Disaster Risk Reduction as means of Climate Change Adaptation -The Africa Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction -The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015

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Disaster Risk Reduction as means
of Climate Change Adaptation
-The Africa Strategy for Disaster Risk
-The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015
The occurrence of disasters triggered by
natural hazards is rising in Africa
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Global and Regional
Strategies and Frameworks:
Africa Strategy, Programme of Action 2005-2010
and Guidelines
Negotiated and approved by 53 African countries in
The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015:
Building the resilience of
Nations and Communities to disasters
Negotiated outcome of the WCDR,
Kobe January 2005, by168 governments.
Africa Strategy and Programme of Action
Overall goal:
To reduce the social, economic and environmental
impacts of disasters on African people and economics,
thereby facilitating the achievement of the MDGs and
other development aims in Africa.
Strategic Areas of Intervention
1. Increased political commitment to disaster risk reduction.
2. Improved identification and assessment of disaster risks.
3. Increased public awareness of disaster risk reduction.
4. Improved governance of disaster risk reduction institutions.
5. Integration of disaster risk reduction in emergency response
6. Overall coordination and monitoring of the implementation of
the Strategy.
Mechanisms for implementation
levels of action (“platforms”)
National Platforms
National frameworks, multi-stakeholders, and multi disciplinary with
Support from UN country team – when appropriate
(Africa Min. Conf. &Regional Platforms)
Based on existing regional and sub-regional strategies and mechanisms
local capacities
coordinated international and regional
efforts to support national and
ISDR programme
Building on existing networks, clusters, programmes and other mechanisms
Global Platform report to GA
Every two years, June 2009 in Gva:
Governments, International, UN, regional organisations,
experts, NGOs and practitioners
Linkages between Disaster Risk Reduction
and Climate Change Adaptation
Disaster risk reduction and adaptation to
climate change share the same ultimate goal
of reducing vulnerability to weather and
climate related hazards.
Natural hazards by themselves are not
disasters – it is the combination of an
exposed, vulnerable and ill-prepared
population or community with a hazard event
that results in a disaster.
Linkages between Disaster Risk Reduction and
Climate Change Adaptation
Climate change will affect disaster risks in
two ways:
– Firstly through the likely increase in weather and
climate related hazards
– Secondly through increases in the vulnerability of
communities to natural hazards, particularly
through ecosystem degradation, reductions in
water and food availability, changes to livelihoods,
and rapid unplanned urban growth.
The programme of Action for the
Implementation of the African Regional
Strategy of Disaster Risk Reduction
should be accorded high priority as
existing policy document in addressing
Climate Change issues.
Thank you for your attention.
Let us work together in order to reduce
the impacts of disaster in Africa.