Chapter Eleven Sexual Orientation Agenda  Clarify Terms.  Discuss Facts/Trends Associated with Sexual Orientation  Why Are There Different Sexual Orientations?  Homosexuality & Heterosexuality.

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Transcript Chapter Eleven Sexual Orientation Agenda  Clarify Terms.  Discuss Facts/Trends Associated with Sexual Orientation  Why Are There Different Sexual Orientations?  Homosexuality & Heterosexuality.

Chapter Eleven
Sexual Orientation
 Clarify Terms.
 Discuss Facts/Trends Associated with Sexual
 Why Are There Different Sexual Orientations?
 Homosexuality & Heterosexuality in Other Times
& Places
 Gays, Lesbians, & Bisexuals Throughout the Life
 Homophobia and Heterosexism
 Differences Among Homosexual Groups
 Homosexuality in Religion and the Law
Video: Trying Not to Be Gay
Discuss Video
 Did this man want to be gay?
 Discuss the negative attitudes he
experienced about being gay.
Concepts Associated with Sexual
 Sexual orientation – the gender(s) that a
person is attracted to emotionally, physically,
sexually, and romantically
 Heterosexual – predominantly attracted to
members of the other sex
 Homosexual – predominantly attracted to
members of the same sex
 Bisexual – attracted to both men and women
Continued …
More Terms Associated with Sexual
 Gay – typically a homosexual male
 Lesbian – homosexual female
 GLBTQ – gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgendered, or questioning
Other Relevant Terms
 Homophobia – strongly negative attitudes
toward homosexuals and homosexuality
 Heterosexism – a presumption of
heterosexuality in society
A lack of awareness, not necessarily active
Facts/Trends Associated
with Sexual Orientation
Distinguishing Between
Experimentation and Orientation
 People vary greatly in sexual behavior,
fantasies, self-concepts, and emotional
attachments – each contributes to sexual
 Sexual experimentation and sexual
orientation are two different things
Conceptualizing Sexual Orientation
 Kinsey continuum: 7-point scale from exclusively
heterosexual behavior to exclusively homosexual
First scale to suggest sexual orientation is a
continuous variable
It emphasized behavior
It is static in time
 Klein sexual orientation grid (KSOG) – expanded
Kinsey’s continuum
7 dimensions: attraction, behavior, fantasy,
emotional preference, social preference, selfidentification, lifestyle
Each dimension is measured for the past, present,
and ideal
Trends: Historical Perspective
 Kinsey et al’s statistics (1948):
37% men, 13% women had at least one
adult homosexual experience
4% men, 3% women were lifelong
10% of white men were mostly
homosexual for at least 3 years between
16 & 55
Contemporary Trends
 Laumann et al’s statistics (1994):
4% of women had sex with a woman as an
Less than 2% of women had sex with
another woman within a year
9% of men had sex with a man since
5% of men had sex with a man as an adult
2% had sex with a man within a year
International Trends
 Internationally, same-sex behavior has been
found in 1-3% of men, and slightly lower rates
in women
 Same-sex behavior has remained constant in
the U.S. over the years
 Most believe 3-4% of males and 1.5-2% of
females are predominantly homosexual, and
2-5% of the population are bisexual
Why Are There Different
Sexual Orientations?
 Current research has not found any
significant nonneurological physical
differences related to sexual orientation
 2 types of theories:
Essentialism – homosexuality is due to
biological or developmental processes
Constructionism – homosexuality is a
social role
 Most theories neglect bisexuality
Theoretical Approaches
 Biological Theories: Differences Are Innate
 Developmental Theories: Differences Are
 Sociological Theories: Social Forces at Work
 Interactional Theory: Biology and Sociology
Biological Theories: Differences Are
 Genetics
Homosexual males: 52% of identical twins,
22% of fraternal twins, 11% of adoptive
brothers were also homosexuals
Homosexual females: 48% of identical
twins, 16% of fraternal twins, 6% of
adoptive siblings were also lesbians
Closer genetic relatedness in siblings, the
more likely they shared sexual orientation
Biological Theories: Differences Are
 Genetics
Homosexual males tend to have more
maternal homosexual relatives
Gay men have more gay brothers than
lesbian sisters
Lesbian sisters have more lesbian sisters
than gay brothers
Some evidence of “gay” gene on the X
chromosome, but no “lesbian” gene
Biological Theories: Differences Are
 Hormones
Prenatal Factors
Stress during pregnancy increased
chances of homosexual children
Evidence of prenatal hormones
influencing homosexuality is weak
Adult Hormone Levels
Current research does not support an
effect of adult hormone levels
Biological Theories: Differences Are
 Birth Order
Gay men
tend to be born later than siblings
have older brothers, but not older
Placental cells may influence later
pregnancies; later borns could develop an
immune response that influences gene
expression during brain development
No related finding for lesbians
Biological Theories: Differences Are
 Physiology
Portion of the hypothalamus may be larger
or smaller in homosexual men, compared
to heterosexual men
Some differences in auditory brain regions
related to sexual orientation in women
Findings are inconsistent and often weak
Sexual orientation is due to a combination
of genetics, biology, and social influences
Developmental Theories: Differences
Are Learned
 Freud and the Psychoanalytic School
All of us are naturally bisexual
Male homosexuality is from an unresolved
Oedipal complex; after puberty, desire for
mother becomes identification with her
Lesbians cannot have their father & reject
him & all men; less understood than males
Bieber – gay men had intimate & seductive
mothers, and absent or hostile fathers
Developmental Theories: Differences
Are Learned
 Gender-Role Nonconformity
Boys who have cross-gender traits are
more likely to be gay as an adult
Girls who display male-typical behaviors
are more likely to be lesbians as an adult
These are correlational findings
Many gay men were not effeminate
children, & not all effeminate boys are gay
as adults
Developmental Theories: Differences
Are Learned
 Peer Group Interaction
Children who develop early become
sexually aroused while still primarily with
same-sex peers
Homosexuals tend to report earlier sexual
contacts than heterosexuals
However, Sambian boys, who live with
other boys and have sex with them until
adults, are primarily heterosexual
Developmental Theories: Differences
Are Learned
 Behaviorist Theories
Homosexuality is due to reinforcement of
homosexual tendencies and/or punishing
of heterosexual tendencies
However, society does not provide
reinforcement for homosexual behavior
Sociological Theories: Social Forces at
 We learn how our culture thinks about
sexuality, and apply it to ourselves
 The idea of homosexuality differs in time and
 Individuals come to identify with one type of
Effeminate boys may be labeled
homosexual as children and adopt that role
Interactional Theory: Biology and
 Biology (genetics, hormones, neuroanatomy)
create childhood temperaments that influence
preferences for sex-typical or atypical
 Gender conforming kids prefer the other sex
 Non-conforming children prefer the same sex
 “Exotic-becomes-erotic” – more arousal with
the sex viewed as more different than the self
 Not a lot of empirical support
Homosexuality and
Heterosexuality in Other
Times and Places
Homosexuality in History
Homosexuality in Other Cultures
Homosexuality in History
 Views of homosexuality have differed
throughout history
 The Ancient World
Homosexuality was common
Sodomy & buggery were considered
Lesbianism was a mystery
Little religious concern over homosexuality
Homosexuality in History
 The Middle Ages
Little Church interest through the 13th
After the 13th century, homosexuality was
punishable by death
This view has influenced the western view
of homosexuality to the present day
Homosexuality in History
 The Modern Era
Many periods of tolerance, & many of
harsh oppression
The U.S., of Puritan origins, is more
disapproving than Europe
In the 19th & early 20th centuries, passing
women operated as men in U.S. society
Physicians viewed homosexuality as an
illness until 1973
Homosexuality in Other Cultures
 In many societies, same-sex sexual activity is
a normal part of life
 Same-sex sexual behavior is in every culture
and in the same prevalence rate, regardless
of the society’s tolerance
 In the U.S., Hispanic & Asian homosexuals
are more likely to cross gender boundaries
Homosexuality in Other Cultures
 Latin American Countries
Thoughts are focused on masculinity &
femininity, not homosexuality &
Not homosexual if taking the active,
penetrating role, regardless of who is being
Men that allow themselves to be
penetrated are looked down upon
Homosexuality in Other Cultures
 Arabic Cultures
Sex is based on power & dominance
Male homosexuality is taboo
Little is known about Arabic lesbians
 Asian Countries
China viewed homosexuality as a “western
social disease”
Buddhism does not condemn
Homosexuality in Other Cultures
 Sambia, of Papua New Guinea
Mother’s milk is replaced by man’s milk
(semen) to aid a boy in reaching puberty
At 7, Sambian boys move to a communal
hut where they perform oral sex on
postpubescent boys & swallow the semen
After puberty, the boy changes roles and
provides the semen to the younger boys
After 18 years, marries & is heterosexual
Gays, Lesbians, and
Bisexuals Throughout the
Life Cycle
Growing Up Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual
Coming Out to Self and Others
Life Issues: Partnering, Sexuality,
Parenthood, and Aging
Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual
Growing Up Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual
 Few models are applicable to homosexual
 The societal message is a negative one
 Atypical gender behavior, especially in boys,
can create anxiety in family, school, & peers
 This anxiety may lead them to pressure the
child that can cause psychosocial problems
Coming Out to Self and Others
 Coming out – establishing a personal identity
and communicating that to others
 First need to recognize sexual orientation
within oneself, then tell family, friends, public
 Sexual orientation awareness usually occurs
between 8 and 9, although coming out to
others is typically at 18 for women & men
Continued …
Coming Out to Self and Others
 Coming out is difficult & there is a lot of
anxiety over possible rejection
 Many have positive coming out experiences
 Positive coming out experiences are related
to higher self-concepts, lower depression
rates, and healthier psychological adjustment
 Families also have a coming out process
Continued …
Coming Out to Self and Others
 Parental rejection increases isolation,
loneliness, depression, suicide,
homelessness, prostitution, and STIs among
non-heterosexual youth
 About 26% are forced to leave home
 25%+ of street youth are not heterosexual
 29-42% of non-heterosexual youth have
attempted suicide, 48-76% have suicidal
thoughts, much higher than heterosexuals
Continued …
Coming Out to Self and Others
 About 14-25% of gay men and about 33% of
lesbians marry the other sex at some point
 May be before they recognize their sexual
orientation, or because they want to try to fit
in as heterosexual
Discuss “Coming Out” and Identity
 Identity development is an important task for
 How would the coming out process influence
identity development?
Discuss family reactions
Discuss reactions from close friends
Discuss peer homophobia
 GLBT youth who are out of the closet
experience harassment and assault. What
can be done to protect them?
Coming Out in the Workplace
Life Issues: Partnering, Sexuality,
Parenthood, and Aging
 Looking for Partners
Many use the internet to search for a
Clubs, support groups, organizations, &
meeting areas are ways to meet people
Gay magazines contain personal ads and
other services
Partners are often introduced by mutual
Life Issues: Partnering, Sexuality,
Parenthood, and Aging
 Same-Sex Couples
Often homosexual couples are as satisfied
as heterosexual couples, although they
face some intolerance from society
Homosexual couples tend to have greater
flexibility in their roles, more equal
partnerships, less sexual jealousy
Higher satisfaction among lesbian couple
Gay couples have more harmful behaviors
Gays, Lesbians, & Bisexuals
Throughout the Life Cycle
Life Issues: Partnering, Sexuality,
Parenthood, and Aging
 Same-Sex Couples
Limited number of partners available
Homosexuals are more connected to expartners than heterosexuals after a break
Most Americans support some same-sex
relationship recognition
American Psychiatric Association supports
legal recognition of same-sex marriage
Life Issues: Partnering, Sexuality,
Parenthood, and Aging
 Gay and Lesbian Sexuality
No physiological differences in arousal or
orgasm based on sexual orientation
Homosexuals tend to have slower, more
relaxed, less demanding sexual sessions
More time is spent caressing and sexually
teasing each other
Life Issues: Partnering, Sexuality,
Parenthood, and Aging
 Gay and Lesbian Parents
Many gay and lesbian couples want to
become parents, and for the same reasons
as heterosexual parents
No significant differences in sexual
orientation for the offspring of homosexual
and heterosexual mothers
Lesbians may find sperm donors
Life Issues: Partnering, Sexuality,
Parenthood, and Aging
 Gay and Lesbian Parents
Homosexuals can’t adopt in FL, MS, & UT
Other states make adoption difficult for
Some gay men find surrogate mothers
Same Sex Marriage
Discuss Video
 What are your reactions to this video?
Life Issues: Partnering, Sexuality,
Parenthood, and Aging
 Gay and Lesbian Seniors
1-3 million of U.S. seniors are not
They face a number of issues: survivor
benefits, lack of health insurance, Social
Security, assisted living needs
Specialized retirement homes are being
formed for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgendered seniors
Life Issues: Partnering, Sexuality,
Parenthood, and Aging
 Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual – Specific Problems
 Pressures of living in a discriminating society
lead to a number of problems for nonheterosexual youth and adults:
substance abuse
sexual abuse
lower earning wages
Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual
 Social services, political, medical,
entertainment, and religious organizations
have been formed to meet the needs of the
homosexual and bisexual population
 Harvey Milk School in NYC is the first public
school for GLBTQ youth
 Gay, lesbian, and bisexual media includes
magazines (The Advocate) and newspapers
Homophobia &
Hate Crimes against Gay, Lesbian, and
Bisexual Persons
 Hate crimes are motivated by hatred of
someone’s religion, sex, race, sexual
orientation, disability, or ethnic group
 The most socially acceptable form of hate
crime is against homosexuals
 Homosexuals are victims 4x more than the
average American
 Verbal and physical abuse may create
psychological distress
Why Are People Homophobic?
 May be due to
personality type; anything that is not
“correct” is not tolerated
Suppressed homosexual desires
Insecurity about own masculinity or
Hating People for the People They
How Can We Combat Homophobia and
 Laws
22 states and DC punish hate crimes
against sexual orientation
Punishment varies according to state
Some states may monitor hate crimes, but
lack efforts to enforce or prevent
How Can We Combat Homophobia and
 The Media
Gay, lesbian, and bisexual media
representation is increasing
TV shows portray positive characters
Fiction and nonfiction works
 Education
Much opposition to teaching sexuality,
including homosexuality, in schools
Differences Among
Homosexual Groups
Lesbians: Sexism Plus Homophobia
Bisexuals: Just a Trendy Myth?
Minority Homosexuals: Culture Shock?
Same-Sex Behavior in Prison
Lesbians: Sexism Plus Homophobia
 Lack lesbian research, compared to gay men
 Lesbian & bisexual women tend to have
poorer health conditions than heterosexual
 Parental acceptance is very important; its lack
is implicated in the poorer health conditions
 Lesbian workers earn more than
heterosexual women in comparable careers
 Often first identified as heterosexuals; selfidentification as bisexual usually occurs later
in life than gay or lesbian identification
 Viewed by homosexuals as becoming
homosexual or playing both sides
 Viewed by heterosexuals as homosexuals
 Some claim it is a myth, denial of
homosexuality, identity confusion, or an
attempt to be trendy
 Biphobia – suggested to exist in straight, gay,
and lesbian communities
 Sequential bisexuality – sex solely with one
gender, followed by sex solely with the other
 Contemporaneous bisexuality – having
sexual partners of both sexes during the
same period
Minority Homosexuals: Culture Shock?
 Many ethnic groups don’t accept
 The homosexual community doesn’t readily
accommodate expressions of ethnic identity
 Can create a feeling of being between two
communities, rather than part of any one
Same-Sex Behavior in Prison
 Sexual contact between inmates is prohibited
in prisons
 Majority of inmate sexual contact is
consensual; few men are raped in prison
 Majority are not homosexuals and return to
heterosexuality upon release
 Situational homosexuality – found when men
spend long periods of time together
Homosexuality in Religion
and the Law
Homosexuality and Religions
Homosexuality and the Law
Homosexuality and Religions
 Historically, Judaism and Christianity have
opposed homosexuality
 Welcoming Christian religions: United Church
of Christ, Unitarian Universalist Association
 Liberal & conservative views are in
Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran,
Episcopalian churches
The more conservative views tend to be
from older members, southern churches
Homosexuality and Religions
 Homosexuality is a sin in Catholic, Southern
Baptist, and Assembly of God churches
 Reform Jews are most accepting in Judaism
 Orthodox Jews see homosexuality as
 No concrete stance in Buddhism
Homosexuality and the Law
 All 50 states outlawed homosexual behaviors
until 1961
 Homosexuals face discrimination on the job,
in housing, health care benefits, tax breaks,
Social Security, benefits, rights of inheritance
 Some have legally adopted their partners in
order to procure some of these legal rights