MAPPING and META-MAJORS in Advising & Student Orientation Dr. Karen Laughlin Dean of Undergraduate Studies Florida State University September 1, 2015

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Transcript MAPPING and META-MAJORS in Advising & Student Orientation Dr. Karen Laughlin Dean of Undergraduate Studies Florida State University September 1, 2015

in Advising & Student Orientation
Dr. Karen Laughlin
Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Florida State University
September 1, 2015
Clustering Majors at FSU
Includes Cluster Descriptions &
Term by Term Academic Maps
U n d e r g r a d u a te A c a d e m ic P r o g r a m G u id e
( S c i e n c e , T e c h n o l o g y , E n g i n e e r in g , M a t h e m a t i c s )
D o y o u lik e id e n tif y in g a n d s o lv in g c o m p le x p ro b le m s? D o y o u lik e to s ta y in fo rm e d a b o u t th e
la te s t te c h n o lo g ie s ? D o e s th e u s e o f in n o v a tiv e te c h n o lo g y fo r b u ild in g a n d re s e a rc h in g in te re s t
y o u ? J o b s re q u irin g s c ie n c e a n d e n g in e e rin g s k ills a re g ro w in g a t a ra te n e a rly fo u r tim e s g re a te r
th a n jo b s in th e re s t o f th e la b o r fo rc e . F S U o ffe rs a v a rie ty o f p ro g ra m s th a t a d v a n c e s c ie n c e ,
te c h n o lo g y , e n g in e e rin g a n d m a th e m a tic s o n b o th th e n a tio n a l a n d g lo b a l s c a le a n d p re p a re
s tu d e n ts fo r a s u c c e s s fu l S T E M c a re e r.
* M a jo rs a ls o o ffe re d a t P a n a m a C ity c a m p u s
A p p lie d M a th e m a tic s
P ro g ra m D e s c rip tio n
A c a d e m ic M a p
D e p a rtm e n t P a g e
L e a rn in g C o m p a c t
A th le tic T r a in in g
P ro g ra m D e s c rip tio n
A c a d e m ic M a p
D e p a rtm e n t P a g e
L e a rn in g C o m p a c t
B io c h e m is tr y
P ro g ra m D e s c rip tio n
A c a d e m ic M a p
D e p a rtm e n t P a g e
L e a rn in g C o m p a c t
B io lo g ic a l S c ie n c e
P ro g ra m D e s c rip tio n
A c a d e m ic M a p
D e p a rtm e n t P a g e
FSU Academic Maps
Students Must Complete Milestone Courses
or a Hold is Placed on their Registration
Maps are not enough
• Effective degree completion programs
require a robust program of advising/support
– For students who fail to meet mapping
– For effective major selection
– For transfer students & special populations
Exploratory: The New
Empowering students to make informed and
integrated academic and career decisions.
Time-limited (3 terms or less)
Mandatory Advising
Structured Program
Classes align with General Education and
Mapping Milestones
The Exploratory Approach
Three Phases:
• Self Exploration
• Major Exploration
• Career Exploration
Exploratory Advising
Are You Interested In…?
Business: Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Finance, General Management, Global Club
Management, Hospitality Administration, Human Resource Management, International Affairs
(Economics Focus), Language with a Concentration in Business, Management Information Systems
(MIS), Marketing, Management, Professional Sales, Real Estate, Retail Management, Retail
Merchandising & Product Development, Risk Management & Insurance, Sport Management
Computers: Computational Biology, Computational Science, Computer Criminology, Computer
Engineering, Computer Science (BS/BA), Information Technology (IT), Management Information
Systems (MIS), Information Communication & Technology (ICT)
Education/Teaching: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, English Education,
Family & Child Science, FSU-Teach (Applied Geosciences, Biology, Chemical Science,
Mathematics, Physical Science), Music Education, Social Science Education, Special Education:
Exceptional Student Education/Visual Disabilities
Engineering: Chemical, Chemical-Biomedical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Environmental,
Industrial, Mechanical
Environment: Biological Science, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Engineering,
Environmental Science (BS), Environmental Science and Policy (BA), Environmental Studies,
Geography, Meteorology
Transfer Students:
College-Based Mapping
Coordinators Play a Key Role
• Review all transfer applications that meet basic
admissions requirements
• Must meet milestones for desired major
• If not, coordinators will advise students to remain
at current institution to complete needed course
work and/or achieve necessary GPA
• If so, coordinators will set appropriate map term
Partnering with our Feeder
Meta-Majors at TCC
Meta-Majors Include AA
Transfer Options
Resemble FSU Maps
Career Information Included
• Every program for both community college
and university degrees should have some
kind of degree map.
• Provide strong encouragement and support
to help students select an “area of interest”
upon entering but no later than the middle of
the second year.
• Improvement takes time; measure success
and don’t change funding models every year.
Thank You!
Contact Information: [email protected]