~ Student End of Year ~ Standard Training for the 2011-12 Collection April-May 2012

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Transcript ~ Student End of Year ~ Standard Training for the 2011-12 Collection April-May 2012

~ Student End of Year ~
Standard Training for the
2011-12 Collection
April-May 2012
EOY Collection Schedule
Changes for 2011-12
ADE Reports
Anticipated Changes for 2012-13
Additional Information and Questions
~ End Of Year Collection Schedule ~
Important Dates for the 2011-12 Collection
May 17– EOY 2011-12 opens for data submission
June 5 – All districts should submit at least one complete set of EOY files and pass
preliminary edit checks.
June 19 – Pass first level edit checks.
Aug 16- All districts should obtain 2nd level edits
September 14 – All districts must approve initial Data Summary Reports (Data
Submission Phase closes). This deadline is mandated under Colorado Administrative
October 1 through October 22 – Post Collection Phase A (reclaiming dropouts from prior
collection years).
October 29 through December 7 – Post Collection Phase B (verifying transfers and
dropouts within Colorado)
If applicable, districts will be asked to participate in the Mini-Phase A post collection concerning transfers
to facilities.
If applicable, districts will be asked to participate in the Mini-Phase B post collection concerning transfers
to facilities.
December 14 – Superintendents must approve final Data Summary Reports (collection
Mid-January 2013 – Official/final data and rates posted on the CDE web site and released
to the public
EOY Regular Collection Process and Post A
• Districts can change Students’ exit codes and other elements.
Post A
All districts
must approve
initial Data
~ End of Year Changes for 2011-12 ~
End of Year Changes for 2011-12
• CBLA (Colorado Basic Literacy Act) elements
– CBLA is now included in a different collection. Districts may treat these fields as
they wish but CDE will zero fill the fields when the collection is submitted.
• Exit and Entry Code 26
– Both codes are used in the case that a student is transferring to or from a
detention center that is NOT within district.
• New Error Code {2539}
– This was previously a warning for 7th graders that we have expanded to include
all grades. It alerts you if you are showing student enrollment through October
1st but did not claim a student in Student October.
End of Year Changes for 2011-12 Continued
• New Title 1 Errors/Warnings
– New Errors and Warnings for Title 1 have been developed in order to align with
the DANDA list. Specifically, the errors and warnings will look for errors in coding
based on grade level and Title 1 eligibility.
• Dropout Rate Correction
– Removing duplicates within the same grade and CDE will no longer add GED
recipients to the dropout base.
• New reports
– Stability Report
– 6-year graduation rates will be calculated this year
CBLA ~ Separate Collection
• CBLA (Colorado Basic Literacy Act) is now a separate CDE collection. The four
CBLA fields (student CBLA status, CBLA test, CBLA score, and CBLA-allowable
testing accommodations) may be filled in, zero filled, or left blank. However, CDE
will zero fill the fields when the collection is submitted.
• If you have any questions related with CBLA content, please contact:
Dian Prestwich
Colorado Department of Education
Teaching and Learning
Literacy Grants and Initiatives
Room 404
201 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: (303) 866-6150
Email: [email protected]
Entry and Exit Code 26
Entry and Exit Codes 26 have now been added. These codes relate to students
who are transferring to and from a detention center that is NOT within the
district. This code should NOT be used when a student transfers to a facility.
ALL districts may use this code.
Code 26
Transfer from a detention center (out of district). A student who was previously
receiving an education program at a detention center. All districts may use this.
Exit Code
Transfer to a detention center (out of district). A student whose educational services
have moved from a public school to an educational program at a detention center. All
districts may use this.
Reminder: Entry and Exit Codes 12 are used when a student transfers to a
detention center within the district. This code should only be used by the 9
districts that support a detention center.
**There are many cases discovered in Mini-Phase A and Mini-Phase B where
students are not being coded correctly when they transfer to a facility. It is best to
investigate where a student is transferring to and then look the name or code in
one of the directories offered.
NOTE: When a student transfers to a detention center or facility, the district that
exits that student is held accountable for that student until the time he/she transfers
to another school/district. This is stipulated by USDE.
Detention Center List: https://cdeapps.cde.state.co.us/ade_detention_codes.htm
Non-Public Schools List: https://cdeapps.cde.state.co.us/schlcodenp.htm
Facilities List: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdesped/download/pdf/facFacilitySchoolsContactList20112012.pdf
Reminder About Transfer Students
Students who tell you that they are transferring in the next school year but
who complete all coursework in your district (up to three weeks before the
end of school) should have an exit code of ‘00’. If they are coded with exit
code ‘13’ they will be counted as a dropout because they will not have time
to show up in another school/district before the end of the year.
When a student is transferring, insure to follow up with that student
immediately to get adequate documentation of the transfer. This way, you
can avoid students unnecessarily being coded as dropouts.
Note: Please see https://cdeapps.cde.state.co.us/ade_news.htm#studeoy for an adequate documentation
list complete with exit codes. We would love your input, how does your district insure that transfer student
are documented? Please email ideas and suggestions to [email protected] and I will add it
to our adequate documentation list.
New Edit {2539}
This was previously a warning that applied only to 7th graders. We are expanding the
warning to apply to all grades.
The edit alerts you if you are submitting a student in your End of Year file who you
show as enrolled on/around October 1st but you did NOT claim the student in the
October Count file.
“These students were not included in Student October for the current year, but the
EOY data you submitted does show an enrollment history through October 1.”
New Edits/Warnings For Title 1
Several new edits and warnings have been implemented for the Title 1 designation.
Warnings and edits align with the DANDA (Data and Accountability) list posted at
The purpose of the edits and warnings are to prevent miscoding students as Title 1.
o For example, if a school is eligible for Title 1 funds in grades K-6 but a 7th grader
is being coded as Title 1, an error will be generated.
o Warnings and Errors will also be generated if a school is designated as receiving
Targeted Assistance funding but either all students are recorded as Title 1 or no
students are recorded as Title 1.
Dropout Rate Correction
• CDE found duplications in the base (denominator) for the dropout and
mobility rate. We will be correcting the error this year. This means that some
dropout rates will increase.
• CDE will also be no longer be adding 12th grade GED recipients to the
dropout rate base. This was used for the old graduation rate calculation and
is no longer necessary since the graduation rate has changed.
• The largest impact will be at the school level for schools whose student
population is more mobile. Most schools and districts will see very little or
no impact.
– We will contact individual districts who are most heavily impacted or whose schools are
most heavily impacted.
New Reports
• Two new reports will be available this year:
– Stability
• This will be included with your mobility information in your Data Summary Report
Total Pupil Count
Total Stable
Student Count
Total Student
Stability Rate
Total Mobile Student
Total Student
Mobility Rate
Total Instances Of
Total Mobility
Incidence Rate
– 6-Year Graduation Rates and Students
• Extended Graduation Rate Data Report – 6 Year Rates for 2009-2010 AYG
• Extended Graduation Rate Student List – Students in the 6 year rates for the 2009-2010 AYG
– GED report will be generated and posted every three months
What questions do you have?
~ End of Year ADE Reports ~
ADE Main: Report List
Reports Related to Current Year AYG
Reports to Utilize for the Current Graduating Class
Reports Related to Current Year AYG
Report Title
Flat File
Historical Student List-Students from
the current year AYG at the end of the
20__-20__ collection.
List of students in the current year AYG as they were reported in
the EOY collection as Freshman.
Flat File
Historical Student List-Students from
the current year AYG at the end of the
20__-20__ collection.
List of students in the current year AYG as they were reported in
the EOY collection as Sophomores.
Flat File
Historical Student List-Students from
the current year AYG at the end of the
20__-20__ collection.
List of students in the current year AYG as they were reported in
the EOY collection as Juniors.
Reports Related to Current Year AYG
Explanation and Usage
• These files allow you to find the historical dropouts, completers, and the still
enrolled students that will create your base for the current AYG year. These
are provided before the collection closes.
Possible Uses:
Useful if you would like to know before the collection opens who is going to make up the
You could provide schools with these lists and ask them verify the students comprising
their graduation base. This way, schools have an idea of what their graduation rates will
look like prior to the collection closing.
Ask principals to check their dropouts, transfers, and graduates. Are people missing,
added, coded incorrectly?
Reports Related to Current Year AYG
Report Title
On-time Graduation and
Completion Rates
Cohort Base: Students with current year AYG (Anticipated Year of
Graduation Year).
Graduates Counts: Students with current year AYG and graduated
Completers Counts: Students with current year AYG and completed (GED)
Still Enrolled Counts: Students with current year AYG and still enrolled
Students with current year AYG who graduated or completed.
Data organized by race/ethnicity and gender.
Flat File
Students with current year AYG who graduated.
RACE/ETHNICITY AND GENDER Data organized by race/ethnicity and gender
Students with current year AYG who graduated or completed.
Data organized by IPST category.
Student List-Students from the List of students who are in the current year Cohort Base.
Current Year AYG
Reports Related to Current Year AYG
Explanation and Usage
• The Data Summary is perhaps your best tool for checking your data for
accuracy before final submission to CDE. It contains mobility, stability (new
in 2011-12), graduation, dropout, and membership information.
Possible Uses:
There are always cases where a school has miscoded a student resulting in incorrect
information in graduation and/or dropout rates. A great use for this report is to send the schools
their student information to look over.
Create a more complete picture of your school to the public using still enrolled rates, completion
rates, etc.
REMINDER: You can use this report to insure that you have not graduated transition students.
These students should not be exited until they have left.
• The Students List-Students from the Current AYG report contains the
denominator and numerator for your graduation rate.
Possible Uses:
Use this report to show school and district personal the individual students that comprise your
Reports Related to Extended Graduation Rates
Reports Related to Extended Graduation Rates
Report Title
Flat File
Extended Graduation Rate Data Report: 3
year rates for 20__-__ AYG
Cohort Base: Students (Juniors) with AYG (Anticipated Year of Graduation Year)of the
following year 20__-__.
Graduates Counts: Early Graduates with an AYG of the following year and graduated
Completers Counts: Early Graduates with an AYG of the following year and graduated or
completed (GED)
Still Enrolled Counts: Students with following year AYG and still enrolled
Flat File
Extended Graduation Rate Student List:
Students in the 3 year rates for 20__-__ AYG
List of students who are in the following year Cohort Base.
Flat File
Extended Graduation Rate Data Report: 5
year rates for 20__-__ AYG
Cohort Base: Students with prior year AYG (Anticipated Year of Graduation Year).
Graduates Counts: Students with prior year AYG and graduated
Completers Counts: Students with prior year AYG and graduated or completed (GED)
Still Enrolled Counts: Students with prior year AYG and still enrolled
Flat File
Extended Graduation Rate Student List:
Students in the 5 year rates for 20__-__ AYG
List of students who are in the prior year Cohort Base.
Flat File
Extended Graduation Rate Data Report: 6
year rates for 20__-__ AYG
Flat File
Extended Graduation Rate Student List:
Students in the 6 year rates for 20__-__ AYG
Cohort Base: Students with AYG (Anticipated Year of Graduation Year) 2 years prior.
Graduates Counts: Students with AYG 2 years prior and graduated
Completers Counts: Students with AYG 2 years prior and graduated or completed (GED)
Still Enrolled Counts: Students with AYG 2 years prior and still enrolled
List of students who are in the cohort base for the AYG 2 years prior.
NOTE: In 2011-12, 6-year graduation rate reports will be incorporated. In 2012-13, 7-year
graduation rate reports will be incorporated.
Reports Related to Extended Graduation Rates
Explanation and Usage
• The extended rate reports provide your rates for 3, 5, and 6 year
graduation cohorts as well as the students included in each numerator and
Possible Uses:
– These rates are used on performance frameworks.
– These reports allow for the identification of the individual students included in both the
numerator and denominator of each rate.
Reports Related to Extended Graduation Rates
Flat File
Student List: Students from all but
the current AYG who did not
graduate in the assigned AYG
Flat File
Student List – Early and Late
Graduates and Completers
List of students who did not graduate in their assigned AYG.
Includes students who are newly enrolled or still enrolled ( i.e. a
5th year senior who has entered the school in the current year
with a prior year AYG)
List of students who graduated or completed earlier or later
than the current year AYG.
Explanation and Usage
Both these reports concern students who did not graduate in their specified
Possible Uses:
- You can utilize both these reports to identify and follow the students who, for some
reason, were either not on track to graduate on time or who graduated early.
Additional Notes
• All student list reports are ordered in the following manner:
– School Code (ascending)
– Exit Code (ascending)
• In general, you will see the following logic
– Dropouts (40)
– GED Transfers (70)
– Graduates (90)
– Completers (90-95)
• If you are unsure of how to download the flat file and open it in Excel,
please review 3-minute training located below:
– Student End of Year How to use flat
files http://connect.cboces.org/p37025058/
What questions do you have?
~ End of Year 2012-13 Changes ~
Student End of Year: 2012-13 Changes
• CBLA Element Bytes will be Removed, this field will no longer be
reported in EOY
• Updates and Changes to Post-Secondary Program Codes
• Language Codes updated to reflect the alphabetic codes
• Language Proficiency Codes updated to allow for the addition of
FELL and PHLOTE categories
• Remove Adjustment Code 66 as it is no longer applicable
• End of Year Rules Changes
Student End of Year: 2012-13 Changes
Post Secondary Program Field
Not Applicable
PK - 12
ASCENT Program
Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment. A program which allows concurrent enrollment in postsecondary courses, including academic
12 Only
courses and career and technical education courses, in the year directly following the year in which a student was enrolled in the twelfth grade of a
local education provider and has met graduation requirements.
Concurrent Enrollment
A program which allows the simultaneous enrollment of a qualified student in a local education provider and in one or more postsecondary courses,
including academic or career and technical education courses, at an institution of higher education. Only students in grades nine through twelve may
participate in concurrent enrollment.
9 - 12
Extended Studies
Off campus instruction provided by an institution of higher education. Program allows student to be simultaneously enrolled in a local high school
9 - 12
and an off campus program offered by an institution of higher education. Credit for the extended studies course applies to the high school diploma. If
the student wants to receive college credit for the course, the student is responsible for payment of the tuition.
Early College
A secondary school that provides only a curriculum that is designed in a manner that ensures that a student who successfully completes the curriculum
will have completed either an associate’s degree or sixty credits toward the completion of a postsecondary credential. Early College includes only the
Student End of Year: 2012-13 Changes
Post Secondary Program Field
• The Institute of Higher Education that a student attends will still need to
be reported. An updated list has been provided. This is the only field that
will not experience a change.
• The number of courses taken and the number of credit hours taken will
no longer be collected. These fields and bytes have been removed.
• If a student attends more than one Institute of Higher Education or
participates in more than one post-secondary program type, the
Semester ‘A’ and Semester ‘B’ designations should be used.
Student End of Year: 2012-13 Changes
Language Code Updates
• Changing from a 4-digit numerical code to a 3-letter alphabetic code.
• Why?
This change has been made to align with international standards for language
Reflect languages that are currently in use and allows for clearer identification of
Training and technical assistance for accurate reporting will be provided.
*Note: An excel crosswalk table will be provided so that data is not lost in the
process. You can access the tables at:
Student End of Year: 2012-13 Changes
Language Proficiency Codes
• Two new codes (in addition to NEP, LEP and FEP)
– PHLOTE, English Proficient
– FELL- Former ELL
• Why:
– Currently, when students leave a district, information is lost. These codes
will insure that student data is not left out when he/she moves to a
different district.
– Districts have been asking for these categories for years so that student
history is preserved.
• When:
– These codes should only be used when a student is new to a district.
Exceptions will be made in the first year for districts who would like to go
back and correct their data.
Student End of Year: 2012-13 Changes
PHLOTE, English Proficient
• Primary or Home Language Other Than English (PHLOTE)
– Never been served in (or no information that the student has been served in) an
English language instruction education program (i.e., ELA, ESL, Bilingual) in
another district, state, or country.
– Proficient in English, via CELAplace and body of evidence.
Student End of Year: 2012-13 Changes
FELL- Former ELL
• Former English Language Learner (FELL)
– Previously received English language instruction education program (i.e: ELA,
ESL, Bilingual) in another district, state, or country
– Proficient in English, via CELAplace and body of evidence
Student End of Year: 2012-13 Changes
Associated Changes- Language Background
• Primary Home Language Other Than English (PHLOTE), and Former
ELL (FELL), must have a language background code other than
English (ENG).
If your district administers CELA tests to PK students and a student is
determined to be an ELL, your district MUST provide services to that student.
Student End of Year: 2012-13 Changes
Remove Adjustment Code 66
• Historically, this data correction was needed for the prior graduation rate
calculation. When CDE adopted the new ‘on-time’ rate, this was no longer
necessary for the student membership calculation.
Overall, this is no longer utilized and it is best that it be removed.
Data Correction. Student was reported in a different race/ethnicity, gender, grade or school in the
prior school year. (Use for current grades 8 through 12 only to correct students who were in
grades 7-11 in the prior year. ONLY Race/Ethnicity and Gender may be corrected – Grade Level
and School must be changed using multiple detail records, not a 66 data correction.
Anticipated End of Year Rules Changes
The proposed rules have been updated to align with the “on-time” 4-year
graduation rate calculation adopted in 2009-10. The “on-time” graduation rate
calculation assigns a cohort to a student from the time he/she transitions from 8th
grade. The student remains in that cohort and is included in 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7-year
graduation rates.
With the ability to track individual students, the proposed rules incorporate the use
of SASIDs so that data more consistently reflects individual students. This
particular change will remove duplicate students from the student cohort base
(denominator) for mobility, dropout, and habitually truant student rates.
- Some schools may see rates increase, particularly schools whose student population
moves between grades several times during the year. We will contact the districts who
we have determined will experience the most dramatic changes.
Rules have been modified to clarify the requirements for documentation of
students who transfer to avoid unnecessarily coding students as dropouts.
For Your Information
• CDE is currently in the process of changing to a new system to
replace ADE. We are working with Deloitte to accomplish our goals.
– Goals
• Update reporting process to incorporate SASIDs for more accurate student level data
• Consolidate reporting efforts, especially student demographic information
• Move to a more transactional model of student reporting
– So far….
• Name Changes
– SLDS = Colorado RISE (Relevant Information to Strengthen Education)
– ADE = Data Pipeline
• Working with Deloitte on specific collections to determine aspects of improvement and
– OVERALL, our hope is to ease the process of reporting and become more efficient
in serving students.
What questions do you have?
Thank You!
Who to Contact at CDE
Heather Ford-Sajovetz, EOY Consultant
(303) 866-6755
[email protected]
Jan Rose Petro, Director
(303) 866-6838
[email protected]
Dennis St. Hilaire, Program Assistant
(303) 866-6840
[email protected]
Debbie Puccetti
(303) 866-6612
[email protected]