ANIMAL FARM By: George Orwell The animals are treated badly with only Enough food to keep them alive.

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Transcript ANIMAL FARM By: George Orwell The animals are treated badly with only Enough food to keep them alive.

By: George Orwell
The animals are treated badly with only
Enough food to keep them alive
When Mr. Jones comes outside to see what the
animals are doing, they attack him and his men
and drive them out of the farm
Everything was a success! All of the animals
were well fed and happy living on their own
The seven commandments are made and Snowball
And Napoleon start arguing about everything
Napoleon trains the dogs to go after Snowball and he
also is driven out of the farm
Napoleon declares that the windmill should,
and will be built
The first windmill is knocked down and Napoleon
says that Snowball was the one who did it
Napoleon orders that the windmill will be rebuilt
and Boxer works so hard that he collapses…Napoleon
sends him to the horse slaughterer
As the years go by, the pigs get more and more
like humans and pretty soon you can’t tell the
difference between man and pig
Animal Farm is a story that uses animals to
represent humans,
and how communism will never work
no matter how good the intentions are.
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