International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Database on Internet: Open Access Pilot Project Part 2 34th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 3-5 November 2008, Vienna,

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Transcript International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Database on Internet: Open Access Pilot Project Part 2 34th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 3-5 November 2008, Vienna,

International Atomic Energy Agency
INIS Database on Internet:
Open Access Pilot Project
Part 2
34th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers
3-5 November 2008, Vienna, Austria
Taghrid ATIEH
Leader, Capacity Building & Liaison Group
INIS & NKM Section
INIS Database Open Access Pilot Project
 Progress
 Next steps
INIS Database Open Access Pilot Project
Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting 2007
“recommended opening free access to the INIS Database on the Internet as
a pilot project for selected countries from various regions, recognizing the
possible technical and organisational implications, and to present the results at
the 2008 ILOs Meeting. Latin American countries, Canada, France, and the
USA volunteered to participate. After the pilot, and depending on capacity,
other countries may request free access be added based on each
members' rights in the INIS Membership Arrangements”
INIS Database Open Access Pilot Project
 February 2008 initiated
 Hardware and software environments established
 Domain recognition modules developed:
Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, USA and Uruguay
 User registration developed
 Security systems enhanced
 Successfully tested
INIS Database Open Access Pilot Project
 September: Tested by ILOs
 October: Feedback colleted and problems fixed
 October: New License Agreement prepared
 40 users registered
 30 October: Opened the access to selected countries
 ILOs informed/channel this news within the countries
 Announced on the INIS & NKM web site
INIS Database Open Access Pilot Project
Next steps:
 January 2009:
Open access to NCL
February 2009:
Start open access to all INIS Members, in alphabetical
order, subject to approval from the ILOs:
“Definition of Membership Arrangements for INIS”