Embedded Computing Seminar Noam Sapiens Outline • What is smart dust? • Characteristics •Applications • Military • Commercial • Requirements and restrictions • Analysis of smart dust communication •

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Transcript Embedded Computing Seminar Noam Sapiens Outline • What is smart dust? • Characteristics •Applications • Military • Commercial • Requirements and restrictions • Analysis of smart dust communication •

Embedded Computing Seminar
Noam Sapiens
• What is smart dust?
• Characteristics
• Military
• Commercial
• Requirements and restrictions
• Analysis of smart dust communication
• General architecture and design
• What we have today
• Would like to have
• References
What is Smart Dust?
Large scale networks of wireless sensors for various applications
The three key capabilities of smart dust are:
• Sensory capabilities
• Processing capabilities
• Communication capabilities
Smart dust characteristics
• A system is made of one or a few base stations (interrogators) and
as many smart dust motes as possible or required
• Ubiquitous – sensors of different types
• Very task/application oriented design and performance
• Wireless communication
• Self-organizing, self-optimizing, self-configuring, self-sustaining.
• Very small (should be under 1mm3)
• Low power consumption
• Easy to deploy
• Based on current or very near future components
Military and Space applications
• Internal and external spacecraft monitoring
• Meteorological and seismological monitoring in difficult terrain
and environments
• Land/space communication
• Chemical/biological environment sensing
• Meteorological sensing – for better aiming of guns and artillery
• Autonomous vehicles external aid
• Surveillance
• Sensors minefield e.g. smart clear tracks on borders
• Urban engagement (cont. DARPA funding in 2005)
• Motion detection and enemy numbers
• Bunker/building mapping
• Peace time/treaty monitoring
• Intelligence in hostile areas/behind enemy lines
• Transportation monitoring and traffic mapping
• Missile hunting
• Monitoring soldier vitals and injury
• Pursuit aid
Unmanned pursuit
Integration of several smart dust experiments
• Aerial smart dust deployment in the area of interest – ground and air
• Sensors:
Energy tradeoff
• Each mote has motion detectors and a small CMOS camera
• Some motes has GPS
• Computation:
Local coordinate system
• Image processing for target distinction
• Communication:
Northwestern university
• Ad-hoc networking
• Relative localization
UC Berkeley and MLB Co.
UC Berkley PEG (pursuit-evasion game) experiment
• 200 sensors network
• One aerial and three ground unmanned vehicles – pursuers
• One ground unmanned – evader
• Pursuers are interrogators of the sensor network deployed
• Sensor networks roles:
• Provide complete monitoring of the environment,
overcoming the limited sensing range of on board sensors
• Relay secure information to the pursuers to design and
implement an optimal pursue strategy
• Provide guidance to pursuers, when GPS or other navigation
sensors may fail
UC Berkeley
Experiment block diagram
Sensor Network
Evader motion
Tracking control
Pursuit Strategy
Commercial applications
• Games and sports
• Traffic monitoring
• Inventory control
• Security
• Identification and tagging
• Predictive maintenance
• Product quality control
• Industrial facilities
• Vehicles and systems
• Appliances
• Agriculture
• Building management
• Energy management
• Temperature control
• Lighting control
• Fire systems
• Smart office spaces
• Computer interface
• Virtual keyboard
• 3D virtual sculpturing
• Health, medicine and wellness
• Handicap aid
• Perform a specific task according to the application
• Sense as defined by the task profile (different types of detectors –
will not be discussed in this talk)
• Perform basic computations – digitization, noise filtering, DSP,
FFT, image processing, decision making, localization, etc…
• Establish ad-hoc communication in a physical environment
• Base station communication and peer to peer
• Ranges between a few meters (between motes) and
over a km (motes to base station)
• Multi-hop routing (if required)
• Self configuration and optimization
• Mote volume will not exceed 1mm3
• A single mote is probably restricted to few sensory capabilities
• Energy restrictions
• Battery ≈ 1J/mm3 (about 10W for a day)
• Capacitors ≈ 1mJ/mm3
• Solar cells ≈ 1J/day (sun) or ≈1mJ/day (room light)
• Vibrations ≈ 0.4-30W (depends on amplitude and frequency)
• Thermopile ≈ 0.4-2W @ 25-37C
• Very low cost motes (enable large scale distribution)
• No science fiction technologies
Analysis of smart dust communication
RF vs. Optical
• RF – radio frequency
• MHz – hundreds of GHz  1mm – 100s meters wavelength
• Technologies:
• Bluetooth
• Cell phones (GSM, CDMA, etc.)
• Optical
• 100THz – 1PHz  0.3 - 1.6 wavelength
• Lasers and LEDs
• Pros
• Well developed technologies
• Multiplexing techniques: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA.
• Does not require line of sight
• Not much affected by the environment
• Cons
• Antenna size (has to be at least ¼ of the wavelength)
• Complex circuitry (modulation/demodulation, bandpass filters, etc.)
• Energy consumption (approx. 100nJ/bit)
• Pros
• Low energy consumption (<1nJ/bit)
• High data rates
• Small aperture, very directional (localization)
• Spatial division multiplexing
• Cons
• Very directional
• Line of sight
• Atmospheric turbulence, weather and environmental conditions
General smart dust mote architecture - optical
MEMs controlled corner cube retro-reflector
• Perfectly aligned corner cube reflects light at the exact same direction
of incidence
• MEMs control of one of the corner cube side’s alignment enables
• Energy consumption of about 1pJ/bit @ 1kb/sec
• Range up to 1km
UC Berkeley
Smart dust active transmitter
• Incorporates a laser, lens and a MEM steering mirror
• 1mrad transmission
• Data rate of approx. 5Mb/sec
• Energy consumption depends on distance and detector size
1mW at 1mrad laser is 40 times brighter than 100W light bulb
SEM view
Laser diode
Optical view
UC Berkeley
Experimental results
• Beam steering at kHz rates
• Steering in approx 1str ≈ 60X 60
5.2 km Berkeley Marina
14W laser 8mW laser
The base station
• Hand held
• Binoculars
• Palm
• Cell phone
• Laptop computer
• Command center
• Unmanned vehicle (land, sea, air)
• Autonomous systems
Base station architecture
Beam Splitter
Optical interrogation – principles of operation
Space division multiplexing
For example:
CMOS is 256X256, 432 pixels
Range = 2km
Spatial resolution = 6.6cm2
Airborne base station example
UC Berkeley and MLB Co.
Challenges for mobile networking for smart dust
• Line of sight requirement
• Link directionality
• Parallel readout and cross talk
• Trade-offs
• Revisit rates
Line of sight requirement
• Optical communication requires photons from the transmitter reach
the receiver – photons travel in straight lines
• Line of sight is not the only way of making the photons arrive at a
desired location:
• Diffuse reflections – low energy, wide spread (the entire FOV)
Cannot work with passive
and low contrast with the environment (especially with
communication, very small SNR
interrogating beam)
• Non fixed smart dust systems - line of sight could be achieved
• Ad hoc multi-hop routing
Link directionality
• Motes are unaware of neighbors location
• Base station can disseminate location information to motes
Passive links
• A corner cube retro-reflector angle of acceptance is 10-20
• Placing multiple corner cubes
• Placing the corner cube and the receiver on a MEM mount –
signal maximization
• Increase mote density – high probability for communication
with at least some motes in the area of interest
Active links
• Mote receiver is omnidirectional within a hemisphere
• Enables mote attention without aiming
• No source identification
• Making the receiver directional (by adding a lens) and connecting
its directionality to the transmitter will enable communication
automatically to the source
• Requires aiming
• Solved by increasing the density of motes
• In a static system, identification could be saved in mote memory
• Difference between receiver and transmitter angular spreads leads
to non-reciprocal linking
Parallel readout and crosstalk
• The network architecture of smart dust enables space division
multiplexing in the base station
• There are as many channels as there are pixels in the CMOS camera
of the base station
• If the interrogating beam is divergent enough several motes could be
ready simultaneously
• A base station will not distinguish between motes in the same space
equivalent pixel
• TDMA could be incorporated in the architecture – modulation of the
interrogating beam could establish a clock for synchronization
• Demand access method (as in cellular and satellite networks) could
be implemented as well – a mote sends an active short pulse to the base
station will receive attention by the interrogation beam of the base
SNR – signal to noise ratio, governs the probability for bit error
Pt – average transmitter power
A – receiver area
N0 – receiver inherent noise
B – bit rate
r – the distance between the transmitter and receiver
 - beam divergence
Revisit rate
• Revisit rate should be application specific
• Use of AI – learning system
• Frequent revisits to areas in which changes happen most
• Could be based on human judgment or automatic
• Could be based on the demand access method
What we have today
• Different markets
• Airborne systems – monitoring,
camera stability, unmanned…
• Marine
• Land vehicles
• Environment
• Mote price ~100$
• Kit price (8-12 motes) ~ 2000$
• Building management
• Industrial monitoring
• Security
Would like to have capabilities (a partial list)
• Miniaturization of available smart dust and extreme price reduction
• Possibility of optical pre-processing and optical circuits
• Incorporate the concept of smart dust societies – integration of
different types of smart dust
• Requires more robust network protocols
• Requires better definition of mote task
• Enables complex systems easy distribution
• Enables smaller and cheaper motes
• Multi wavelength VCSEL arrays will enable smart dust WDM
• Beam quality control (divergence) – for easier scanning
• Electro-optic instead of MEMs
• Higher bit rate (will be required for very large networks)
• Lower energy (about 20pJ/bit @ 10Mb/sec)
• Active smart dust – interfaces, robotic capabilities and motion
Rocket chip
• JM Kahn, RH Katz & KSJ Pister, “Emerging challenges:
mobile networking for smart dust”, J. of Comm. and Net. 2
pp.188-196 (2000)
• Y Song, “Optical Communication Systems for Smart Dust”,
M.Sc. Thesis, Virginia polytechnic institute and state university,
• The following urls:
• http://www.darpa.mil/
• http://www-bsac.eecs.berkeley.edu/archive/users/warnekebrett/SmartDust/index.html
• http://www.xbow.com/
• http://www.dust-inc.com/
• http://chem-faculty.ucsd.edu/sailor/research/highlights.html
• http://www.nanotech-now.com/smartdust.htm