Video Killed The Radio Star Saint Louis University Megan Hawley, Leslie Merrill, Ben Shepard, Renee Skau.

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Transcript Video Killed The Radio Star Saint Louis University Megan Hawley, Leslie Merrill, Ben Shepard, Renee Skau.

Video Killed The Radio Star
Saint Louis University
Megan Hawley, Leslie Merrill, Ben Shepard, Renee Skau
McApple College
Located an hour west of Boston
Medium sized school of 6,000 students,
80% of whom are residential
Has a reputation for technological
innovations both in and out of the
Private, nonreligious institution
The goal of this presentation
 “to come up with a program which will identify
and describe, in some detail, five (5) issues,
programs or services, within the student
services realm, where technology has
radically changed how the college delivers its
programs and services to students.”
 Create a 5 year plan to further the
development of the institution.
Impact Areas
 This institution has decided that there are 5
groups in which technology has or will have
great impact across the campus
Administrative Efficiency
Safety and Security
Student Ownership
Recourse of Impact Areas
 With current tools, the institution looks to
improve current situations in addition to
looking towards a 5-year plan for further
 With all new programs there are, of course,
concerns and issues that arise from their
implementation. This presentation will also
address concerns that have effected progress
in other institutions.
 Sustainability is then divided into two
 Environmental
 Environmental sustainability includes the basic ideas of
reducing waste that is normally produced through the
practices of the institution
 Administrative
 Administrative sustainability involves the idea of creating
systems that will last and evolve for the several years to
 Card Swipe System
 Currently this institution uses a typical key system
for entry into classrooms, offices, and student
 49% of U.S. colleges and universities use a “onecard” system
 Source: National Association of Campus Card Users survey of members
 59% of U.S. colleges and universities use campus
cards for access to residence halls
 Source: National Association of Campus Card Users survey of members
 By utilizing a complete card swipe system
throughout the institution, there will be less
physical waste
 Card swipe system
 Additionally, with key systems there is a
tremendous learning curve in regards to key
tracking and physical operations. With card swipe
operations, a computer program and machine is
easy to learn and can be passed down to new
 Easy transition into providing vending opportunities
to students
 70% of U.S. Colleges and Universities accept campus cards for purchases at
university stores
 Source: National Association of Campus Card Users survey of members
 Reduces trips by vendors to campus to empty cash from machines
 Increases use by students with ease of purchase
Card swipe system
 Equipment rental
• by utilizing card information, fewer resources
are misplaced or stolen by students
• Equipment is sustained by then charging the
lost resources to a student card that had
checked out the equipment
 Centralized Databases
 Currently there is a paper tracking system for
judicial and behavior concerns.
 By implementing a centralized database, utilizing a
purchased program, all approved administrative
officers can communicate across campus
 Environmental sustainability can be achieved by
moving all “paper” operations into the centralized
database that has no need for physical records
 Administrative sustainability is improved as these
records are easily passed down to new employees
through their access to the system.
 Online Academic Services
 Currently the institution provides grade review on
their online student server
 Online academic services include advising forms
and program progress tracking
 Environmental sustainability is improved through
the departure of typical paperwork that would
accompany an advising session
 Administrative sustainability would be improved as
new advisors would be quickly in tune with the
online system
 Networking online
 Currently many of the staff and faculty attend
conferences or institution-wide workshops
 Membership in online networking opportunities for
faculty and staff could provide additional tools for
professional development
 Administrative sustainability would be improved as
employees would be happier and feel more
involved in their field as they converse easily with
similar professionals throughout the country
 Flat screen monitors
 Currently the institution does not utilize any
opportunities for flat screen monitors across
 By purchasing several, well placed flat screen
monitors the institution can improve its
 Environmental sustainability can be improved as
the monitors will reduce the need for traditional
program advertisements. Additionally, the flat
screen televisions are low energy and more
efficient than traditional televisions.
Flat screen monitors
 Administrative sustainability can be
improved as all advertisements that are
typically done via email or paper flyers can
then be broadcast on all the flat screens
that are positioned around campus
Administrative Efficiency
Administrative efficiency is the basic
idea to increase production by using
technological advances currently
Increasing administrative efficiency
leads to increased job security and
appreciation over one’s work
Administrative Efficiency
 Wireless networking
 Currently the institution cannot provide wireless
networking to students, staff and faculty.
 By upgrades to the technology, wireless networks
can greatly improve administrative efficiency
 Staff and faculty can now work throughout campus
utilizing laptops and handheld devices
 Decreased support services due to ethernet jacks
malfunctioning throughout offices and student
 Additionally, satisfaction can be improved by
allowing staff mobility in their workstations through
the use of wireless connections
Administrative Efficiency
 Centralized Database
 Currently there is a paper tracking system for
judicial and behavior concerns.
 Administrative efficiency is then increased as there
is no “paper trail” to wait for
 Actions and decisions are made automatically as
they progress through the system
 Staff and faculty attend to the items currently in
their realm of responsibility
Administrative Efficiency
 Card swipe systems
 Currently this institution uses a typical key system
for entry into classrooms, offices, and student
 If there is a missing/lost key students must go
through a long process through one central key
administrative personnel
 With a card swipe system there may be a few
office locations in which students can securely
receive a new card for access into their residence
Administrative Efficiency
 Online Academic Services
 Currently the institution has implemented online
registration for students to utilize for courses
 With this system advisors are now able to
automatically track students and their progress
through the system
 Previously this would possibly require several
correspondences to schedule meetings, then
require several meetings to discuss plans
 Now advisors, who often have 100+ advisees, can
have basic meetings with students to determine
beginning goals and then track them via the
Administrative Efficiency
 Email
 Currently the institution has a complete email
system in which all students, staff, and faculty
have access to a personal email account
 Email has had a tremendous effect on
administrative efficiency
 Staff and faculty can communicate simultaneously
through email on projects, problems, and ideas
 Production is increased as institutional email
accounts can be accessed from anywhere oncampus and at personal residences
Administrative Efficiency
 University wide technology training
 Currently there is no participation in technology
training and it is only utilized for special purposes
and programs
 By implementing required, system wide training
staff and faculty can become fluent in its use
 This training would be required as any part of
assessment for tenure and advancement
 This training would provide a wide-reaching,
extensive overview of campus programs so that all
employees of the institution were able to
participate in the technology
Accessibility is addressed in regards to
two basic regards:
 Accessibility to all individuals regardless of
their abilities
 General accessibility to support and
Online Class options
 Currently Blackboard is used for classes for
posting grades, syllabi and important
 Students can keep in touch with
classmates via Blackboard by chatting or
Communication between offices
 Database of students of concern accessible
by need to know departments on campus.
 Any faculty or staff can make entries into the
database, but most cannot view.
 Facilities concerns also entered via internet
and sent directly to facilities services. This
speeds up response time and cuts down on
Online training courses
 Specific departments required to complete
online training courses that will enable staff
to better serve students with special needs,
as well as serve a diverse group of
Wireless services
 Wireless network blankets entire campus
 Allows for students to access internet
inside and outside while on campus
 Professors have the opportunity to conduct
computer based courses outside where
internet access is required
Building Access
 Currently, card swipe system in place at the
front doors of each residence hall. This
allows for quick access and is also a safety
measure because this access is logged.
 Card swipe access also present in
laboratories and other specific classes
Safety and Security
The safety and security in the institituion
is of an utmost concern
These tools for Safety and Security are
used to protect:
 Students, Staff and Faculty
 Private information
Safety and Security
 Card Swipe System
 Currently the institution uses a card swipe system
to enter residential buildings but not rooms
 Utilizing a card swipe system allows for the
immediate deactivation of a card in the event that it
is lost
 Immediate deactivation also allows administrators to
restrict building entrance, if deemed necessary
Safety and Security
 Text Message Alerts
 Currently the institution does not have a text
message alert system.
 Having a text message system in place allows
administrators to notify students immediately in the
event of “need to know” situations on campus.
 “Need to know” situations can include but are not limited
to severe weather conditions, specific building closures
and/or campus wide emergencies.
Safety and Security
 Centralized Database
 Currently there is a paper method for tracking
Judicial and Behavioral concerns.
 Having a centralized computerized database
allows multiple members of the university
community, such as Residence Life, Greek Life,
Faculty, Heath and Wellness and Public Safety, to
enter incidents or students of concern into one
university wide computer program.
Student Ownership
This impact area addresses the Staff
and Faculty’s goal of achieving student
ownership in their collegiate lives
The areas of focus on the following
slides are prepared in the hopes that
students will take an active role in their
education and lives at the institution.
Student Ownership
 Online networking sites
 Currently there is no university utilization or
response to student use of online networking sites.
 According to Educause Center for Applied
Research survey 46.1% of students use social
network sites several times a week or more.
 Undergraduate students have grown up with
technology and are comfortable interacting in
digital environments.
Student Ownership
 Online Academic Resources
 Currently some departments have degree audits available
to their students; there are no lectures available online;
and some professors are using Blackboard as a resource.
 In a small survey conducted at North Carolina State
University by Robert L. Schrag, over 80% of students
wanted lectures to be made available.
 Making lectures available allows engaged students to
review what they heard and update their notes and
encourages unengaged students who might otherwise
disrupt class from attending while still allowing them to get
the information from class.
Student Ownership
Online Academic Resources
 According to Educause, 60.9% of students
believe that using technology improves
their learning.
 If students were able to track their progress
toward their degree they would be able to
be more prepared for meetings with
academic advisors.
Student Ownership
 Email and Texting
 Currently there are no expectations for the use of email
or texting.
 Students tend to have immediate access to emails
through blackberries, laptops, and other personal
 Faculty are beginning to transition into being
comfortable with emailing.
 University provided emails allow students to use email
for academic purposes without breaking the barrier
between their personal and academic lives.
Student Ownership
 Laptops and Wireless Networks
 Currently students can purchase laptop computers through the
university at a discounted rate. The campus is set up with Macs,
and is completely wireless.
 The trend among students is to have multiple computers to
address their different needs. For example having a laptop for
academics and a desktop for personal use.
 Students have a desire to keep their personal lives separate
from their academic lives. Providing laptops will allow students
who might not be able to purchase a laptop or a second
computer to keep their academic work on
Student Ownership
Card Swipe System
 Currently students carry multiple keys and
cards for access to buildings and rooms.
 Having a personal ID with a pin number
means that students need only one card
and no keys while still being secure.
McApple College, 2013
 Sustainability
 The institution will have an operating card swipe
system for entry into classrooms, offices, and
student residences
 The institution will implement a centralized
database to contain judicial and behavior concerns
for students. Faculty and staff can enter concerns
and interactions with students that should be noted
for the campus-wide support group.
McApple College, 2013
 Sustainability
 The institution will have an operating student
advising assistance online. All undergraduate,
graduate, and professional programs will have a
“degree audit” program. Students can see their
progress through a specific area of study.
Additionally, they can see possible options for
further study in a variety of other programs.
McApple College, 2013
 Administrative Efficiency
 The institution will upgrade to a wireless network
available to all students, staff, and faculty on the
traditional boundaries of campus
 Information and Technology Services will
implement a system-wide opportunity for
technology advancement. Staff and faculty will be
encouraged to participate. Administration have
decided that it will be required of all staff to
complete the technology courses. Faculty will be
discussing its use in determining tenure.
McApple College, 2013
 The institution will have card swipe access
into individual residence hall rooms. This
will allow students one less key to carry
and would also make for a quick remedy to
lost keys. If a card is lost, it can be taken
off-line, so that there would be no fear of
access by non-residents
McApple College, 2013
 Accessibility
 The institution will have live online course options
to allow students ability to “attend” classes from
their own residence. This will allow for greater
accessibility for those not able to physically attend
class and will give those individuals the same
opportunities as their peers.
 Second Life or another type of online community
setting would be used to allow for interaction in
these online courses.
McApple College, 2013
 Safety and Security
 Create a centralized Database for judicial and
behavioral concerns. All faculty will be trained on
how to enter information into this database as well
as Student Development staff.
 Install a card swipe system on all doors
 All departments who are stake holders will have access
to the centralized system
McApple College, 2013
Safety and Security
 Create and implement a text messaging
system that will alert students, faculty and
staff of campus “need to know” information.
 “Need to know” information includes but is not
limited to severe weather, campus and/or
building closures, on campus violence or other
campus wide emergencies.
McApple College, 2013
 Student Ownership
 Degree audits will be available for all students in
all majors with the option to see how changing
majors would impact their progress.
 Laptops will be provided to all students within the
next 5 years.
 The university will create and implement an online
forum similar to a Wiki where students can interact
and share information.
Concerns for Implementation
 Cases of personal information that is
vulnerable to corruption by outside
 Ohio University, May 2006
 367,000 files of students, staff, and alumni were
exposed to hackers over a 13-month period
 Source: Chronicle of Higher Education, Sept
Concerns for Implementation
 Safety and Security
 Private schools are able to monitor who enters
their campus and for what purpose.
 A public institution is restricted by state and federal
privacy laws.
 Left and/or lost of student ID cards is possible
 Utilization of a pin system, in conjunction, with a swipe
system will help limit loss or theft of personal information
Concerns for Implementation
 Student Ownership
 Students will stop checking emails due to overload
of information.
 Cost may be high for implementation of academic
resources and purchasing laptop computers for
 Students may lose or have cards stolen, which is
why pin numbers are associated with each card.
Thank you
Saint Louis University
 Megan Hawley
 Leslie Merrill
 Ben Shepard
 Renee Skau
Foster, Andrea L., N.C. State Professor Stops Selling
Lecture Recordings Online. The Chronicle of Higher
Education: Information Technology. September 29, 2006.
Guess, Andy., Students ‘Evolving’ Use of Technology. September 17, 2008.
Kiernan, Vincent, Show Your Hand, Not Your ID. The
Chronicle of Higher Education. 2005.
Lombardi, John V., The Academic Success Entitlement. September 26, 2008.
Mangan, Katherine S., For Many Students, One Computer
is Not Enough. The Chronicle of Higher Education:
Information Technology. March 3, 2006.