United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Developing Gender Statistics How to Organize a Successful Workshop on Gender Statistics ? © 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE,

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United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
Developing Gender Statistics
How to Organize a
Successful Workshop on
Gender Statistics ?
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
Preparation Phase of the Training
• Identifying key actors
• Needs assessment
What are your expectations for this workshop?
How can this workshop be beneficial to your current
• What areas of gender statistics are of more importance
to your NSO at the moment (if any), and what other
areas would you like to study?
• Building communication with key
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
Arguments against producing gender statistics
“Gender statistics is
not a statistical field,
what is special about
statistics does
not relate to
“The role of women is
not an issue in our
country. We have
resource constraints and
we need to concentrate
on other areas.”
“All our data are
anyway. What’s the
“Nowadays women
have the same
opportunities as
men. So where is
the problem?”
gender will
cost too
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“We do not want
to overburden
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Economic Commission for Europe
Preparation Phase of the Training cont.
• Naming the event
• Identification of clear objectives
• Follow-up objectives
Example 1. Design of a new survey to investigate gender-based violence.
Example 2. Development of gender - disaggregated indicators
Example 3. Developing action plans and further steps
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
Preparation Phase of the Training cont.
e.g. Gender Statistics follow-up objectives for 20082009 for Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Inclusion of the gender component in questionnaires and surveys
conducted by the Statistical institutions, wherever possible
• Review the labor force survey by identifying areas where gender can
be further incorporated into the methodology of the LFS
• Develop training modules on the following topics: reconciliation
between work and family life; informal employment; gender pay gap
• Provide training for enumerators
• Review and follow up of the Questionnaire in 2008 from the gender
perspective and work on redesigning of LFS for 2009
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Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase
• Content of the training
• Facilitation
Use you own best judgment at all times
Be late, Rush
Introduce yourself, establish rapport
Respect, be nice to people, be sensitive
Share, listen, watch, relax
Embrace error, learn from mistakes
Dominate, monopolize
Have fun, enjoy
Take yourself too seriously
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
• A process in which a person who is
acceptable to all members of the group,
substantively neutral, and has no decisionmaking authority intervenes to help group
improve the way it identifies and solves
problems and makes decisions, in order to
increase the group’s efectiveness.
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
Facilitation formats
Action Learning
Case Studies
Facilitated activities
Paper-and-Pencil Games
Role Plays
Simulation Games
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase (Facilitation)
How the Size of Meetings Impacts Participation
3-6 people
Everyone speaks
7-10 people
Almost everyone speaks - Quieter people speak less One or two may not speak at all
11-18 people
5 or 6 people speak a lot, 3 or 4 join in occasionally
19-30 people
3 or 4 people dominate
30+ people
Little participation in a discussion is possible
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
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Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase cont.
• Methodology and approach
Use participatory approach
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
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Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase cont.
• Participatory approach and peer learning
– Strong implication of each participant
– Better retention of information when
participants engage in activities and learn
from each other.
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Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase cont.
• Compostion of the Group
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
= gender balanced group
United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase cont.
Community of Practice
Communities of Practice are groups of people who share a common
concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do better as
they interact regularly. In pursuing their interest in their domain (in our case
it is statistics), members engage in joint activities and discussions, help
each other, and share information. They build relationships that enable
them to learn from each other.
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
Delivery Phase cont.
Community of Practice – web portal
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Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase cont.
Participatory methods
• Focused Conversation Method
• Brainstorming method
• Role – Play
• Ranking and Scoring Method
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
e.g. Gender-Based Violence Focused Conversation
Type of questions
1. Objective
Gender- Based Violence –
Quick Survey &
•Do you think there is gender-based violence in your
•How open is your culture for a debate of this issue?
•How would you rate the quality of the data
regarding this issue in your country?
2. Reflective
Video clip on domestic
•What struck you most in the situation of the women
•What implication has the given information on your
3. Interpretive
This activity analyzes
meaning and significance
that participants attach to
the subject
•What is the significance of the problem?
•What are the consequences of not handling genderbased violence issues in your country?
4. Decisional
Gender- Based Violence –
Advocacy presentation
•Think of ways to convince your manager of the
importance of this topic.
•What stakeholders would you involve in the
dialogue to guarantee a successful roll-out of the
Multimedia presentation
“Gender-Based Violence –
Action Plan”
To Include reporting on domestic violence in
the national registration system
Include a module on violence against
women in an ongoing survey
Develop a new, specialized survey on VAW
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Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase cont. (participatory methods)
• Brainstorming method
E.g. Gender Pay Gap activity
Objective - to develop arguments to convince skeptical statisticians on
the importance of gender pay data for policy making
Time - 60 minutes:
- 5 minutes - group set-up and briefing
- 30 minutes - group work on gender pay using data from imaginary
company, developing arguments on importance of gender issues in
wages data
- 25 minutes - reporting out
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase cont. (participatory methods)
• Role - Play
e.g. Role Play - argue in support of gender statistics or
against it, in the roles of an NSO Budget Officer, NSO
Statistician, National Committee for Women
Representative, and a NGO Representative.
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase cont. (participatory methods)
• Ranking and Scoring Method
e.g. Ranking: Gender Based Violence –Quick Survey &
The facilitator asks a question to the group and asks them to rate it on the scale from 1 to
10 (1= not relevant/bad, 10= very important/good):
1. “Do you think there is gender-based violence in your country?”
2. “How open is your culture for a debate on this issue?”
3. “How would you rate the quality of the data regarding this issue in your country?”
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
Delivery Phase cont. (participatory methods)
• Even high-level audiences appreciate being given
some time to have ‘fun’.
e.g. “Why do we need Gender Statistics” and “Gender
Budgeting” slogans
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Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase cont.
• Check if all the logistical issues are
resolved before the event
• adequate space
• seating arrangements
• name tags, flip-charts, paper, pens, markers and
• acoustics
• interpretation
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Economic Commission for Europe
Delivery Phase cont.
S.T.E.P.S. for Successful Participatory Meetings
Body Language
Honoring everyone
Keeping on track
Case studies
Charts/ Figures
Community of Practice
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
Audio/ Visuals
Multimedia presentation
Décor/ Setting
Seating arrangement
Change of pace
United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
The Web-based Gender Statistics
• http://info.worldbank.org/etools/genderstat/
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved
United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
Why ?
• If people do not participate in and “own”
the solution to the problems, or agree to
the decision, implementation will be halfhearted at best, probably misunderstood
and more likely than not, fail...
© 2007 The World Bank Group, UNECE, All Rights reserved