Exercising Leadership Network of Latino Meeting Professionals Washington, DC September 24, 2008 Marisa Rivera-Albert President Mpowerment Works, LLC www.MpowermentWorks.com.

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Transcript Exercising Leadership Network of Latino Meeting Professionals Washington, DC September 24, 2008 Marisa Rivera-Albert President Mpowerment Works, LLC www.MpowermentWorks.com.

Exercising Leadership
Network of Latino Meeting Professionals
Washington, DC
September 24, 2008
Marisa Rivera-Albert
Mpowerment Works, LLC
You are the Architect, Builder of
The Author of Your Life Story
Don’t let anyone else do it for you.
Who is Your Leadership Role Model?
What qualities does that person have?
Describe the best leader you have ever know. Describe what
qualities you admire of them.
What is Leadership?
“Leadership is the process of persuasion or example by
which an individual (or leadership team) induces a
group to pursue objectives held by the leader or shared
by the leader and his or her followers.” John Gardner
Leadership is influence- Nothing more, nothing else.” The
ability of the leader to influence others, both their followers
and those outside their circle.”
John Maxwell
Leadership is about passing onto others the knowledge of
success and accepting greater pride in knowing that you
played a key part in someone else’s success.
Consuelo Kickbush, LTC
What is Servant Leadership?
Servant Leadership
“True Leadership emerges from those
whose primary motivation is a desire to
help others”
Robert Greenleaf
Serving others- employees, customers, and
community- as the number one priority
Leadership is not about YOU- It’s about THEM
Servant Leadership
Is NOT about YOU
Is about SERVICE to Others
Is about recognizing Everyone Has Value
Is about sharing Power/Auhtority
Share the stage
Is about listening and seeking to understand
Is about seeking Leadership influence and looking
for opportunities to help other succeed!
Is about being authentic & Comfortable with who
you are
Is about leaving a legacy
Exercising Leadership
 “Leadership
development begins with
YOU, and is a process that is only
complete when you develop the
leaders around you. Be a river of
wisdom and encouragement, not a
John Maxwell
Exercising Leadership
“ Leadership is worth the risk because the
goals extend beyond material gain or
personal advancement. By making the lives
of people around you better, leadership
provides meaning in life. It creates a
Exercising leadership can get you into a lot
of trouble
 Perspiration is a given!
Source: Leadership on the Line, Staying Alive through the Dangers of
Leading- Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky, Harvard University
The Demands of Leadership
“Leaders inspire others by imagining and
frequently articulating vivid pictures of the future.
Through their ability to visualize and share
possibilities, they bring together hopes and values
and ignite the confidence, passion, and direction of
their entire constituency. By visioning, leaders
unite, motivate, and propel others to success.”
You must be able to see the bigger picture
If you don’t know where are you going, you
will never get there!!!!!!
Source: The Seven Demands of Leadership- The Gallup Organization
Exercising Leadership
Know who are your – Allies
(Allies are people who share many of your values,
see your value, but can also call you to task.
Find Partners - Join forces – You can’t do it alone!
Keep the Opposition CloseYou need to comprehend them, learn from them, challenge
them productively, and certainly, be alert to attack. (Heifetz)
Patience is a virtueMaintain your poise so that you can plan the best next step.
Holding steady in the heat of action is an essential skill for
staying alive and keeping people focused on the work.
Heifetz & Linsky
Exercising Leadership
“Get on the Balcony”
To gain both a clear view of reality and some
perspective on the bigger picture by distancing
yourself from the issue.
(You need to get off the dance floor & go to the
Maintain the capacity for reflection
Self-reflection does not come naturally
Source- Ronald Heifetz & Marty Linsky- “Leadership on the Line, Staying Alive
through the Dangers of Leading”
Exercising Leadership
The Strengths’ Theory
Focus on Strengths and Manage the
Find Out What You Do Well and Do More of
Find Out What You Don’t Do Well and Stop
Doing It
Gallup Organization: Soar With Your Strengths, Donald Clifton & Paula Nelson
Marketing Yourself
Share with others what you LOVE DOING!
Marketing Yourself
Shifting Perspectives
YOU: From Employee to Service Provider
 Your Employer: From Company to
 Know Yourself Via Your Market
 Who am I at work?
 What am I selling?
 Have I created a following for what I sell?
 What should I do about it?
Source: The Personal Brand Company, 2003
Demands of Leadership
Knowing Yourself
true to yourself and be comfortable with who
you are
Be Authentic
Be Vulnerable - (Be honest with your feelings,
confront fears, doubts and worries)
Who Am I?
Marketing Yourself
For Your Next Promotion
 Be
a Team Player- Employers value
candidates who excel in a team-oriented
 Work
on your communications
 Work on your teamwork skills
 Reflect Team work abilities in your resume
Do Your Research- Know the company or the
department you are applying to.
Rules for Getting Ahead
 Network,
 Make
network, network
sure to use your connection
(Business cards, T.Y. letters)
 Get Yourself NoticedDo good work- Business executives prefer
to hire people who come recommended by
those they trust
 Take Risks – Positioning yourself often
means taking risks.
Getting Ahead
 You
have to outwork everyone
 Work with a Headhunter
 Be Flexible
 Employers
want employees who are
flexible to adapt to changing workplaces
 Adopt a Positive Attitude
 Get a mentor
Are you Stressed Out?
Are you tire all the time, have trouble sleeping, feel
anxious and unhappy, do you feel overwhelmed, do
you see everything negatively?
We take care of everyone else first and usually,
nurturing others gets in the way of caring for ourselves.
Remember: If you don’t care for yourself, you are less able
to care for others! – Learn to say NO.
Pearls of Wisdom
 Give
Yourself permission to nurture
yourself without feeling guilty. (85% of
working moms said they felt guilty about combining work and
family, compared to 0% of working dads).
 Make
your family part of your job
 Ensure a good night sleep. (Read,
listen to music, pray, do yoga,
meditation) Turn-off your body.
Pearls of Wisdom
Take opportunities that are presented to you and seek new
ones (i.e.- education, promotions, travels, relocation)
Learn to take calculated risks
Go back to school, beef-up your credentials
Challenge yourself to do more and better
Built Strong Support Groups
Seek high visibility and difficult assignments
Pearls of Wisdom
Key to Success
 Surround
yourself with positive people
 Attitude- Have a positive attitude
 Be comfortable with who you are
 Remember to give a voice to those who
don’t have a voice!
 Be Accepting- Embrace
 disagreements-It’s okay to disagree.
Pearls of Wisdom
 Volunteer!
Volunteer! Volunteer!
 Network, carry cards, write notes
 Join a “speakers Club”
 Read books, journals, etc.
 Moving is a given!
 Continue to improve your bi-lingual
Source: Educational Achievement Services, Inc.
Leadership is about how you
react to LIFE
 Be
Impeccable with your word
 Don’t take anything personally
 Don’t make assumptions
 Always do your best
Don Miguel Ruiz
Be Proud of Who You are
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
“Learn from your mistakes and learn from the mistakes
of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all
“Yesterday is History
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a GIFT”
Eleanor Roosevelt
 Holding
a Leadership position is a
privilege position that carries
responsibilities to serve others for the
greater good.
 To live an ethical life, you must hold to
your principles as you make tough
 Remember the Golden Rule
 When Dealing with others, seek first to
understand, then to be understood
Leadership Through Our own
Hispanic Culture “Dichos”
Dime con quien andas y te dire quien
 El que madruga Dios lo Ayuda
 No hay mal que por bien no venga
 Crea reputación y acuestate a dormir
 Crea fama y echate a la cama
 No todo lo que Brilla es Oro
 Asi viene asi conviene
 Ojos que no ven corazón que no siente
Key to Success
(Learn not to take no for an answer)
(Have high work ethics and do excellent work)
Y Mucho Corazon
(Be passionate about what you do)
P.S. Perspiration is also a given in leadership
Marisa Rivera-Albert
Your are the Architect, Builder of
The Author of Your Life Story
Don’t let anyone else do it for you.
“ Keep Believing in Yourself and your special dreams!”
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Thank you!
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