Focus 1.23.13 Watch the following video clip about Jefferson and answer the following questions.

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Transcript Focus 1.23.13 Watch the following video clip about Jefferson and answer the following questions.

Focus 1.23.13
Watch the following video clip
about Jefferson and answer the
following questions. Write out
When he came to office in 1801
he began to limit
In 1803 Jefferson sent
diplomats to France to
How much did Napoleon sell
the Louisiana Territory to
America for?
What was the embargo?
Vice Presidents:
Aaron Burr
George Clinton
Fact or Fiction
Thomas Jefferson never vetoed a bill
FACT It is accepted that he never vetoed a bill because he believed that the
chief executive should play a limited, caretaking role in the government.
Thomas Jefferson was a terrible public speaker
FACT - Despite his skills at writing and conversation, Jefferson was never a
very competent public speaker. When he had to speak publicly, he frequently
mumbled and spoke in an inaudible voice that made it very difficult for people to
hear him.
Jefferson was an atheist
FICTION- Jefferson was a religious man but his beliefs caused controversy. He
was raised as an Anglican, but grew up to be an opponent of all organized
religion. Jefferson was actually a very spiritual person who believed in God and
the moral teachings of Jesus Christ, even compiling and translating his own
version of Jesus’ teachings. The controversy surrounding Jefferson probably
comes from the fact that he did not believe that Jesus Christ was divine.
Jefferson did not own slaves
FICTION- although he owned slaves his entire life, he opposed slavery Despite the fact that
Thomas Jefferson owned slaves for his entire life and had an affair with his slave Sally
Hemings (a relationship that resulted in five children), he was against the institution.
Significant Events: Election of
Jefferson and Burr tied 35 times before
Jefferson won.
In 1800, Federalists lost power
Leader, Alexander Hamilton, was killed in a duel
with Aaron Burr.
Lewis and Clark Expedition
•Covered 8,000 miles – lasted 2 years
•Purpose: gather scientific and geographic information
•Sacagawea – Native American guide
•Reinforced United States claim to the Pacific Northwest
How might the information
gathered by Lewis and
Clark be used?
Foreign Policy
Impressment of U.S. sailors
Britain and France go to war 1803. Refused to allow the U.S. to trade with the
The British were capturing U.S. ships and impressing, or forcing, the sailors to
work for the British navy. Because of this many Americans wanted to go to war.
Violating American Neutrality
War between England and France started again in 1803
For 2 years American shipping had neutral rights because
we remained neutral.
In 1805, Britain and France began to attack American
trade ships
Impressment of American sailors…again
Embargo Act – 1807
Ban on exporting and importing
Failure – United States wealth tied to commerce
Caused Jefferson to be disliked
When a ban on trading
occurs, how does it affect
Domestic Policies:
Adams appointed “midnight judges”
Jefferson refused to have the appointments
Marbury went to the Supreme Court
- Chief Justice Marshall declared that the
Judiciary Act was unconstitutional
- Precedent of Judicial Review is set
Supreme Court can declare a law
How does judicial
review demonstrate
the principle of checks
and balances?
Louisiana Purchase
•United States bought from Napoleon of France
•France needed money for wars in Europe
•Napoleon offered to sell all of Louisiana for $15 million
•United States purchased the Louisiana Territory and doubled the size of
the United States.
There was a question of the constitutionality of the President being able
to buy land, as the Constitution never mentions anything about it.
What was the economic and
geographic impact of the
Louisiana Purchase for the
United States?
Economic Policies- Economic
Laissez faire is a French term meaning
“let alone”. What Jefferson meant by
this term is that government should
play a very small role in economic
•This was different than the Federalist
idea that government should promote
trade and manufacturing.
•This idea also promoted a free market,
where goods and ideas are exchanged
with few restrictions.
Government &
Smaller role for government
Jefferson wanted the government to have a smaller role in the lives of the
citizens. (This is evident from his idea of laissez faire.)
He wanted to reduce the federal budget, meaning the amount the government is
able to spend. This would help to keep the national debt low.
He believed that governments primary role is to protect the rights of citizens,
so he decreased the size of the government departments.
Jefferson also decreased the size of the army and navy, and asked Congress to
repeal the unpopular whiskey tax.
Tripoli Pirates
Barbary pirates demanded tributes, or protection
money to let ships pass through the Mediterranean Sea
Jefferson refused to pay “protection money”
4 years later Barbary States signed a treaty to not
interfere with American ships.