2nd General Body Meeting Spring 2015 2014-2015 Sponsor Person Bingo • Try to find people that match the characteristics on your BINGO card •

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Transcript 2nd General Body Meeting Spring 2015 2014-2015 Sponsor Person Bingo • Try to find people that match the characteristics on your BINGO card •

2nd General Body Meeting
Spring 2015
2014-2015 Sponsor
Person Bingo
• Try to find people that match the
characteristics on your BINGO card
• Introduce yourself to others and find out
which characteristics apply to them
• Sign only one box per card
• Talk to people you have never met before!
Keeping Up With IIE
Weekly Newsletter
– ufiie.org -> Join the IIE Listserv
Facebook Group: IIE
Follow IIE on social media!
– Instagram: gatoriie
– Twitter: UF_IIE
Career Showcase Crash Course
Sunday, February 1st
1:00PM – 5:00PM
Showcase Breakdown
Resume workshop and Critique
How to research companies
How to approach and impress recruiters
Interview Preparation
Universal Orlando Tour
Saturday, January 24th
Registration closed
Limited to 10 people
Attendees randomly chosen
Volunteering at Give Kids the World
Résumé Guide
How to create a
resume guide on
ufiie.org (Members tab
-> IIE Resume Guide)
– Building Your Resume
– Example Resumes
– Helpful Links
Résumé Critiquing Committee
Resume Critiquing
– Submit Resume to ufiie.org/resume
– Experienced IIE member will send suggestions for your resume!
– Option to meet with upperclassman for feedback
Confident in critiquing and wanting to give
back or add to your resume? Apply!
Contact Daniel at [email protected]
Citrix Info Session
– February 2nd, at 7:20 PM. Location TBA
Accenture Info Session
– February 11th, at 7:20 PM, Location TBA
Opportunities Page
– Looking for an internship or full-time position?
– http://www.ise.ufl.edu/iie/opportunities/
Corporate Network
– Visit www.ufiie.org, and go to Members. Click
Corporate Network
– If you have experience with a company and would like
to be part of the corporate network, find me at the end
of the meeting to fill out a small form!
We are hoping to have our games
Monday nights at 9 PM
To sign up:
– www.imleagues.com
– Sign in and search “UF IIE”
– This logo should be the team logo with
Dylan Jurski as the captain
Gator Run
This Saturday the 24th at 3 PM
– Flavet Field
Join the event on Facebook
You Can Still Sign Up For M&M!
Sign-Up any time at tinyurl.com/UFM-Msurvey and send
an email to me!
Previous members: let me know if you’d like stay with
the same M&M
Events & Facebook group will only be for current
Reveal Event Tuesday!
Questions? Contact Ashley at [email protected]
M&M Event Managers
Congratulations to:
Anna Liou
Katherine Glickman
Anna Kiriazes
Travis DeMint
The Coop to raise money for our
Relay for Life Team!
Monday January 26 from 5 – 7 pm
If you tell the cashier that you are supporting IIE then they will donate a
portion of the nights proceeds to the organization!
Come out and eat delicious food and help support IIE & Relay for Life!
We still need
volunteers for Relay
For Life !
If you would like to participate,
donate, help volunteer to make
our Relay Banner or help with
the IIE booth contact the
Fundraising Director after the
meeting or at
[email protected]
IIE Merchandise
Cash or Credit Card
IIE Tanks
IIE T-Shirts
ISE Polo
Gator Engineering Portfolios
Magnetic Name Tags
Questions? Contact Mary at
[email protected]