quality Services
to Charter Schools
ICSN is committed to identifying and providing high
quality services to the state’s charter schools, and to
others (e.g. rural school districts). These services may
be provided by partners (e.g. Building Hope, Idaho
Leads), or by the Network.
Please keep your eyes open for a survey we are
sending/have sent your way. We need your input and
Survey Topics Include:
• What policy issues and changes should the Network
• What are the greatest needs facing your school?
• What forms of technical assistance most interest you;
least interest you?
• What organizations are of most help to you; least
help to you?
• What are your school financing and facility
• Are you interested in alternative authorizers (e.g.
colleges and universities)?
Terry Ryan – Long-time charter school advocate and
grizzled veteran of the charter school wars in Ohio.
Helped to start many charter schools, charter school
support organizations, and a charter school
authorizer over a 12 year career with the Thomas B.
Fordham Institute/Foundation. Wrote a book about
it all.
Suzanne Metzgar – Chair of the Sage International
Charter School in Boise, charter school parent, and
successful business leader.
Amy Russell – Recent college graduate, new media
maven, and rapidly developing charter school
advocate and supporter.
For more Information:
Idaho Charter School Network
501 E. Baybrook Court
Boise, ID 83706
Ph: 208-424-2604
Terry Ryan – [email protected]
Suzanne Metzgar – [email protected]
Amy Russell – [email protected]
Building Hope
Charter School Facilities in Idaho
Introduction to Building Hope
• Mission-driven nonprofit with singular purpose to
assist quality charter schools
• Aligned with school leaders’ thinking and focus on
educational outcomes thereby allowing the educator
to educate and Building Hope to provide support
• Flexibility in delivery of products and services to
address each school’s unique needs
• Proven experience and talented staff of business
and education experts who deliver tangible results
• Respected industry leader with 10 years of building
relationships nationwide, especially in Washington
DC and Florida, with financial institutions, the
construction industry, local leaders and regulators
• Background of Brett Lee, Idaho Director of Real
Estate Operations
10 Year Impact
By the numbers
• Developed approximately 5 million s.f. of charter school space, creating
seats for an estimated 54,000 students
• Provided $110 Million of direct loans and $36 Million of credit
enhancements to 88 charters schools through 151 transactions
• Over 400 schools received free planning and consulting services
• Provided $2.4 million in direct grants to 44 charter schools and other
institutions and $4.8 million in subsidies through our low interest loans
 Building Hope assists public charter schools with facility
acquisition, renovation, construction, and financing.
 Our services include:
 Facility Financing
 Direct Loans
 Credit Enhancement Program
 Development Services
 Turnkey Development
 Project Management
 Technical Assistance
Direct Loans
Typical Transaction
Purpose: Construction Financing, Leasehold Improvements
3-5 Year Period, 25 Year Amortization, with balloon
$2 million direct loan
$10 million total project size
5%-7% Interest Rate
Subordinated Position on Real Estate
Expected Exit: Permanent Bank Financing,
Tax-Exempt Bond
Credit Enhancement
Typical Transaction
 Purpose: provide loan or lease guarantees for acquisition, renovation &
construction of new facilities
 $500,000
 3-5 Year Term
 Annual reduction in guaranteed obligation
 1% annual guaranty fee
 1% commitment fee
 Security is subordinated and subrogated
 Partial cash collateral to back guarantee
Real Estate Development
 Turnkey Development
 Project Management
Technical Assistance
Facility Planning
 Feasibility Studies
 Understanding the transaction
 Understanding the financing proposal
Technical Assistance
Financial Planning
 Quality of financial information and
 Proforma
 Financial & operating metrics
 Make sure assumptions are realistic
 Enrollment trends, demographics,
 Staff capabilities/trends
 Facilities cost
 Fundraising goals
Criteria for Investment
 Strong Academic Performance
 Ability to Serve More Students
 Closing the Achievement Gap
 Will the Building Hope Fund make a significant difference?
Credit Committee Consideration
Legal and
Contact Us
Brett Lee, Director of Real Estate Operations
[email protected]
(208) 941-3610
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