Growth of the Transportation System Stagecoaches  Expansion & settlement into the West created the need for fast, efficient, and economical means of transportation &

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Transcript Growth of the Transportation System Stagecoaches  Expansion & settlement into the West created the need for fast, efficient, and economical means of transportation &

Growth of the
Transportation System
Expansion & settlement into the West created
the need for fast, efficient, and economical
means of transportation & communication.
 1857: Wells, Faro & Company organized a
stagecoach service from St. Louis to San
The Pony Express
Early 1860s: Wells, Faro & Company added the
Pony Express service
– Involved 150 stations stocked w/fresh horses
– Pony Express guaranteed delivery of a letter from
Missouri to California w/in 10 days!
Job advertisement for the Pony Express.
Look closely at the requirements.
Within 18 months of the Pony Service, the
telegraph was introduced
 Pony Service was abandoned
See page 57, figure 5.6
Pacific Railroad Act, 1862
Authorized a route from Omaha, Nebraska, to
San Francisco, California.
 See page 58, figure 5.7
– This image shows many railroad tracks, crisscrossing
all over the United States.
– Building the railroad could not have been possible
w/out the substantial land grants from the US gov’t to
the railroad companies
• Land grants financed construction
• Companies received 120km right of way => 60 km on either
side of the rail line
• Value of this land increased w/the coming of the railway b/se
it was close to the line
1920: peak of railroad construction w/420,000
km of track
1900: 8,000 automobiles in the US
1920: 8 million cars, 1 million trucks
Look at the increase in production in only 20 years!
What would an increase of automobiles be
dependent on?
The increase in the importance of the automobile
was dependent on the growth of a network of roads.
1904: rural roads were dirt tracks
1924: 750,000 km of rural highways w/paved
New highways added at a rate of 60,000 km/year
=> annual cost: $1 billion
The rate of transportation expansion and
development was exponential
Automobiles versus Train
1920s: automobile rivaled the train as a
means of passenger transportation.
 Automobiles soon became more popular
than trains for short- and long-distance
 Trains continue to be important for longdistance freight transportation
Development of the highway system
Just like the railroads, the American gov’t helped finance
the development of the highway system.
 1956: Federal Aid Highway Act
August 13, 1964: President Lyndon B. Johnson
signs the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1964
Role of the government
Gov’t involvement in creation of an efficient transportation
network is one of the important functions of a gov’t.
What were the effects of this kind of gov’t funding for
transportation development?
Recent transportation changes
1945: changes in transportation patterns
since the end of WWII
 1940s-1950s
– Airports were small
– Commercial aircrafts could only carry 20-40
Late 1960s
– Boeing 747 carries 500 passengers
– 60 million people flew annually
Recent transportation changes,
– Chicago’s O’Hare Airport (busiest in the USA)
handles 60 million passengers/year on almost
800,000 flights
• Peak periods: 210 takeoffs & landings/hr
– Tuesday, October 16, 2007: first Airbus A380
superjumbo, the world's biggest commercial
passenger jet, is unveiled
• 471 seats, 12 first class, 60 business class and 399
• Each aircraft has 12 suites, each one a private
compartment with sliding doors and fabric screens
– The bed was on display on Monday, bedecked with
champagne, strawberries and a scattering of red petals
Railroads decline
Railroads have not shared in the post-war growth
 Rail traffic has declined to the point where
companies are not making profits anymore
Recent Population & Migration Patterns
Present population distribution reflects historical
settlement patterns
– Early settlements have remained the most
heavily populated areas
– Recent settlements are less populated
 Past 50 years: movement from northern states
(Frost Belt) to southern states (Sun Belt)
 This move has created new industries in the
Sun Belt
Recent Population & Migration Patterns,
 Texas & California have become high-growth
states with high-tech industries
 Alaska & Wyoming have grown b/se of their
natural resources
Recent Population & Migration
Patterns, continued…
States that have experienced the least growth:
 North
 Northeast
 “Smokestack” industry states
 Traditional secondary industries (steel mills &
factories), that were characterized by the use of coal
& petroleum as energy sources
 These type of states often have poor air quality b/se
of air pollution from the factories
 Examples of industry:
 Iron
 Steel making
 Why are they experiencing a decline?
 Offshore competition
 Aging factories
Factors Affecting
Industrial Locations
*** Types of Industries ***
Industries based on the extraction of natural
Also known as resource industries
Examples: mining, fishing, forestry, & farming
Further process the raw materials supplied by primary
For example: growing farming is a primary industry, but
manufacturing clothes from the cotton is a secondary
Examples: construction, automobile, & steel industries
Also includes machinery & equipment used in factories
Non-durable goods: those that are consumed
 Examples: food, clothing
Provide services
Categories: transportation, public utilities,
wholesale & retail trade, finance, insurance,
& real estate
Examples of employees: barbers, cooks,
mechanics, lawyers, doctors, & teachers
Locating Secondary Industries
Some of the factors that influence the
location of secondary industries are:
Cost & skills of labour
Raw materials
Fuel & power
Site & services
Gov’t intervention
Geographical inertia
1. The Market Factor
Location w/in the market is important
 Need a good location to reduce
transportation costs & to provide aftersales service
 For example: perishable products are
manufactured close to their markets to
avoid spoiling
Cost & skills of labour
Both cost & quality determine location of
 Wages for workers are a significant cost
– Have become more important than
transportation costs
– Especially true in producing electrical &
electronic goods
Raw materials
Location of raw materials influences location of industry
 Some industries use a lot of natural resources & produce a lot of
 For example: iron & steel industries
– Finished product is only one-quarter of the weight of the
original raw materials
– Processing plants located near the raw materials
In some cases, it is easier or
less expensive to move the
finished goods, so these
industries locate themselves
near their markets
Fuel and power
During the IR, water power from rivers & coal from coal
fields were important in determining the location of the
– Remember Moses Brown’s textile mill at Pawtucket,
Rode Island
– Most textile mills were located alongside rivers or
water sources b/se the water provided power
The location of power
does not play as big
a role in determining
the location of the
industry b/se power
can be transported in
the form of electricity
Site and services
Flat land is needed for car manufacturing,
oil refining, aircraft production,
manufacturing of recreational vehicles
 Gov’t try to attract industries by providing
industrial parks that are designed
specifically for industries to set up new
In the past, climate was an important factor in
determining location of the industry.
 For example, the damp climate of Britain and the
New England states (USA) helped the textile
industries by making the fiber easier to work
 Now climate can be artificially controlled.
 Exception: film industry in Hollywood
– Warm, sunny climate for filming
Gov’t intervention
Gov’t tries to attract the manufacturing
industry by offering special incentives
 See textbook, page 65, figure 5.9
– Advertisement paid for by the gov’t of the
state of Vermont to attract companies
Geographical inertia
Sometimes a manufacturing plan will be in
what seems like a bad location => but
locations change over time, so what may
have been a good place to build a plant
has now deteriorated
Production Cycle
Location of Service Industries
Growth rate for service industries (tertiary industries) is
much faster than for primary or secondary industries
But locating a service industry is not as complex as
locating a manufacturing industry
Service industries are generally located where people
Every city needs plumbers, teachers, entertainers, and
As cities grow, more services are needed
– For example, b/se of Calgary’s rapid boom, we are
dangerously short of doctors
Some specialized services are only located in federal
and state capital cities (usually gov’t services)