UTSA-SRPC Planning Update November 30, 2011 Initiative A Enriching Educational Experiences to Enable Student Success.

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Transcript UTSA-SRPC Planning Update November 30, 2011 Initiative A Enriching Educational Experiences to Enable Student Success.

Planning Update
November 30, 2011
Initiative A
Enriching Educational
Experiences to Enable
Student Success
1. Improve Instruction of Courses
a) Expand number of full-time faculty, both T/TT
and NTT
b) Improve teacher development training for
instructors, including graduate teaching
assistants, NTTs
c) Expand number of students receiving instruction
in writing, quantitative and information literacy
and library research methods, and library
research methods
d) Improve the evaluation of teaching using
multiple indices for assessment and surveying
1. Improve Instruction of Courses
e) Expand the use of technology to enhance
instruction — (move to separate strategy)
Nurture and recognize outstanding teaching
g) Encourage each discipline to seek external
accreditation (eliminate?)
h) Create Faculty Instructional Technology Lab
Broaden use of online resources for student
academic support
2. Improve Student Advising
a) Improve coordination between the freshman
advising center and the various college-based
advising centers
b) Engage external evaluators to analyze and
improve undergraduate advising system
c) Strategically increase the number of
Reduce wait time to see undergraduate
advisors using technology
d) Conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of
undergraduate orientation programs (move?)
2. Improve Student Advising
e) Improve graduate student advising
Expand online tools for self-advising and utilize
advisors for more in-depth academic
g) Implement four-year degree plans of study and
online degree audit for all freshmen
h) Assign peer mentors to freshman cohort groups
Implement an early alert system for monitoring
student academic progress
3. Strengthen and Innovate
Delivery of Curriculum
a) Review and address curricular barriers to
student success
b) Broaden the experiential learning opportunities
for students through study abroad, research
experiences, service learning, and internships
3. Strengthen and Innovate
Delivery of Curriculum
c) Enhance the educational experience by
strengthening the periodic review process for
each academic unit (complete)
reviewing and updating the core curriculum
strengthening and streamlining various major
Reduce/modify course prerequisites to facilitate
greater registration flexibility for students
incorporating the three foundational themes and
five areas of excellence throughout the
Faculty should include new innovations in their
disciplines to enhance instruction
3. Strengthen and Innovate
Delivery of Curriculum
d) Student academic services should support the
curriculum to enhance student success
e) Support the use of TLC to develop/enhance
skills and strengthen course content
Create office to coordinate and track current
service learning and internships
g) Implement QEP project
3. Strengthen and Innovate
Delivery of Curriculum
h) Create an information depository/centralized
assistance area
Simplify freshman year curriculum
Explore alternative class scheduling paradigms
k) Implement wait lists for courses
4. Enrich Campus Life Experience
a) Assess student services programs for learning
outcomes Develop Enhance annual
assessment of Student Services programs
b) Increase and enhance the retail services
available on the three campuses
c) Complete the implementation of the UTSA
Portal and use to improve internal
communications across the three campuses
d) Increase student study spaces across campus
e) Increase and available services in the library
4. Enrich Campus Life Experience
e) Increase opportunities for student involvement
and engagement through enhanced oncampus programming and freshman
experience programs (new strategy)
Integrate international programs/study abroad in
college experience
 athletics
Expand campus residential opportunities
g) Develop/enhance communication of events on
campus (KEY)
h) Enhance faculty and staff engagement in
campus life (encourage faculty to
communicate with students prior to term?)
5. Develop Comprehensive
Freshman Experience at UTSA
a) Utilize block enrollment in freshman classes
b) Complete math and writing in freshman year
c) Create new Academic Inquiry course
d) Limit size of writing, Academic Inquiry courses
e) Require college-level courses immediately
following developmental courses
Create University College to administer program
6. Strategic Use of Technology to
Enhance Educational Experience
a) Develop technological processes through
consultation with faculty, staff, and students
Evaluate LMS to gauge effectiveness in
promoting learning
Evaluate adoption of an adaptive learning
(online) model for developmental course work
b) Explore re-design of courses to enrich student
c) Address System and state priorities
6. Strategic Use of Technology to
Enhance Educational Experience
d) Develop mobile apps specific to UTSA
e) Innovate reporting tools to assist with
compliance reporting
Support collaborative teaching and learning
with technology
Initiative B
Serving Society Through
Creativity, Expanded
Research and Innovations
1. Expand Research and
Scholarly Activities
a) Develop incentives and support for
interdisciplinary/collaborative research
Develop collaboration between disciplines
 Grow the commercial and private sector
research funding potential
b) Develop faculty workload guidelines that
promote scholarly activity while fulfilling UTSA’s
educational mission
c) Review and re-structure academic units to
facilitate research growth and graduate
program development
Center/Department relationships
1. Expand Research and
Scholarly Activities
d) Increase support for faculty, staff, and students
to participate in research-related professional
activities that contribute to UTSA’s mission
e) Make strategic senior faculty appointments to
stimulate research development and growth
Increase support for current UTSA faculty
2. Strengthen Graduate
a) Develop long-term planning and introduction of
new graduate programs guidelines for
prioritizing the introduction of new graduate
b) Increase graduate student quality, diversity,
and enrollment through aggressive recruitment
and retention practices supporting and
enabling success of new graduate programs
c) Leverage partnerships to expand/enhance
graduate programs
2. Strengthen Graduate
d) Investigate novel ways (Gateway programs, REI
programs, HSI programs) to diversify student
e) Support international graduate students
sufficiently to meet educational expenses
3. Expand and Optimize
Research Space
a) Continue to expand and improve library
availability of information in the appropriate
b) Optimize research space utilization
c) Secure new research space
4. Develop Improved Research
Processes, Policies, and
a) Provide education and training of administration,
faculty, and staff in research issues
b) Improve alignment of internal distribution of F&A
revenues to better support institutional research
development needs (complete)
c) Provide adequate IT support for research computing,
networking, visualization, and communication
d) Devise mechanisms to improve coordination of grants
and contracts accounting with pre-proposal
4. Develop Improved Research
Processes, Policies, and
e) Expand access to print and electronic information
Develop process for improving large-scale,
multidisciplinary programmatic-type grants
g) Grow the public relations campaign for research
5. Develop Research Agenda for
the Five Areas of Excellence
a) Coordinate planning for graduate research
programs with the five areas of excellence
b) Align college and department priorities to support
the designated areas of excellence and reflect in
new faculty appointments
c) Establish Align the development of the
interdisciplinary centers/institutes with the five
areas of excellence to focus activity and funding
in the designated areas of excellence
Initiative C
Promoting Access and
1. Develop an Enrollment
Management Plan (EMP)
a) Explore alternative undergraduate enrollment
b) Optimize graduate program enrollments and align
c) Revise, implement, and monitor the EMP based on
analysis of undergraduate admissions criteria
2. Enhance UTSA Recruitment
Efforts Within the EMP
Improve yield rate of accepted applicants to graduate
Adopt more proactive recruiting strategies:
target qualified UTSA undergrads for grad programs
target top-quality HS students
develop recruitment pipelines from high schools and other
institutions of higher education, including community colleges
expand recruitment of traditionally under-represented groups
improve marketing of undergraduate and advanced degrees to
working professionals (delete? or add more support for this group?)
expand international recruitment of qualified students
establish collaborative undergraduate recruitment efforts with
develop strategy for managing international student enrollment
2. Enhance UTSA Recruitment
Efforts Within the EMP
c) Develop an integrated marketing plan focused on
the EMP
d) Expand and strengthen P-20, city, and community
organization partnerships to support enrollment
e) Attract and enroll a higher number of top-quartile
undergraduate students
Increase articulation agreements to attract
academically prepared transfer students
3. Develop Admissions Standards
Commensurate with Student
Preparedness (COMPLETE)
a) Explore impact of UTSA admissions standards on
student retention efforts (complete)
b) Develop alternative pathways for students to enter
UTSA, including community college transfer
programs (complete)
c) Adjust admissions standards to reflect qualifications
commensurate with student success at a research
institution (move to strategy #5)
4. Increase Financial Aid and
Scholarships to Support the EMP
a) Evolve Optimize current strategies for distributing
undergraduate and graduate student financial
aid to recruit and retain top students
b) Expand on-campus employment opportunities for
undergraduates through work-study, research, etc.
c) Implement Continue fund raising campaign for
scholarships, fellowships, grants and student
employment funding
d) Expand on-campus teaching opportunities for
graduate students where resources are available
4. Increase Financial Aid and
Scholarships to Support the EMP
e) Improve communication of scholarship
opportunities to students
Explore setting earlier deadlines for financial aid
g) Create financial incentives for students to
complete 30 credit hours/year toward degrees
5. Optimize Enrollment
Management Across the University
a) Determine institutional enrollment level
b) Determine individual college enrollment levels
c) Determine ideal enrollment mix, graduate vs.
d) Monitor institutional EMP
5. Optimize Enrollment
Management Across the University
e) Develop more metrics for graduate enrollments
Adjust admissions criteria to reflect qualifications
commensurate with student success at a research
g) Offer classes and programs at times that fit
students’ needs
h) Consider banded tuition rates (perhaps focus on
Initiative D
Serving the Public Through
Community Engagement
1. Develop UTSA’s Infrastructure to
Support and Expand Public Service
a) Improve utilization of community services/resources
 through UTSA Outreach Council, including inventory of UTSA
public services
evaluate alignment with strategic priorities
recommend adjustment to mix of services
identify resource strategies and sources
b) Enhance communication tools for promoting community
engagement activities, both internally and externally
c) Improve recognition of service work conducted by faculty,
students, and staff
create awards for outstanding public service achievements
Seek Carnegie Community Service classification
2. Expand Lifelong Learning
a) Organize a robust central facilitating structure for
all non-degree educational offerings
b) Organize professional development and lifelong
learning offerings under appropriate colleges/
departments to utilize internal expertise
c) Expand high quality lifelong learning for niche
markets, from P-20 through end-of-life
d) Develop appropriate incentives for faculty to
participate in offering continuing education
3. Increase Student Engagement
with the Community
a) Create and increase awareness for opportunities
for UTSA students to engage in “signature
Set a goal to establish incentives for UTSA students
to engage in “signature experience” (e.g.
community service learning, internships, study
abroad, etc.) learning activities
b) Establish a clearinghouse to facilitate and increase
partnerships with the community for “signature
4. Enhance Quality-of-Life Through
Community Engagement
a) Implement a community engagement agenda on an
annual basis
b) Raise profiles of UTSA intercollegiate athletics programs
for enhancement of campus and community
c) Promote economic development through partnerships
with community agencies, businesses, educational
institutions, and research facilities
d) Promote the arts and humanities in the community
through hosting and promoting arts events
e) Promote sustainability throughout the university as a
model for the community
Initiative E
Expanding Resources and
1. Optimize, Expand, and
Enhance Space
a) Renovate the library to improve student study spaces
and expand the collections space (completed)
b) Establish a comprehensive space utilization policy to
improve efficiency Finalize and implement the
comprehensive space utilization policy and processes
c) Align the campus master plan with the strategic plan
d) Upgrade, optimize and expand space, with classrooms,
class-labs, office space, and library as high initial
1. Optimize, Expand, and
Enhance Space
e) Identify courses with the capacity to incorporate
distance technology and initiate a pilot program
Educate and incentivize faculty on how to adopt
or adapt hybrid course technology into their
course curriculum
Establish a building development process
g) Improve access controls and services
2. Develop and Align
Budgetary Resources
a) Conduct a communications and marketing campaign
(completed) Expand an internal and external
communications and marketing campaign
b) Develop and Execute UTSA’s first comprehensive
capital campaign
c) Implement strategies to optimize enrich formula funding
d) Increase and optimize maximize use of sponsored
program funds
2. Develop and Align
Budgetary Resources (cont.)
e) Develop appropriate culture and support to
successfully commercialize intellectual property
Optimize auxiliary services to meet the needs of
the university
g) Establish non-profit enterprises to facilitate
entrepreneurial activities and public-private
h) Adopt sustainable practices whenever feasible
2. Develop and Align
Budgetary Resources (cont.)
Use unrestricted gifts to address strategic needs
Analyze faculty start-up packages using an ROI
k) Simplify the college fee structures assessed to
Establish a challenge grant program to assist units
in meeting strategic objectives
3. Recruit, Develop, and Retain
Faculty and Staff
a) Continuously improve faculty search policies and
practices to facilitate earlier offers and encourage
diverse hiring
b) Develop and implement NTT faculty career ladders
c) Develop additional classified staff career ladders
d) Develop succession plans for all key position and
support leadership development for faculty and staff
Identify critical skill sets and training to sustain continuity
of key operations.
3. Recruit, Develop, and Retain
Faculty and Staff (cont.)
e) Address faculty and staff compensation issues, including
compression and cost-of-living adjustments (ongoing)
Develop and maintain a more rigorous annual review
process (focus both on staff and faculty) (ongoing)
g) Develop a staffing strategy for the University Increase
and improve retention of key personnel.
Provide transformational leadership development for
faculty and staff
Extend orientation programs (e.g. Day O.N.E.) to
volunteers and hourly employees
4. Improve and Streamline
Administrative Processes
a) Link the strategic planning and budget planning processes
b) Identify and review key business policies and procedures,
incorporating feedback from end-users and crossfunctional units
c) Improve internal communication to improve operations
and understanding of decision processes Increase
collaborative communication to improve operations and
decision-making processes
d) Promote service-oriented organization culture,
administrative processes, and structure through incentives
and rewards